Sunday 29 April 2012

Driving The Volleyball Instincts Crazy!

When I was younger, I was itching to drive.
I wanted to have my own car & I even wondered why on earth do we only get to sit for our license at the age of 18 when people on MTV get a car at 16. LOL. 
Now I've been driving for a year plus already and boy, having a car is awesome but there are downsides to it. 
Especially when it comes to finding for parking, paying for parking and cleaning the car. 
Yeah you heard that right. 
I wash my own car yo. LOL. 
Just washed it this morning :D
Thank God my car isn't white like my boy's. Cuz if it was, I'd have to polish after washing. 
Sooo, yeahh, back to driving. 
I was so eager to drive! 
But hohoho, do not be tricked by that freedom of having a vehicle to go wherever you want to go. 
Not only do you go where you want to go, you also take over pick-up jobs. Lol. 
When I couldn't drive, I only have to find transport. 
When I can finally drive, Haha, parents would ask me to drop them, pick them and also my siblings from tuition  and such. Lol. 
No complaints here cause I kinda like to drive around. 
Just need some notice beforehand. Not on the spot. Lol. 

Got in the car and was on my way to pick my brother up from his volleyball practice. 
Since I'm on holiday & Nat has the net, hehehehe, sounds pretty much like a plan to me =P
Gotta keep active yo. 
I wanna play badminton too! Lol. 
Ahhh, I gotta go now. 
Gonna eat crabb!! :D 
And ahhaha tomorrow I'll be going for an eating trip. 
Hohoho, TIME TO GET FATT!!! 
Ciaozers! :)

On My Feet !

Hellooo you! 
Been a long time aye ? =P
Exams, assignments and such things were hindering me from blogging! 
And maybe I'm a little lazy xD
Heh, BUT, I don't have an excuse now since I'm on holidays. Lol. 
I've got a lot to blog about actually but I'm no gonna cram it into one post. 
It would be like word count overflow!! LOL.
So Imma say a few things now, then maybe later on another post will come up :)

As you all probably know, Bersih 3.0 was held yesterday. 
Though I didn't go for the rally, I heard lots about it when I came back from my outing yesterday. 
I can't help noticing how brutal the police force were. 
It is really a disgrace.
I thought policemen were supposed to protect us not attack us with tear gas and such. 
I can't really say much about it because I wasn't there. 
A few of my friends actually went for it and I'm thinking like, Damn, I should have went. 
I think that if everyone, and i mean everyone, who isn't happy with the electoral system should all come together. 
If there's another rally, rally go-ers should be more equipped with things that can prevent their eyes from going dry caused by the tear gas. 
Perhaps a scientist goggle? 
I don't know but yeah, that's what I think la. 
Saw alot of videos on youtube and alot of articles.
All I can say is that I am disappointed. 
We're supposed to be progressing towards Vision 2020 not stay stagnant or retard in terms of the country's growth. 
I'll just leave it at that.
Just disappointed really. 

Kinda ruins my mood when I think about it so I'll blog a little later after doing my reading. 
Until then peeps. 
Peace out.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

What's The Point ?

I find it funny when there's a schedule appointing who does what and yet there still can be some mini arguments. 
Defeats the purpose of a schedule, no?
As if it was easy to convince them that a schedule would help.
Now you see, the schedule will tell everyone what their responsibilities are & it is supposed to ease the responsibilities out. 
I have no complaints about the schedule because I think I have already volunteered enough for lots of slots and so have others.
For a few weeks it was running pretty smoothly until I had to take over someone else's responsibilities. 
Honestly, I don't mind at all. 
I mean like I understand that sometimes some people are not around to get it done. 
After all, my mum always said "We have to cooperate & help each other out." 
Not exactly the exact words but that's the summary of it. 
I was fine with things until one night where I came home super late and that night my responsibility was to bring down the basket of dirty clothings. 
Okay, so if I am not around, I do NOT understand why someone in the house would NOT help me in taking those clothes down. 
What's worse is that I have to wash 'em and soak 'em when I take 'em down. 
Seriously, that is NOT in the schedule. 
Anything that has to do with washing/soaking clothes is not my job. 
I don't mind if I was told earlier. 
I came back at 12.30AM thinking that i could immediately crash but NOOO. 
Stayed up till 1 something in the morning to get it done. 
If your responsibility is to wash clothes, why the heck am I doing it ? 
Want me to help, LET ME KNOW IN ADVANCE. So that I can come back earlier or something.
It seems like they can't grasp that I have a life to get on with as well. 
I don't live to be ordered around doing this and that. Heck. 
And now, you want me to wash my own clothes? 
Now, seriously ? When I have exams coming soon ? 
Oh wow, what great timing you have there. KUDOS TO YOU MAN. 
I've mentioned that I gotta be in good mood to study and that, they also can't spare me. 
Gotta fudging ask me "When you gonna wash your stuff"  and bla bla bla. 
Excuse me but aren't we supposed to HELP EACH OTHER OUT
I have exams coming soon and you wanna gimme this shizness ?
If I have holidays then okay la, whatever la you know. 
If I am at home then sure, I will wash my own clothes. 
Wahh if like that ah, when I bring in clothes, I'll just bring in my own clothes and you bring in yours man. 
Doesn't make sense right?  Ugh.
Help each other my ass la. 
Like I said, if I'm the only one that cares around here, I won't bother anymore because it's pointless. 
It's like caring for a wall -_-

Yeah my exams are around the corner and yet I still go out. 
Through the eyes of parents, it is always such that they think we go out to have fun all the time. 
Yeah I do go out and watch movies and all. 
Yes, I have some fun as well because it's so damn stressful being home all the time. 
Someone will forever be getting on my nerves and disturbing me. 
I'm seriously considering going elsewhere to study man. 
Don't wanna study halfway then gotta attend to this and that. 
I don't get it man. 
Don't get why they have say things and don't mean it. 
"We just want you to focus on your studies."
Fudgecake you la.
Want me to focus then you flood me with extra things to do. 
Damn pist lah. 
After dinner I was supposed to study, and now I am still here doing everything BUT study -_-
Thanks man. THANKS. 
Thanks for giving me more time to have fun. How thoughtful. 

Here's a tip. 
Don't ever say things you don't mean. 
Pisses the hell out of me. 

Monday 9 April 2012

Momentaries .

 Life is all about moments of impact and how they change our lives forever. 

A quote from the movie, The Vow
A quote so true because we all have our moments and each moment has the ability to change our lives. 
Be it in a big way or small way, it does change our lives.
And if we don't seize the opportunities in life that moments offer us, the case is that we'd usually end up with out head questioning all the "What ifs".
By that time, even the should haves and would haves will not be of any help.

Enjoy the little things because one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.

Another quote from The Vow
Little things like sending a simple text saying "I miss you" or "Thinking of you" actually makes a difference. 
Come to think of it, all the small things actually constitutes to a bigger picture. 
Look at it like a puzzle.
Every piece counts.

Back to experiencing moments in life. 
Some moments in life you can only experience it for a certain period of time. 
That's where the camera comes in handy.
Taking pictures can capture those sweet sweet memories.
And one thing about the photo is that it will never change. 
Once you've taken a picture, the picture stays the same. 
The vibe it gives off stays there.
And that's the beauty of it. 
Hence, Ryan Cabrera's Photo song 
Enjoy it ya'll :) 

A photo can say a thousand things

But it can't say the million things I wanna say
A photo can capture the way we were
But it can't capture the way we are
'Cause you're far away
What it's like to know you
What it's like to touch you

When you told me that you loved me
were those just words
You can't tell me you don't need me
and I know that hurts
'Cause I'm looking at your picture
'Cause it's all I've got
Maybe one day
You and me will have one more shot

Timing lost minutes and moments
And I might be lonely girl
But I'm not afraid
In a second
It all comes right back to me
Nothing's forgotten now
Yeah everything's saved
What it's like to touch you
What it's like to know you

When you told me that you loved me
were those just words
You can't tell me you don't need me
and I know that hurts
'Cause I'm looking at your picture
'Cause it's all I've got
Maybe one day
You and me will have one more shot

You were my life
you were my faith
You gave me hope every day

When you told me that you loved me
were those just words
You can't tell me you don't need me
and I know that hurts
'Cause I'm looking at your picture
'Cause it's all I've got
Maybe one day
You and me will have one more shot

P/S: Btw, I also have a Twitter account & Tumblr account. Follow me ! :)

Sunday 8 April 2012

Feel It Yet ?

Usually I'd post this up on my Facebook but since I don't have access to one now, here it is! 
Make You Feel My Love :)
Specially dedicated to my other half. 
Haven't seen each other in almost a week. 
Feels like a month T.T
Oh wells. 

Here's another one that I did last night :) 
Safe & Sound.
Safe and Sound was done after I drank a little so forgive me if it sounds a bit off =P
I'd appreciate some constructive criticism :)
AND I will be getting my proper mic soon kays :D
So at the moment, bear with these camera qualities, hehe. 

Getting late now. 
Nighties you peeps :)