Saturday 2 March 2013

The Remedy

Considering the previous post was a little random & contentless, here's another one.
To start off the year in a good state of mind, obviously one has to forgive oneself's failures & all the shit that they've been going through in life. 
Forgiveness is the key here. 
The first step? 
This is my take to it. 
Understand that the other person is an idiot. 
Then, what you do is stop punishing yourself for what the other person has done. 
Let's say that other person cuts you off on the road without a signal and pisses you off.
"Why punish yourself for someone's wrong doing by being angry?"
That phrase & that alternative way of thinking was inspired by one of my lecturers.
To be specific, my health psychology lecturer, who is a very awesomely cool lecturer btw :)
So back to the topic, don't punish yourself for someone's idiocacy/ wrong doing. 

In life, there are more complicated stuff than just being cut off on the road. 
There will be hurt and all that other stuff that makes you wanna just sit&cry/punch something. 
& sometimes you may even feel damn angry at someone's doing. 
If you find it hard to forgive, perhaps time will help you with that. 
But in the mean time, once in a while, that anger will rise up again. 
And once it does come up, there are a few things you can do to channel the anger elsewhere as it is not good to keep anger inside. 
Once you keep storing that anger in you, it will find it's own way to burst out or leak out to other channels.
For instance, bursting at someone who did a minor mistake like forgetting to inform certain things. 

I would suggest working out.
When you're angry, your blood is rushing through your whole body. 
Take that as an opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle by taking it to the nearest park. 
Jog the heck out of it.
Or you can head to the gym!
Listen to some dubstep shiz while working out for more oomph & effect!
I used to find comfort in doing Statistics questions but I do not have any Stats questions to do anymore.
So as for now, working out is the best way. 
And hey, you're killing two birds with one stone.
Ridding that anger & exercising :)
That's all for today :) 
Happy working out !

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