Sunday 10 June 2012

What's What ?

I've recently come across blog post that is very interesting & it got me thinking. 
Kinda rare to find blog post like that nowadays. 
I came across it because it was my friend who posted it up :D
The post can be found here :)
The post on the 25th of May talks about how stubborn and determined, both carry the same meaning. 
I find it intriguing after thinking about the similarity and differences between those two words.
A fine line between those two. 
Stubborn has a negative connotation to it whereas determined carries a positive connotation. 

So how exactly does one use stubborn and determined?
If you devise a plan that won't work and you still go on with it, does that mean you're stubborn or does that mean you're super determined?
Perhaps being stubborn has an element of overestimating oneself's ideas.
People who are stubborn usually wouldn't listen to anyone when someone tells them that their ideas are flawed. 
Determined people, hmm, maybe they are more open towards criticism about their ideas and they fix it afterwards. 
Take for example, the route to One Utama. 
There are many different ways to go to One Utama but when a stubborn person only knows one way to go there, he/she won't listen to anyone else who presents a shorter way of getting there.
That is the best analogy that I can come up with at this hour. Lol. 
So yeah, that's one of the distinctions that I can make :)

Next up, the post on the 9th of June about labels. 
I have to admit that after reading that, I felt like taking up criminology as an elective if it is offered. Lol. 
Pretty interesting really. 
I don't know why I have not thought about it. 
Probably because I didn't want to be a criminologist or something. Lol. 
So anyways, the question of labels.
According to what I read in my friend's blog, when you label someone as a criminal, they tend to act more like what they are labelled. 
Diverting this from criminals, in our everyday lives, if someone keeps scolding you stupid or lazy, all the time, is there a possibility that one might actually believe them?
Perhaps that theory of labeling can also be applied to this?
I'm not really sure so when I research more about it, maybe I will do one whole post on it. Lol.

So then another question posted up by my friend, Xiau Wei, revolves around the way we act in relation to our labels. 
Do we in any way behave a certain way because we want to fulfill the label given or are behaving in a such a way that we get certain labels?
I guess in this case it really depends on the label itself and the value in which a person holds.
Let's say some dude A is labelled as a playboy. He probably did something in order for him to be called that. But then again, that something that he did may be unintentional. 
So in this case, if his belief is such that he does not play with other people's feelings, he wouldn't fulfill the label given to him.
However, if he finds it hard to prove to others that he is not a playboy, the easy way out is just to behave like one and that's when a person behave a certain way just to fulfill the label given.
Or maybe it is a two step process thing. 
First we behave in a certain way to gain a certain label, and after that, we'd behave in such a way that we want to fulfill that hard earned label.
Reasons for maintaining label probably can be linked back to none other than external reinforcements.
Perhaps behaving in a certain way can bring benefit to oneself and makes oneself feel good about themselves. 
Hence, they repeatedly behave a certain way to get the label and do anything and everything in their power to maintain that label.. 

The last question regarding this matter is, What will happen if someone gets in their way of fulfilling their labels that they strive to hard to maintain and protect?

I'll leave that question as it is right now. 
Have to go to bed now. 
Too sleepy to blog any longer Lol. 
3AM now. 

Goodnight ya'll! 

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