Monday 27 May 2013

Holiday or Break ?

Woohooo, two weeks holiday ! :D 
Wait, I don't qualify for that pfft. 
Mmmhmm, my younger siblings have two weeks off!
& I just sorta started my semester -_-
My break wasn't even enoughhh :( 
Yes it was two weeks too but omg, I've much less holiday now compared to before. 
The longest holiday that I'll ever have in my course is hmm, probably about 2 months? 
Oh well. I guess that's life isn't it? 
Less and less holiday. 
Work so hard for moneh & all the things are so expensive. 
Which reminds me of one line from the Gentleman Parody that DanKhooProductions came up with. 
"Work so much but pay never go up" 
LOL. If you haven't seen the parody, go watch it!
Hahah it's damn funny xD 
Backkk to what I was saying, holidays. 
Hardly getting any now. 
And with the different timings with my besties & beau, sometimes my holidays are just filled with time spent with my bed LOL. 
The last holiday was a great timing because my aunt & uncle came back from Switzerland :D 
Spent some time with them eheh. 
Went up to Cameron Highlands. 
First vacation with aunties & uncles! :D 
& with my cousin! :D 
And my younger cousin :D 

We stayed in a bungalow that has like a nice garden :) 
And we saw some insects :O
Which reminds me of the night that my cousin & I had a battle with an insect in our room. LOL. 
She was talking on the phone with her boyf and suddenly noticed an insect the edge of her bed :O 
IF I remember correctly, she flicked it off the bed and we took a towel and slammed it to the ground! 
Jumped on top of the towel in hopes to squish it :O 
After a while, we took a hanger to slowly lift it to check if it was dead but NO, it was ALIVE :O
Must have been one tough insect man. 
So we unfold the towel to make it thinner so that it would have  more impact when we jump on it or whatever it was that we were planning to do. Lol. 
Used the hanger to chop chop.
Took a chair to stomp on it :/
Shiz, now I feel mean :/
In the end, it was dead & we could sleep in peace. 
Least it was just one insect right? :/ 
Soooo, here are the rest of the insects that were very much alive lol.
This little bug is sooo damn cute :3 
These photos are taken by my uncle James Quah :)
He has AWESOME photography skills yo hehe. 
There were two other awesome photographers who was at Camerons with us. 
My other two uncles :D 
So what happens when you have three photographers in the house ?
Played around with the lights & voila! 
The effect was there lol. 
I swear it was super cold & i was trying so hard not to shiver man. 
You may think that Camerons is not cold anymore but heck, its still damn cold at night!
One of the mornings we went to some Boh plantation place for some view. 
Apparently this is the famous spot for pictures lol. 
My spot for taking pictures? 
& that became their spot too lol. 
Moved on to another place to see the oldd watch tower or smth. 
Steep stairs man. Gotta walk sideways to prevent any slips. 
And when we were up there, fuhh super colddd. 
I don't have any pictures with me so haha. 
Another activity that we did was jungle trekking. 
Went to Mossy Jungle. 
It started off with this 
Had a guide with us explaining away on information about this forest :)
And the picture below is one of the plants we saw :D
 And before we know it, we were that high. lol. 
Walked and walked and walked until we reach a part where there isn't a clear path :O
That's when the muddiness came in.
Up and down we went but we still managed to take photos LOL!
Here's how muddy it was..
Mine was pretty clean, hehe =P
After this Mossy jungle, went to another Boh tea place & treated ourselves with some cake & tea :)
& for the rest of the night, it was just sit & chill. 
Nobody does it better than my little cousin :D 
Truly like a boss!! 
And yeahps, my brother still watches Tom & Jerry. HAHA. 
I would watch it too if it was on TV.
Oh the childhood memories :3 
Had so many rounds of Monopoly Deal with the family :) 
I won the most rounds ehehhe ^^\/
And that was how Cameron Highlands went :) 
Had to say goodbye to the weather & the view.

Part two of my holiday was spending the day at Sunway Lagoon. 
Mainly because they have a new ride called "Vuvuzela" & they had a promotion :D
Just download this picture, print it out or whatever, show it to them & you get to enjoy the promotion :)
You're welcome ahahahah. 
The tomahawk was scary not because of the ride but because you can hear how old the thing is :O 
Adorable & lazy tigers =P 
One heck of a picture! So awesome :) 
Photo courtesy of my uncle, Michael :)
With him around, there's always gonna be a jumpshot =P
And after :)
That pretty much sums up parts of my holiday :) 
Can't wait for the next one hehe. 
Alrights, I've gotta go to bed now LOL!
Class at 8am -.- What a joy. 
Nights all! :) 
& happy holidays to those who are having holidays :) 

Sunday 26 May 2013

When You're Hooked To Something..

To a song :D
I really wanna love somebody, I really wanna dance the night away ~~
Ahhhhh, so addicted to this song :3
Been listening to it eversince I came across it two days ago hehe. 
The music video's kinda cool in a way too. 
Morning til night, this song is stuck in my head. 
Yeahps, when I get addicted, I really get addicted. 
The last time I got addicted to a movie, I watched it for more than 50 times :O 
Food, however, is different. 
I can keep eating it for a certain period of time but I'll get bored of it in no time. 
It'll probably only last for like a week? 
And then I'll probably not touch it for a few months or maybe even a year lol. 

But for games..
Haha, it's a different story. 
And I'm talking about console games =P 
It'd be cooler if I actually had access to those racing games with the whole car seat thing. LOL.
I can literally just play. 
But of course I would stop to eat and visit the bathroom. 
My love for console games does not transcend my basic needs yo. 
Haven't exactly really tried online games like Dota or WoW or LOL. 
LOL looks pretty interesting .
I'm not even sure if I am going to start on any of these games because I have to face this computer screen. 
As if I don't look at it everyday already. 
I've been trying to reduce time spent with my lovely laptop but it's kinda impossible because everything seems to be online now including news & coursework and stuff. 
I did manage to stay away from my laptop but it doesn't really help when a smartphone is around. lol. 
So anyways, games. 
My laptop wouldn't be able to support those online games anyway. 
Then came some phone games :O
I wouldn't say that I am addicted to playing them like playing ps2/ps3 games but they definitely made me stay up late a few night to play them lol. 

Not sure if I mentioned this but my aunt & uncle came back from Switzerland & brought back a few blocks of cheese =P 
I Instagrammed it a couple of weeks back. 
We're down to one last block and it's already half gone LOL. 
Mmhmm, I've been eating it like crazy . 
Three times a days LOL. 
Can't resist them but I can tell you this. 
I ain't gonna touch cheese for a year!
I've eaten too much of it :/

Anyways, yeah. 
Sunday, supposed to be a rest day but I guess that has to be abolished in my world already. 
Too much work to do & I'm trying to get my personal projects running. lol. 
Well, happy Sunday to those who are treatin' it like a Lazy Day :) 
Each time I hear the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, I end up not doing anything. LOL. 
So thank God , I haven't been hearing that song anywhere.
I have been watching YouTube quite a lot though.
And there's quite a lot of good local stuff to watch!
Here's the latest one from JinnyBoyTV :D

Latest one from DanKhooProductions :)
Yeh, I'm kinda a banana too LOL!

Lastly, of you like webseries, watch dmingthing's "This Is Why"
Here's the first episode :)
They're up to 3 episodes already ! :D
Their theme song is AWESOME!
It's currently my local fave! Good job yo! :D
Have a listen & enjoy your Sunday !

Saturday 25 May 2013

Time of The Day

Finally phase one done! :D 
Took me a few hours. 
Would have been faster if I didn't stop & read most of them xD 
As you can see, it's sooooo fulll. Especially the two in the middle :O
I can't close it :/
Gotta put them in another box now haha. 
Proud of mahself that I managed to even get started HAHAH. 
This is where the saying "when there's a will, there's a way" comes in. LOL.

And I just realised that I didn't really explain what this project was about.
Basically, those strips of paper that you see up there are those paper that you make stars with.
For the whole year of 2011, I came up with the idea that Andrew & I should write a one line summary of anything that happened in the day.
It can be something random , it can be something that happened, it can also be something you feel.
Pulled it off for a whole year and the plan was to open it in front of each other.
Or rather the initial plan was to open it one per day in the year of 2012.
But we ended up opening it all at one go LOL.
Then I had this idea of putting them all together with all the movie tickets and picture that we took.
And voila! The birth of Project Starry Eyes :) 

I've no idea why but the best time that I like to work is during the early hours in the morning. 
1am, 2am. Early into a AMs. 
It's so peaceful & everything is sooo clear. 
When I'm productive, I can think straight and do my stuffs but if I am just laying there in bed not doing anything, that's when the unwanted thoughts come in. 
But NOW, heh, I am in control lah. 
What's this nonsense man.. 
Been trying to get productive & have been succeeding :) 
Alrights now back to being creative & productive :)
Have a good night ya'll ! 

Friday 24 May 2013


Call it vocal or whatever you want to. 
I like expressing myself. 
It helps in making me feel better. 
This blog is like a diary to me. 
And ultimately it is my decision to post whatever I want to. 
But obviously I won't post things that are overly personal and stuff. 
There is always a boundary. 
Again, it's my decision on what i want to reveal. 
I've got reasons for what I do. 
So does every rational person.

Slowly getting back into the habit of posting LOL. 
I hope this lasts man. 
I'm actually waiting for pictures for the next post but looks like I couldn't wait hahaha. 
Hence this post. 
Good news is that my interest is slowly coming back :D 
I am finally getting started on Porject Starry Eyes :D 
Sounds funny, I know. 
And I have no idea why on earth i named it that. lol. 
Project Starry Eyes is uhm a project about putting together a whole year's journey into a photo album form. 
So it's not like purely pictures but there are like captions written to and fro each other. 
Between Andrew and I. Lol. 
It's gonna be for  memories sake. 
And Imma keep it HAHAHA. 
Just 'cause girls do this shit & will actually look back at it once in a while. 
All my art stufflings are piling up, so I figured that I should get started lol. 
I think it will take me quite some time to complete it. 
But will definitely will post up the end product of it hehe. 
I miss making stuff & I shall start now :D 

Happy Friday ! :)

Thursday 2 May 2013

Just Vote !

As ya'll know, election is in about 2 days which is super soon.
Unfortunately, I am not of age to vote.
I honestly can't wait to be able to vote :)
So back to the topic of this coming elections, I've seen many things posted everywhere.
Banners, flags, news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and in every adult discussion.
I don't think I need to mention what has been going on as it would really make me mad but if you've been keeping up with the news and ever update, you'll know.
If you don't , read up!
So anyway, this election, I hope for a change.
Our country is in need of a change for the better.
I can't help but agree with what Dr Goh shared on his Facebook about giving the opposition a chance.
If you have not read it, you can see it on my Facebook :)
I'm not going to say much about the parties but here's one thing that I would like everyone who can vote to know.
VOTE. No matter who you vote for, VOTE.
I trust that the rakyat isn't blind.
If you're undecided about who to vote for, time to do a little research & don't base your votes on the free items u get and stuff.
Think ahead, think for the future generation.
I know some people don't vote even when they can.
This time get your asses up and vote.
If you want a change, be the change !
Your vote can make a difference.