Friday 2 November 2012

Pumpin' Pumpkins.

Bleh, just finished one of the assignments and voila ! HERE I AM!
Bla bla bla but I ain't gonna make up for lost post so Imma just blog about whatever that comes to mind. 
Mostly about today :)
But it seems that my card reader doesn't wanna read the pictures in it =/
So I guess I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow :)


Hahaha, my unfinished post from the night that I finished my assignment left alone till now xD
Time is seriously damn precious right now.
Don't really have that much free time to do all that I want to do.
I've got so many things I want to do and there's only 24hours in a day.
Sometimes I feel that sleeping is a waste of time but then again, we need to recharge and all.
For the past two weeks, I've been pretty busy.
Started with Keep Slim's fashion show, birthday party, flash mob and the list goes on and on.
Pictures are all on FB! :)
Btw, see the dress that I'm wearing?
Take a closer look & guess how much the dress cost =P

On another note, Andrew & I just joined another pageant! :D
Check out their FB page here!
And don't forget to support by "liking" their page for updates :D
Both of us are finalist hehehe.
So, click "like" for support? xD
Thanks in advance! :D
The grand final will be held at Nouvelle Hotel, 30th November.
For the price of the tickets, if you're interested in coming, please pm me or leave a comment :)

Brought my baby to Sukiya at Paradigm Mall :)
Ate quite a lot & dayumm, I love their kimchi soup!
Beef there was awesome & he loved it :D 
Asked him to get ice cream & he got me a retarded looking ice cream. Pfftt.
Lameboy! xD
AND another highlight for the month of October was his gift to me :)
Last October, something special happened.
Read all about it HERE !!
As a monthsary gift, or shall I say the anniversary of our sacred promise, he got us couple ring :)
We also dined at Italianies (however you spell that).
For some reasons, he always think that food is the solution to all my problems. Pfft!
It's you acting silly just to me me laugh, you fooly wooly!

Bla bla bla & it was towards the end of the month already.
This Halloween, the first time ever, I dressed up for real.
As in I went ALL OUT. LOL!
Special Thanks to my personal make up artist, Vinnie !
Just pass her a link on what make up you want & she can do it for you!
Checkout these vampire photos :D
Lovely make up right? ;)
Ngek ngek ngek.
Can't thank her enough for the awesome make up!

Then there was the one day trip to Malacca's Philea Resort for the filming of another parody of Gangnam Style.
Yeah, yeah, I know you've all seen lots of parodies but I am 100% sure that this one's worth watching because all of us put in effort in filming this.
I mean, heck, we went all the way to Malacca to film it yo!
The video is not out yet as it is still in production so watch this first! :D
Hehe, it was really enjoyable as I got to bond with the new friends :D
Had fun in the sun despite the minor sun burn I got.
Gotten a little tan too hehe.
I like being a little tan :D
The next day after Malacca, had the preliminary round for the beauty pageant.
I prepared a CD that contained two songs, one of which I could choose to sing but there were damn a lot who were gonna sing, so, i didn't sing in the end.
There were amazing dance performances :D
Enjoy watching all of them perform hehe!
There were three segments for catwalk that day.
Sports wear.
And casual .
All the pretty ladies hehe :)

The pageant talent showcase & preliminary round was on a Saturday, 27th October.
And on the 27th-28th, World Mental Health Day exhibition was going on at The Curve.
Rushed there after the event was done but it was kinda a bit too late.
Went for the event the next day though.
 Emcee taking a nap =P

 The super awesome singer :D
Really could feel her emotions when she was singing (Y)
Some of the committee members waving the balloons & swaying to support :D

So one more last thing before I sign off.
I found out that Boey's been writing a book without my knowledge! :O
Found this book in MPH!
 I kid you not! Written by Boey! :O
I didn't read it, only he did :)

Alright, so that's enough updates for now.
I have an 8am class waiting for me tmr and i am still awake LOL!
Will continue tomorrow!
Tata! :)

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