Thursday 4 October 2012

Mess It Up !

I am one who gets bored over the same old things after a period of time. 
I mean like, who doesn't?
Some people are comfortable with routines as they are familiar but haha, I don't really fall in that category.
Heck, I am kinda bored of my room now and the place that I'm staying it. 
I would totally love a new scenery.
When my room gets really boring, I'll start moving things here and there. 
Simple re-arrangements that can make my room look a little different makes me happy enough :)

Soo, each year I will have a different hairstyle.
I decided that each year my hair will either be short or long. 
Last year, my hair was considered long so this year it's supposedly short but due to certain circumstances I didn't cut my hair short. 
Now that I've got some hair salon vouchers, might as well just go ahead and cut it =P
Now I'm having some sort of difficulty in choosing which hairstyle I want. 
I actually really really want this hairstyle.
It looks cool ass man. 
The only problem with it is the colour. 
If I maintain my hair colour, the effect of this hairstyle won't be as cool anymore. 
Why not just dye my hair?
Well because I've had a bad experience with it & I don't think I want to put my hair through that again.
My poor hair. Thank God it's getting better now with the help of Herbal Essence. 
And then there's this hairstyle that I've been DYING to try. 
My , my . How I miss spiking my hair =P
This one seems rather nice & neat =P
It can be totally down or like waxed a little xD
Highly considering this.
The others that I found are the ones I think my baby wants me to cut. Lol.
He wants me to have bangs LOL.
Probably something like this. But hmm, I don't think it's gonna suit me. 
Bangs are fine but they can get in the way sometimes.
And the style that the hair is in the picture above, hmmm, not really sure how it's gonna look on me =/
One of my friends suggested side sweeped bangs. 
Something like this. 
Again, the type of haircut kinda scares me because I don't ever cut my hair like that.
It's either long or super short. Lol. 
This is kinda like somewhere in the middle or something.
I find this more acceptable.
Or even this. Lol.
Mehh, so unsure of which to cut. 
One hairstyle that I will NEVER cut is this one.
Looks like the hair is consuming the head or some shit LOL.
Just looks so weird =/
Don't wanna look smaller. lol.
Oh wells. 
I believe the time will come for me to cut what I really wanna cut ;)
Spiky hair ;)
Heeheee =P
I'm planning to pay a visit to the wig store  to put on their wigs and see how I look with bob haircuts and stuff.
I'm also open for suggestions so do comment or pm me or anything. 
I really need some help in deciding. 
Will be cutting it this month so yeah :)
Suggest pleaseeee.
Will be looking forward :)
Gotta go sleep now. 
Tata! :)

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