Saturday 3 November 2012


One of the things I despise is the fact that people take time for granted. 
The world might not be ending tomorrow or the end of this year or anytime soon but I just cannot understand why on earth people would think they have all the time in the world.
Haven't we all heard of those stories where the unexpected event takes away the life of the one close to you?
Those stories are meant for those who think they have all the time in the world.
That's time speaking to you right there in the face. 
Don't just wait till something happens & then you start planning your time and stuff. 
The only reason why people go through these kind of stuff where they regret not spending enough time and bla bla bla is because they THINK that they have all the time in the world when, in fact, they don't.
Time is precious. 
Spend it wisely. 
Another thing about time is that it can't be bought or purchased or anything like that. 
Unless you come from the world in the movie "In-Time".
Now that movie depicts how precious time is in our loves. 
Phrases/Sayings like "YOLO" and "Live like there's no tomorrow" are both to an extreme. 
One simply does not do reckless things that can rob you of your life. 
Those phrases/sayings should be held on 50%. 
Obviously the other 50% boils down to rationality and bla bla bla. 
Because I am sure no one wants to intentionally shorten their life. 
If you are one of them who have the desire to shorten your life, please seek professional help or at least talk to your best friend or parents. 
Back to talking about time, it is indeed a very precious thing. 
No one in this world should waste time on doing nothing. 
The illusion that you have got a lot of time should be vanished from your mind. 
The fact that nothing is certain can change your life in a split second. 
This issue of time, if the illusion is successfully ridden from people's minds, would be solved and quite Honestly, I think that less people will take others for granted if people understand that time should be treated with respect.

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