Saturday 25 May 2013

Time of The Day

Finally phase one done! :D 
Took me a few hours. 
Would have been faster if I didn't stop & read most of them xD 
As you can see, it's sooooo fulll. Especially the two in the middle :O
I can't close it :/
Gotta put them in another box now haha. 
Proud of mahself that I managed to even get started HAHAH. 
This is where the saying "when there's a will, there's a way" comes in. LOL.

And I just realised that I didn't really explain what this project was about.
Basically, those strips of paper that you see up there are those paper that you make stars with.
For the whole year of 2011, I came up with the idea that Andrew & I should write a one line summary of anything that happened in the day.
It can be something random , it can be something that happened, it can also be something you feel.
Pulled it off for a whole year and the plan was to open it in front of each other.
Or rather the initial plan was to open it one per day in the year of 2012.
But we ended up opening it all at one go LOL.
Then I had this idea of putting them all together with all the movie tickets and picture that we took.
And voila! The birth of Project Starry Eyes :) 

I've no idea why but the best time that I like to work is during the early hours in the morning. 
1am, 2am. Early into a AMs. 
It's so peaceful & everything is sooo clear. 
When I'm productive, I can think straight and do my stuffs but if I am just laying there in bed not doing anything, that's when the unwanted thoughts come in. 
But NOW, heh, I am in control lah. 
What's this nonsense man.. 
Been trying to get productive & have been succeeding :) 
Alrights now back to being creative & productive :)
Have a good night ya'll ! 

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