Sunday 7 April 2013


Almost a month now and I haven't been blogging. 
Man I really need to prioritize things properly. 
Hmm so I have been thinking about a few things lately. 
Remember I said I was going to have another blog which focuses on informational stuff?
Well if I didn't, I'm telling you peeps now xD 
It's up, yes, but it is not running yet. 
Been too busy lately with all the assignments and stuff. 
Though it's all done already, I still have one presentation left .
And in two weeks time, finals T.T
This time round, I have 6 papers. 
HAHAHAH, good luck to me. 
I'm really gonna need some supernatural power man. 
5 of them is on the same week. 
I'll drop dead by the end of the exam. Lol. 

Anywayss, back to main thing that I was getting at,  I'm now planning to have 4 blogs. 
Hahahah, I will make time for this. 
When I can finally get it all done, integrated all into a page where you can be directed to each one of these blogs, I will definitely make time to blog everyday ! 
2 of the 4 is going to be my personal blog. One of which is private & only invited readers can read, and the other is for the public to read. Lol. 
Yes, I have a tendency of treating my blog as a diary or some sort of journal LOL!
The other two will be informational and reviews :) 
There ya have it! 
Don't think I will be able to do anything about those blogs until May =/
Need to prepare for the exams LOL!
So yeah, that's what's been going on :D 

Also, stay tuned as I have a huge announcement to make hehe. 
Probably somewhere next week :D 
Alright, I'm signing off now. 
It's almost 3AM.
Mmmhmm, I managed to screw up my sleeping time, as usual. Zzzz. 
Goodnight ya'll. 

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