Thursday 12 July 2012

It's In The Air

Freedom is here! :D 
For at least one and a half months! 
Wait, I just checked and it's TWO WHOLE FREAKIN' MONTHS! 
I'm on holiday till 3rd September! 
Ahhhhh, the long awaited break is finally here!
Yayyy! Wooohooo! 
I am a happy girl yo!

Right after exams yesterday, went to play badminton & swim :D
Good good day. 
Good company, good activities, good place. 
No pics because everyone was lazyyy & tired LOL.
Played some Monopoly Deal while watching Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol.

I wasn't really paying attention though so I have nothing to say about it. LOL.
Speaking of moviess, Imma be watching Ice Age 4! :D
It will be good =P
Aight gotta go do some workout since I missed gym this morning.  Zzz.

Saturday 7 July 2012

It's HUGE !

July's here & it's here with a big BANG! :D
July & August are gonna be busy months !
Lots to do and it includes getting in shape ;)
Unfortunately for me, July started with exams -_-
The one week study break wasn't that helpful as I already felt as if I were on holiday LOL.
Then it's FREEDOM! :D
The next paper is kinda dreadful =/
I've got one and a half day for each subject & that should be enough for me.
If I don't procrastinate =P
Well, can't entirely blame me. We live in a world that has so many distractions :O
Oh well, guess we all have to learn to overcome distractions now =P
Despite having upcoming exams and preparing for it, I found myself making time for sports & my boy.
Every Wednesday is Sports Day!
Badminton in the afternoon & swimming in the evening :)
The GUYS went in first xD sausagefest =P
Ahh, Nothing feels better than good ol' exercise =P
Hehehe, the coming Wednesday is gonna be no different ;)
Something interesting happened to me on Monday though. 
As I was surfing the net for some pictures of me in some magazine, I stumbled across my picture & when I clicked on it, it directed me to 
Yes you saw that right
Somebody was impersonating me on that site & blogging about untrue stuff like how I donated blood & it went wrong and how I caught my bf looking at hentai stuff and shit. 
Which, by the way, is ENTIRELY NOT true. Lol.
Oh wells. The profile has already been taken down thanks to all of my friends who helped me with reporting it and sending an e-mail to the admin of the site. I really appreciate it ! :)
So here's something to laugh about, the ahmoi. 
See my teeth right there? 
The story of my four front teeth began when I was 3. 
I lost all four of them, running up the stairs and falling down LOL.
And for FIVE whole years, instead of singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth", I had to replace it with four. LOL. 
When it finally came out, everyone was so relieved.
I remember my uncle knocking my gum as if he was knocking the door. 
He'd knock and ask "Anybody home? " =P
Hahah my uncle's damn cute lah :3
Lovey dovey mah uncle <3
Speaking of teeth, I have not experienced any molar extraction and stuff like that. 
I don't even have signs of it coming out or whatsoever. 
I hope it stays like that cuz I don't wanna go through the pain of extracting it. 
My brother has ALL FOUR LOL.
He extracted two of them today & is gonna extract the other two next week before he puts braces. 
And OMG the root is damn longg :O
I really hope my teeth stays the way it is right now. I am more than happy with it ! LOL.
I still can't get over my bro's extracted teeth. 
Excuse my jakun-ness. I haven't seen it before so yeahh xD
I wonder how long are the other two gonna be. 

Lastly, movie time! :D
Brave, an animated movie.
Kudos to Disney Pixar for such an awesome movie. 
ALMOST cried at the last part of the movie & was awed by the cuteness of little Merida.
She's so cutee with her springy red/orangy hair :3
Heee :3
It'd be damn hard to comb though. Lol.
The boy was so into it that he downloaded Temple Run Brave. LOL. 
The most recent movie that I just watched with the boy is Spiderman :D
I prefer this way more than the previous one =P
Plus, Emma Stone is damn hot when she's blonde compared to when  she acted in Easy A.

Imma end this post now with Emma Stone as the last pic =P
Enjoy your weekend peeps!
& Spend wisely ;)