Monday 27 February 2012

Hypocrisy Amusement

I find it amusing how people older than me can be so immature.
Not saying that I'm very mature and that I'm right in everything I say because obviously I am NOT God.
All I'm saying is, GROW UP. 
Be more responsible man. 
And I honestly don't care how much salt you consumed more than me. 
I only care about you modelling good behavior for younger generations to follow.
Is that too much to ask ?
Don't come telling me that I should tell you things beforehand when you don't.
Common sense will tell you that I have my own plans. 
So don't expect me to comply with your plans when you don't give a shit about mine.
It's not that I don't want to help out. 
I would LOVE TO, trust me. 
Just that the last minute notices is a huge turn off. 
Also it is never really being appreciated. 
What do I get in return? 
Excuse me but I thought you said my job was just to study hard? 
Now you want to flood me with stupid responsibilities like closing my siblings windows and yours?
Don't you have your own God-given hands to do it yourself ? 
Before going out I have to close EVERYONE'S window and push the clothes in. 
Not to mention that if I eat or drink, I have to wash it myself.
And when I'm back and so damned tired from uni, I HAVE TO keep the clothes, take in letters, open all the damned windows and bla bla bla. 
By the time the night sky arises, I would have to wash my own plate, wipe the table, take up my clothes, bring down rubbish and answer stupid questions. 
Sounds tiring ? 
Heck I haven't even added the amount of things I need to do. 
Like studies, assignments and my own leisure time. 
And you DARE say I don't do enough ? 
You dare say i am not responsible? 
Every single day I have to fucking  schedule my time so that I will be home when necessary. 
Think I'm so free to just come home and wait around and do house chores? 
I want to fucking be able to go for volleyball and do whatever I want. 
So much for a nourishing uni experience. 
As if last year's experience wasn't hindered enough. 
I am darn pist off because my efforts are not appreciated. 

You NEVER fail to ask me to reflect on myself. 
Maybe you should try reflecting on yourself.
On how unappreciative you are towards all the things that I have done. 
The time in which i suggested to come up with a schedule on house chores, you didn't wanna take that suggestion.
Only recently, like two days ago, you finally realized what a good idea it was. 
But guess what.
Dafuq, am I the one parenting now? 
To heck with that. 
I don't have so much time to invest in stupid things. 
Just like in the business world, if the ROI is low, cut cost until the business is aborted. 
I've played my cards & now I just don't want to play 'em anymore. 

Don't say I didn't try because I did. 
And fyi, I have my own boiling point. 
So it would be redundant to ask me why I snapped. 
You can tell me that you're tired when you come back from work and expect me to help you but when I am tired, what do I get ? 
Nothing less of a LECTURE. 
The exact words - " If you come back tired, next time don't come back so late."
And it was only 12midnight. 
Ridiculous much ? -_-

Seriously, just don't expect anything from me anymore. 
If that's all I'm gonna get, I might as well just do nothing. 
Happier that way. 
You  mind your business, I mind my own. 
It's not like I have ever had any support from you anyways. 
And stop blaming me for almost anything you can put a finger on.
Take your own advise and check yourself.

P/S : And if you're wondering why I've been losing so much weight, it's stress from all directions & the lack of destressors. I've been eating don't worry. I love food too much to ever give it up. 

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