Sunday 26 February 2012

Owned !

Looks like frequent updates will not be possible anymore :(
Too  many things goin' on =O 
Also because I am a huge procrastinator so. . . yeah =P
ANYWAYS, yesterday, had some dramatic moments at home. 
And so, went out with the bestie, Natalie for some ChaTime at SsTwo Mall.
While we were travelling on foot to ChaTime, guess what we saw? :D
Heh, so we got ChaTime & checked out books =P 
Looked and looked, I found one that was pretty interesting. 
You know how they usually  have like a mini synopsis at the back of the book & it's like a whole paragraph? 
Well this one only has like FOUR LINES! :O
And I'm gonna type it out here just to interest some of you  xD

"Amelia Parker has always been certain she was in love with Hayden Turner.
Even when he was gone. 
Even when she forgot who she was.
Even when he tried to kill her."

Like WHOA, is that intriguing or what ? 
What's more interesting is the first line of the story. 

"I am dying now."

Dramatic much ? xD
I've only read the prologue so far. Haha. 
Imma take it slow cuz the book ain't gonna run away from me ;)
Then we had some heart to heart talk session at Bread Story.
Heheh ^^
We had to pass F.O.S. and hahahahaha, ended up going in the store to check out some cool T's :D
ALMOST purchased them but didn't. Lol. 
Headed over to the boy's house for dinner after that. 
Heh, I wanted to release some stress & so we went upstairs to play Ps2 =P
Teeheee, Def Jam :D 
Snoopy The Snoop Dogg is in it!! :D
Snoop Dogg's got swag homie!  =P
Played One on One with my baby and HAHAHAHAH, OWNED HIM! 
Started off with him owning me but yohohoho, once I got the hang of it, Snoop Dogg's the bombabomb yo! 
Ganas sial. LOL. 
BUT, my baby used a character named D-Mob to bully Snoopy! :(
This guy! Fuhh, so biggg in size and he was like whacking the shit out Snoop! =O
This boy of mine kept using D-Mob to body slam me each time I got up -_-
Nevertheless, Snoppy OWNED D-Mob with the famous SUPER PUNCH TO THE CHEST! 
Snoop's pose is sooooo funneh! xD 
Heh, ps2's still my favourite. 
I'm a console person =P
Fuhh, can't wait for the next session :)
Getting late now. 
Wayyyy past my bedtime :O
And I've got class tmr morning!!! 
Aight, tatas yo! :D 

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