Sunday 1 January 2012

Refreshed !

The first day of 2012 is now here !
A new year can mean a lot of things to different people. 
To some, it signifies a new beginning whereas others may see new years as a time to make things right :)
Putting those aside, New Years is a time to celebrate! 
And since it's a new year, all that has happened in the past year is now gone. 
All the past mistakes, arguments, disagreements, grudges and unhappiness, leave them behind. 
It's no longer 2011. It's 2012 now yo ;)
If there are any unresolved conflicts, resolve it and start the year with a smile on your face :)
Nothing beats starting a year happy! :D

At the very start of the year, most people would make resolutions. 
Haha I used to make them but like, I somehow forget about them LOLOL. 
This year, I am gonna make sure I fulfill my resolutions.
I hereby promise to make it happen tho I have not really made a list of resolutions xD
Last year I realized that I sat around not doing much so this year is gonna be different. 
It's gonna be more productive ! 
And OMG, although December is a longg time from now, I'm gonna be 20 ! :O *gasp*
Lolooolol, I am still young. Tryna convince myself here xD

I'd love to blog about countdown and after party yesterday but that's gonna have to wait cause the pictures are not out yet! Lol. 
And also, I kinda gtg get ready for dinner nao. 
So ttyl! :D 
Hope all of you are enjoying your day too! 

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