Sunday 27 January 2013

Too Little, Too Late ?

It's late Jan & this is only my 4th post :O
Too late to do something about it now. HAHAH. 
Please forgive me for I am in a very weird moos right now. lol. 
Just thought of an inside joke & dayumm it was funny ass. 
It still is funny. Lol.
So anyways, Chinese New Year is coming pretty soon. 
There is one thing that I am worried about now though. 
As ya'll know, I fell & I have a wound that is pretty bad. 
Although it is healing now, I am not sure if it's going to be fully healed for CNY & if it isn't, it's gonna be so hardd :(
I don't think it is possible for it to heal completely by the time CNY is here but I hope that I am healed enough to be able to stretch my arm & reach out for stuff. 
My right arm movements have been pretty restricted as i can't really straighten it =/
Also it hurts to bend it =/
Did I also mention that I had an injection on the same arm as my wound? Haha.
Doctor says I have to exercise my arm & not let it just be stiff so I have to move it once in a while despite the pain.
Went for an event today & danced with the wound hahha.
Kinda painful but after that alcohol swab, it's bearable. lol
Pictures to be posted up soon :)
This is just a short one hahaha. 
Probably just because I feel like it =P
Oh, and a little update on the new blog. 
It's up but it's not running yet. 
Still getting some things sorted :) 
Everything should be sorted by Feb ehhe. 
Somehow the month of Jan still seems like a holiday month LOL.
It's bad, I know. 
Haha, good thing that Jan is coming to an end then hehe. 
I shall be heading to bed now :) 
Kinda early for me to be doing so haha. 
Will blog about the reason why soon :)
Nighty nights peeps ! :)

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