Most people hate Mondays because of what we call Monday blues.
But really, what's so bad about Monday ?
Awww, come one people, let's give Monday a break shall we? :)
Get the term "Monday Blues" out of mind and out of sight, then you'll see how Monday is just like every other weekday ;)
I do wish the weekends didn't pass so fast though.
I'm so damn sleepy although I had 7 hours. Zzz.
I swear I would have slept till 10 if I didn't have anything to do.
It's weird because on days where I'm supposed to wake early, I seriously do not hear my alarm at all! :O
I can even sleep through 5 alarms LOL!
But on days where I plan to sleep in, I wake up way before the alarm -_-
Screwed up man.
Anyway, I managed to finish my assignment on time! :D
Which means that I did not commit the planning fallacy hehe.
Proud to have not committed that fallacy. Yay me!
I've only got ONE more assignment left then I can whisk away with the books for finals.
Overall, I think I like this semester :)
And I have to say that I really like qualitative research.
Consumes a lot of time though =/
Lemme tell you what consumed most of my time on Saturday where I used up more than half the day.
Yeahp, Clothes Buffet.
A concept I have not come across before and the deal seemed pretty good and so I went with Natalie.
Reached the place at like 10.45ish/11 & damn there were already 100 + people ahead of us who got the sticker to secure their time slot.
And the line just grew longer and longer :O
Photo stolen from Natalie =P
I am pretty sure I have said all I want to say on their event page regarding their number system so I'm not going to say anything here anymore.
There are a lot of people who didn't manage to go in and shop as they sort of ran out of stock or smth.
Not too sure about it but there were a lot who were unhappy.
I don't have any other complaints about this event despite standing in line for three long hours in heels just because they didn't continue with the sticker thingy.
I was lucky to have been in the second last batch to go in though. If I didn't, I would have been damn pissed.
I could have been at home doing my assignment instead of brain dead-ing for 3 hours.
Sooo, I managed to get 6 pieces of clothings & Nat got 7 :)
Thanks to that skirt of mine that took up so much space if not I could have gotten more! LOL.
I was actually contemplating if I should go for second round but nah, I finally decided not to :)
Hurray for self control! :D
Went back home tired like a piece of dead meat walking around.
Then had dinner with the boy & his family.
Headed back to his place and TA-DA!
Watched the Blu Ray version of Final Fantasy 7!
I didn't watch it till the end because I lost track of time and I had to go home. Lol.
But Omg, Cloud :3
His huge ass sword, his hair & his bike.
Damn, when I get a bike, I sure would like to modify it to look like Cloud's.
Coolness lvl 1000 !
I guess for some of you who knows that I've watched Final Fantasy 7 for over 50 times must be thinking that I'm crazy to want to watch a Blu Ray version of it since it's the same storyline and all.
BUT here's what you don't know.
The Blur Ray version has additional scenes =P
Gosh, if only the CD was mine & I had a TV that could support the DVD, I'd watch it everyday until I get sick of it.
Haha, when I get addicted, I really get ADDICTED xD
Heh, thinking about it makes me wanna go downstairs and watch the DVD that I got :O
Time to calm down and get serious for class later LOL.
Sooo, has anyone ever done people watching or is it just me? D:
Don't worry I'm not a stalker that will follow you around malls and shit.
Let's just say I am very aware of my surroundings.
Last night, I saw this small girl who's so damn cute!! :3
Makes me wanna go over and carry her and play with her.
There she is, the one on the baby chair.
Not sure if you can see it but she has two coconuts on her head. AWWWW :3
There was also another baby behind me but it'd be damn obvious if I took a picture LOL.
I usually don't take pictures of people who I don't know but haha I was kinda bored.
Waiting for a reply for 20 minutes isn't exactly a very "fun" thing to do.
Trust me, I would know -_-
The usual stuff I would do when I'm bored involves looking at my nails, touching my face, going online if I have access to the internet.
Way before dinner time on Sunday, while I was on break from my assignment, I looked at my finger nails and saw some white spot on my nail LOL.
It looks like this.
See that white line on my ring finger and the one on the white part of my nail middle finger?
Since I had some time, I went and Google for explanations.
Apparently it is a condition called leukonychia.
Sounds pretty serious aye? :O
It really isn't that big of a deal really.
And no it does not mean that I have a deficiency in calcium or zinc.
Having these white spots are cause by a mild to moderate trauma to the nail.
Due to the fact that nails grow very slowly, the injury to the nail must have occurred weeks before.
That was what I read online. Lol.
Another possibility is that the nail might have some sort of mild infection or allergy.
BUT if you have them on all the nails, something is definitely wrong and you should go to a doctor.
Interesting isn't it? =P
haha, just kidding, they're just nailss.
Talk about nails, I haven't painted them.
And I'm kinda in a dilemma.
I want to have long nails so that it looks nice when I paint them but I also want to learn how to play the guitar which would require me to cut my nails :(
Bleh, I shall think about this later.
I've got to go now.
But before that, if you are still feeling a little blue, watch the video below! :D
It's not like it affects me, really because I hardly watch TV now.
Two main reasons.
1. Someone else is always hogging the TV
2. It's the same old shows.
Let's just say I gave up on Astro.
I watch my shows online nowadays.
Favourite series that will never fail to make me laugh is Hot In Cleveland.
I watch it because of Betty White :)
Also, I watch YouTube videos! :)
I love it how these days there are more and more YouTube shows.
Checkout the most recent one that's about to be a big hit =P
Not forgetting the famous WongFu Productions that has this concept of us viewers contributing to what happens next in the series of "Away We Happened" :D
The post on the 25th of May talks about how stubborn and determined, both carry the same meaning.
I find it intriguing after thinking about the similarity and differences between those two words.
A fine line between those two.
Stubborn has a negative connotation to it whereas determined carries a positive connotation.
So how exactly does one use stubborn and determined?
If you devise a plan that won't work and you still go on with it, does that mean you're stubborn or does that mean you're super determined?
Perhaps being stubborn has an element of overestimating oneself's ideas.
People who are stubborn usually wouldn't listen to anyone when someone tells them that their ideas are flawed.
Determined people, hmm, maybe they are more open towards criticism about their ideas and they fix it afterwards.
Take for example, the route to One Utama.
There are many different ways to go to One Utama but when a stubborn person only knows one way to go there, he/she won't listen to anyone else who presents a shorter way of getting there.
That is the best analogy that I can come up with at this hour. Lol.
So yeah, that's one of the distinctions that I can make :)
Next up, the post on the 9th of June about labels.
I have to admit that after reading that, I felt like taking up criminology as an elective if it is offered. Lol.
Pretty interesting really.
I don't know why I have not thought about it.
Probably because I didn't want to be a criminologist or something. Lol.
So anyways, the question of labels.
According to what I read in my friend's blog, when you label someone as a criminal, they tend to act more like what they are labelled.
Diverting this from criminals, in our everyday lives, if someone keeps scolding you stupid or lazy, all the time, is there a possibility that one might actually believe them?
Perhaps that theory of labeling can also be applied to this?
I'm not really sure so when I research more about it, maybe I will do one whole post on it. Lol.
So then another question posted up by my friend, Xiau Wei, revolves around the way we act in relation to our labels.
Do we in any way behave a certain way because we want to fulfill the label given or are behaving in a such a way that we get certain labels?
I guess in this case it really depends on the label itself and the value in which a person holds.
Let's say some dude A is labelled as a playboy. He probably did something in order for him to be called that. But then again, that something that he did may be unintentional.
So in this case, if his belief is such that he does not play with other people's feelings, he wouldn't fulfill the label given to him.
However, if he finds it hard to prove to others that he is not a playboy, the easy way out is just to behave like one and that's when a person behave a certain way just to fulfill the label given.
Or maybe it is a two step process thing.
First we behave in a certain way to gain a certain label, and after that, we'd behave in such a way that we want to fulfill that hard earned label.
Reasons for maintaining label probably can be linked back to none other than external reinforcements.
Perhaps behaving in a certain way can bring benefit to oneself and makes oneself feel good about themselves.
Hence, they repeatedly behave a certain way to get the label and do anything and everything in their power to maintain that label..
The last question regarding this matter is, What will happen if someone gets in their way of fulfilling their labels that they strive to hard to maintain and protect?