Sunday 26 May 2013

When You're Hooked To Something..

To a song :D
I really wanna love somebody, I really wanna dance the night away ~~
Ahhhhh, so addicted to this song :3
Been listening to it eversince I came across it two days ago hehe. 
The music video's kinda cool in a way too. 
Morning til night, this song is stuck in my head. 
Yeahps, when I get addicted, I really get addicted. 
The last time I got addicted to a movie, I watched it for more than 50 times :O 
Food, however, is different. 
I can keep eating it for a certain period of time but I'll get bored of it in no time. 
It'll probably only last for like a week? 
And then I'll probably not touch it for a few months or maybe even a year lol. 

But for games..
Haha, it's a different story. 
And I'm talking about console games =P 
It'd be cooler if I actually had access to those racing games with the whole car seat thing. LOL.
I can literally just play. 
But of course I would stop to eat and visit the bathroom. 
My love for console games does not transcend my basic needs yo. 
Haven't exactly really tried online games like Dota or WoW or LOL. 
LOL looks pretty interesting .
I'm not even sure if I am going to start on any of these games because I have to face this computer screen. 
As if I don't look at it everyday already. 
I've been trying to reduce time spent with my lovely laptop but it's kinda impossible because everything seems to be online now including news & coursework and stuff. 
I did manage to stay away from my laptop but it doesn't really help when a smartphone is around. lol. 
So anyways, games. 
My laptop wouldn't be able to support those online games anyway. 
Then came some phone games :O
I wouldn't say that I am addicted to playing them like playing ps2/ps3 games but they definitely made me stay up late a few night to play them lol. 

Not sure if I mentioned this but my aunt & uncle came back from Switzerland & brought back a few blocks of cheese =P 
I Instagrammed it a couple of weeks back. 
We're down to one last block and it's already half gone LOL. 
Mmhmm, I've been eating it like crazy . 
Three times a days LOL. 
Can't resist them but I can tell you this. 
I ain't gonna touch cheese for a year!
I've eaten too much of it :/

Anyways, yeah. 
Sunday, supposed to be a rest day but I guess that has to be abolished in my world already. 
Too much work to do & I'm trying to get my personal projects running. lol. 
Well, happy Sunday to those who are treatin' it like a Lazy Day :) 
Each time I hear the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, I end up not doing anything. LOL. 
So thank God , I haven't been hearing that song anywhere.
I have been watching YouTube quite a lot though.
And there's quite a lot of good local stuff to watch!
Here's the latest one from JinnyBoyTV :D

Latest one from DanKhooProductions :)
Yeh, I'm kinda a banana too LOL!

Lastly, of you like webseries, watch dmingthing's "This Is Why"
Here's the first episode :)
They're up to 3 episodes already ! :D
Their theme song is AWESOME!
It's currently my local fave! Good job yo! :D
Have a listen & enjoy your Sunday !

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