Thursday 15 March 2012

13 Months & Still Counting ♥

14th of March marks the 13th month of being together :)
We are now a year and a month old. 
Kinda doesn't feel like it. 
Feels like more than a year xD
Goes to show how much we know about each other and how much the relationship actually matured. Lol. 
Before getting into the deep thoughts and all, I'll start with how we celebrated it. 
Well eversince he started his course, the chances of us spending a whole day together are pretty low. 
Nevertheless, the 6 hours we spent together yesterday was enough to celebrate & have a good time :)

He picked me up from my place and we flew over to One Utama. 
We were sorta like stuck at one point due to the mini jam & I told him that we could have actually used the other way to get to the parking without having to jam with the others. 
He replied with this, "I wanna get stuck in the jam to spend time in the car with you ma." 
Awwww, sucha cutie pie ;)
Bought movie tickets & went to eat our dinner at Sakae Sushi. 
It's funny how we decided to eat there. 
A habit of his is that he'll ask me what I want to eat and he'll give me that face with that smile waiting to hear me say "Sushi". LOL. 
Sometimes we even toss the question to each other. LOL. 
You find it ridiculous, we find it hilarious ;)
Got to use the so called vouchers, woohoo! :D
Still got about 8 more? lol.

Wheee, so the reason why he brought me to One Utama was because I said I wanted to go shopping.
Awww, how thoughtful of him :)
Bought a pair of jeans & two Sloggi undies :D
Just because I had the Jusco vouchers =P
Hohoho, here comes the awesome part of the day. 
I was stunned really. Lol.
These are the stuff that I chose =P
Teehee =P
He was civilized until the popcorn was in sight. 
And this happened. 
The other side of Andrew that no one else have ever seen. 
A barbaric Andrew. 
And then we got a little carried away by the watermelon candy stick xD
From the pictures above, I guess you can conclude that we love the watermelon candy stick ;)
This is the last picture that we took since our movie was gonna start like in 10minutes? Lol. 
Snuck in the popcorn and water bottle. LIKEABOSS!
Watched The Lorax :)
It's a pretty meaningful movie. 
And gosh I LOVE the trees! :D 
They look so fluffy & colourful! :D 
And wheeee, the animals that live there love marshmellows just like me! =P
And so that was how the night ended for us :)

So back to where I left off about the relationship maturing. 
It started off pretty smooth and later on the ride got a little bumpy. 
I think it went into a bit of a roller coaster mode at one point. Lol. 
But I know I wouldn't change a thing even if I had the chance to. 
We have now reached the point where we are both more matured than before. 
Maybe it comes with age. 
Or maybe we just unconsciously decided that we shouldn't waste time arguing.
Probably a combination of many things. Lol. 

Like I said earlier, ever since he started his course, we haven't exactly spend as much time as before. 
The days where he would come and see me everyday. 
We would either hang out or like study or something. 
It didn't matter what we were going to do, as long as we were together.
I've always LOVED how he made time for me and how we would try spending time as much as we can. 
I guess you could say that we were spending time with each other as tho as the world was gonna end tomorrow kinda thing. 
It's damn fun. 
We would do the stupidest thing and laugh about it. 
We'd tease each other, call each other names and tickle each other. 
Heck, we used to wrestle :O
The good old days where we were both damn free. 
Of course things had to change as nothing in the world is constant except change. 
So yeah, he's busier & I'm getting busier as well. 
I guess our days of fooling around and being stupid is kinda over ?
Maybe we're over some kind of phase or smth. 
I mean like back then we used to spam each other's wall like crazy & now it kinda looks empty =/ 
Oh wells. 

Changes, changes, changes.
I guess I've become more reserved. Lol. 
I mean like that's what my counselor said. 
And hmm, right now, I guess I am more determined to chase my dreams ;)
Also, not forgetting that I have learnt to think about myself more than before. 
You see, the problem with overly empathetic people is that they think about how other people feel more than their own. 
I have that problem. 
I can think about myself and get what I want but after I get it, I would feel damn bad. 
Just like the recent increase in my pocket money. 
So yeah, thinking about yourself is necessary to a certain extent.
Another thing I ought to thank Andrew for is the strategy to argue.
I have really learnt ALOT in that particular area ;)
To have a base & proof is a solid argument. HAHA. 
Hmm how else have I changed. . . 
OH I know! 
These are kinda bad tho. 
My temper issues are coming back =/
And my patience is running out =O
I'm in deep shit. 

I'm not the only one who changed. 
My other half changed as well. 
I guess in a way, he is more responsible. 
There's still room for improvement tho =P
Also, I think he is not that impulsive.
To be fair, we're both not that impulsive anymore. 
Althought he can sometimes lose his mind, he is thoughtful . 
His thoughtfulness has been one of the most consistent behaviour :)

So at the end of the day, we both have influence on the changes that take place. 
And that's what a relationship is about. 
To individually change to become a better person together, side by side.
For support, courage and love to carry on with life. 
That's what I think. 
I can't say that this is what he thinks too because different people have different opinion. 
Hmm I wonder how he sees it. Lol. 

And I, will never have enough doses of him, EVER. 
When it comes to him, I am the most selfish & greedy person on earth =P
Heh, can't help it. 
What's mine is indeed mine xD
Again, Happy 13th babe <3 

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