Friday 20 January 2012

In Line.

So I came across this video while I was YouTube surfing. 
Resolutions, resolutions. 
What is it that you want to achieve this year ? 
Better grades ? Picking up a new skill ? 
Making a resolution is easy but sticking to it and actually getting to it might be a little tougher than you think. 
Even I myself find it hard to keep to it. 
ONE of it in particular which is to curse less. 
Resolution #11 : Curse less. 
That is so hard to do. 
Even if I don't actually say it out, I say it all the time in my head =/
It's kinda inevitable since the world is surrounded by idiots. 
I shall try to control :D 

Okay so I know I haven't been blogging much. 
Been caught up with living my life & tryna fulfill my resolutions yo. 
I have 15 resolutions! 
Gotten back my muchness now haven't I ? ;)
Woot woot! 
Gonna be signing up for dancing classes with YeeEn in Feb.
Talking about months, JANUARY IS ENDING :O
Soooo fast! 
Academics wise, the time table itself is shit. 
Deciding on how many subjects to take this sem is already a headchade. 
Can you imagine all the things that has to be weighed. 
Ugh, I love my Fridays and I would prefer my Fridays to be free.
But I guess this sem, I'll be going to uni everyday. Sighs. 
Suffer now, enjoy later. 
Gotta constantly motivate myself. Lol.

Moving on to a little update on what happened during Crazy Day :)
Remember how I talked about choosing a day just to let loose ? 
It was successfully done ! :D 
Started out with a random craving satisfaction. 
Complained about the weather and poof! Off we go to Genting! :D
With none other than my 'twin sister' , YeeEn :)
With T-shirts, shorts & slippers, we walked around like bosses ! 
Everyone else was wearing long pants, jackets and etc. xD
On the way up, it drizzled a bit. 
On the way down, it was like going to Heaven =P
Soooo misty hehe. 
Can't wait to go up there next. 
The weather nowadays sooo HOT. 
I won't be surprised if Bikini Day is up next xD
It was a good day. It really was :)
Other days were also good days. 
Been satisfying my cravings xD
Chocolate crepe cake :)
With my fellow bestie, Nat :)
So anyways, I better get going now. 
My to-do list is getting longer. 
Hope I get used to this man. Lol. 
Until then peeps. Adios! :)

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