Friday 17 February 2012

Valentine's Day & One Year Anniversary ♥

14th February is a special day for everyone :)
It's Valentine's Day :D 
But for Andrew & I, it wasn't only Valentine's Day that we were celebrating. 
It was also our 1 year anniversary which made it extra special for the both of us :)
Hehe ^^
The only thing about this year's Valentines was that he had exams the next day LOL.
So anyways, like every other person who's still studying, I went to uni.
For that ONE class that lasts for ONE hour. 
Initially I planned to go as early as 8am but I was LATE
I reached there at about 8am sharp and there was no parking already -_-
It was too early to park the other side cuz if I parked for hours, my parking will cost a bomb. 
Then I drove home to get something I forgot to bring LOL. 
Sooo, by the time I reached uni, there was ONE parking lot left. 
Muahahahahahah AND IT'S MINE! xD
Side parked like a lady boss =P
Bought breakfast cause I was starvingg. 
Met up with Reuben outside the library & ate mah nasi lemak :)

Then a phone call came in and it was from him :)
He just called to find out where I was and before I knew it, he appeared behind me with my gifts!
Only then did I realized why he asked me to bring as little stuff as possible to uni. 
Everything was bigger in size than me! LOL.
And there were so many stufff to carry! :O
With the huge bouquet, 2 biggerthanmyface balloon and a huge ass card, my hands were full! 
The biggerthanmyface balloon =P
Uhhuhh, see that bag? 
I also had that along with me. 
He had to take my book home with him just so I don't have much to carry besides the things he have me. Lol.
Literally the whole world was looking at my stuffs. LOL.
A bit paiseh =P
My balloons were tied to my bag so when I walk my balloon sways in various directions.
If you're lucky, it'll kiss you in the face xD
Class was over in no time & I headed to my car.
Had to unload before I pay if not I'll only have my feet to pay the ticket with. 

Driving home was a challenge tho. 
The balloons were both blocking my view =/
So I only had my side mirrors to rely on. 
Felt soo incomplete without the use of that rear view mirror. Lol. 
I made it to ss2 to get mah lunch. 
Again I felt eyes on me as I walked into McD with my 2 balloons that were tied to my bag. 
Ohh the number of eyes looking at me. LOL. 
Felt so watchedddd :O

The boy came over after lunch and we took some pictures =P
The collage inspired card I made :D
It looks pretty simple and plain but he likes simplicity so yay ! :D
I designed the card myself.
From the order of which pictures to the bouncy heart & ribbon! Heheh. 
If I had more artsy stuff, I'd make something more artistic & creative! 
I am so gonna have an art room next time. 
Thinkin' of painting now =P
The simplicity of this makes it look like an award xD
And I am Lovin' the moustache =P
12 roses.
It is said that for certain numbers of roses have different meaning. 
I looked it up and found that the significant of 12 roses is the declaration of love and also a representation of perfection & completeness <3
I told ya it's big =P
My favourite part of the card :)
He pasted pictures of us in the card and all of them have captions.
As of today, I have already read it at least 10 times xD
Have a look :)
After this playful taking picture session, headed over to e@Curve for some waffles! :D
Gelare waffles.
We had chocolate chip waffle with two scoops of ice cream & whip cream :D
Omggg thinking about it makes me crave for it :O
It smells soooooooooo goooodddd.!
He couldn't wait to eat it.
The smell was sooo inviting xD
There is a picture of a barbaric version of me eating this delicious waffle but heck, I am NOT posting it up here! Lol. 
After we ate, walked around for a while and omg something sad happened :(
One of my balloons burst :(
And it was my favourite one that burst :(
Thanks to those poky fake trees. Pfft!
Lesson learnt. Never bring favourite balloons out.
Should have left it in the car! Sighs. 
Since I was kinda sad, he comforted me with another one hehe. 
He also said that it's okay because we have so many years ahead of us and I can get balloons every year.
Ngawwww, I melted like butter =3
It's not the same one but another nice one which is my current favourite =P
It says "I Love You" :D

After waffle time, he wanted a two hours to surprise me and he did.
It was soo unexpected! =P
Only I will know what he surprised me with ;)
Left for dinner at about 5.30ish and fuhhh the GPS took us the LONG, JAMMED UP way. 
The reservation I made was at 7 but we only reached the place at about 8pm LOL. 
Our usual routine when we're both stuck in the jam was Uno in his iPhone xD
When we're done with the countless times of Uno, we'd play scissors, paper, stone HAHA. 

I didn't tell him much about the place that we're headed to.
Not even the name of the restaurant LOL. 
He kept guessing and guessing & i kept saying I don't know xD
He only knew when we reached the place =P
The decorations inside was so niceee! 
Cozy and romantic :D
Talk about perfect ambience ;)
They had Celine Dion songs ;)
My baby and I agreed that Kenny G would be the best choice.
And I've to agree. Not because I'm a big fan of Kenny G but because it was his trademark ;)
Trust me, I still remember that cheezy night xD

I was relieved that everything turned out well.
It was really so darn perfect. 
Everything seemed perfect!
From the songs that were played to the service there. 
They were all very friendly and well mannered :)
The food there was awesome! 
I might not know the exact amount that he paid but I roughly have an idea and I can safely say that it is worth it :)
A mini candle light :)
Started off with a red velvet cupcake for him and a heart shaped balloon for me :)
The cupcake was, my my my, delicious! 
We also had our complimentary alcoholic drink :)
For starters, the one at the top was Butter Fish Soup served with grilled butter fish and ginger jam :)
I liked it better than the Avocado soup so he drank the avocado instead xD
As for entree, I had Char Grilled Prawn Salad while he had Trio of Smoked Fish Salad :)
They were both delicious :)
Had our sorbet served in the middle of our meal right before the main dish came :)
And I'm sure you can tell how much he enjoyed it just by looking at the picture below =P
He had Fillet of Beef which was delicious! 
Juicy, nice and tender ;)
I had Oven Roasted Chicken Breast which was as delicious as well! :D
The sauce was yummy! =P
Last but not least, our dessert :)
By then, it was tea time.
Not just any tea time, tea time with him ;)
I wasn't just happy with the tea. 
In fact, I was happy about how things turned out on the day itself :)
We took a few pictures, paid the bill and headed down to Desa Park City - the place where it all started :)
Went there and had New Zealand Natural ice cream from my friend who works there & proceeded with more pictures for memories :)
It was actually kinda late already but he brought me there just to make me happiest despite him having a morning class and an exam the next day  :)
Awwww, so sweet ! =3
Thank you baby! <3
So as of now, the pictures shall do the talking :)
 I find this picture very husband and wife-ish LOL.
Sorry babe, I can't unhighlight that ear thingy xD
That marks the end of our day :)
When I asked him which Valentine's was better, this year's or last year's, he said smth like, it is both enjoyable and cannot be compared :)
I really enjoyed myself that whole day :)
And I am thankful to have such a nice, thoughtful, sweet boyfriend <3

This might be a little late but thank you for listening to my rants.
Thanks for being there when you can for me.
Thanks for pampering me. 
Thank you for driving me around even when it's jammed and I know how much you hate jam =P
Apart from all the thank yous, I'd also like to say  that I'm sorry for my PMSes that you experience xD
Sorry for lashing out on you when I pms but I really can't help it. Lol. 
Pms can be a pain in the ass I know =P
So anywayss, . . .
Happy One Year BabyBoy <3
We have a lifetime to go & I can't wait ;)

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