Saturday 26 May 2012

What Does The Hot Weather Call For ?

When it's bright & sunny outside, people will usually go our & do some outdoor activities.
Fly kites maybe? Or even blowing bubbles. 
One of the things that I use to do was go to the park and play :)
That was when I was wayyy younger of course. Lol. 
But with the drastic change in the weather nowadays, the temperature is rising like maddd. 
 Some days feel like desert man. 
So hot & dry. 
And everyone's sweating because of the heat!
At times like these, generally, regardless of gender, obviously you'd want to go somewhere cooling. 
First thing that comes to mind would be air cond. Am I right? Lol. 
For those who have access to a pool would want to jump right into a pool and stay there till the sun goes down. 
For beach lovers like me, I'd like to hang out at a beach sipping on my drink while enjoying the sea breeze.
How I miss the beach =3
So, what else comes to mind when you're feeling hot ?
Taking a shower maybe?
Lots of things actually. 
Like for now, if you feel hot, just step into Paradigm Mall man. It's freakin' cold!
Here's what I think of when I feel hot.
I really have no idea how other people with longer hair than mine can stand such hot weather.
The plan for this year is to keep my hair long. 
But now I am having second thoughts about it. 
If I could have a hairdo like the one below I wouldn't mind having long hair cuz I can still feel the breeze =P

I MIGHT cut my hair. 
Went searching for a few hairstyles. 
Here's a few that I like. 
I find this pretty okay. I think I like it because it looks good on the person in the picture LOL.
Not really sure how I would look with this kind of hairstyle. 
This one also looks pretty interesting in it's own unique way :)
Pretty cool but if you look at it from the front, probably half the face wouldn't be visible LOL.
Or maybe it'll look a bit like the one below. 
Not bad actually. Lol. 
Then there's this super short one that I'm tempted to try =P
Never been that short before, heh. 
Last but not least, my favourite is the one below ;)
Looks damn freakin' epic.
Probably caused by the colour that gives it the oomph effect. 
Damn, so tempted right now. 
Gotta think hard what I really want to do with my hair first Lol. 
That's all for tonight :)

Friday 25 May 2012

Under The Sun, In The Waters !

The month of May is coming to an end & I haven't given my boy anything for our 15th monthsary.
Think I've mentioned that I was gonna bring him somewhere but I didn't disclose exactly where I was going to bring him hehe.
We celebrated our 15th monthsary in the car eating cake in Desa Park City.
Had three different cakes hehe. 
I just realized that he got me Russell Peters tickets AND 3 slices of cake. 
LOL. Naisee. 
Sooo, my gift was a 2D1N stay at Gold Coast Morib Resort ! :D 
Before this he was bugging me like a bug on where we're going and how much is it and shiz. 
No infos were given because hahahah, I just didn't wanna give him that info. 
I told him where we were going right before we push off hehe. 
Packed some McD & went off.
Some internal drama went on before we pushed off tho. 
Wish it didn't happen but oh wells.
Things went well after that so I guess it's okay. 

This is how the lobby looks like :)
Checked into our studio suite =P
It came with a private jacuzzi hehe.
And we headed straight to the water park!
Kinda small but the good thing was that it was almost like we had the whole place to ourselves =P
Totally a perfect place to be in since the weather these days are uncontrollably hot.
Syok sendiri-ed with a slide. 
Made up our own games and played it like a boss!
It was so intense that we both knocked our heads on each other's head. Haha. 
Think we spent like 30 minutes on that one slide itself LOL. 
Was in there for 2 hours pluss hehe. 
The area where the slide was was too shallow. 
So whenever we slid down the slides, my butt would hit the ground. 
My poor left butt cheek. 
So after playing around a couple of times, we had to rest. 
That's when I discovered that I injured my pinky finger. 
I've no idea what happened & how it happened. Haha. 
Water slides with the boy- Intense LOL! 
No pictures were taken cause it was only two of us & the camera was in the bag which was in the locker. 
We thought there would be no place to put stuff so we just brought in the necessary items. 
Man, we should have brought in the camera! 

Went and check out the beach but it sucked! 
I've never seen a beach that sucked this bad. 
I'll just leave it at that cuz I have no words that can describe how disappointed I am in the beach.
Since the beach was a no-no, we went back up to clean up & get ready for dinner :)
Buffet dinner was so-so. 
One bad thing was there were quite a number of flies. 
Had fun throwing jelly into the coffee =P

Later on, in the night, we went to the bar beside the beach to have a couple of drinks.
That was how the night ended :)
Now I shall let the pictures do some taking.
The live band there was playing some chinese slow shiz emo songs. 
Thank God they sang a few upbeat English songs.
Last picture of the night :)

Went to bed happy & got out of bed happy :)
We were supposed to go back to the water park to play around one last time before going back but since my boy was injured, we decided not to.
So instead of going to the water park, we just chilled around & went to bed until it was time to checkout. 
Then we drove home & went to eat TC Mall for Sushi. 
Spontaneously decided to watch Men In Black 3 :D
Funny movie :) 
 Went home after that & finally, he opened all his stars! 
Now I can make progress to the project :)
That sums up what happened the last two days :)
Really hope he enjoyed the trip tho it was short.
Until then peeps!

Sunday 20 May 2012

Well Spent

Soo, the boy's been away since Friday & will be returning home today! 
Owhhyeahhh. BUT I think I'm only gonna see him tomorrow or maybe even Tuesday. 
We'll see how it goes :)
3 days without seeing/hearing much from the boy really is kinda annoying. 
Last night was the worst night of all. 
I couldn't fall asleep and I had stupid imaginations roaming around the topic of supernatural.
Horrible horrible horrible. 
I wasn't feeling well & I had to sleep but I only managed to sleep after hearing our old conversations :)
They're so nostalgic. 
Most of them had goodnight wishes, hehe :)
After listening to them, I fell asleep within minutes. 
I actually wanted to get up and do something productive but nah, I'd rather lie in bed since I've been productive.

I am proud to say that I spent my days well. 
I did my research and all the things that I was supposed to do. 
Hence, I deserve a reward =P
I would reward myself with some Ochado or ChaTime or ShareTea LOL. 
But my condition right now does not permit for such drinks. 
Heck, I even had to eat porridge last night while the rest of my family members ate steak -_-
For some reasons, I have wind in my tummy which causes abdominal pain. Tsk. 
Went to the doctors this morning and got my meds. 
So I'm stuck with limited types of food and tea. 
Hope I recover asap. 

I came across this picture on Facebook & found out that the glowing thing was Bioluminescent Phytoplankton. 
What a cool long ass name LOL. 
My, my it's sooo beautiful :)
Searched plankton and this came out
Only when I typed in real plankton did I find the real ones. 
They look kinda weird LOL. 
The type of plankton in SpongeBob Square Pants looks like this in real life. 

So there's the zooplankton and the phytoplankton. 
The difference between these two is that zooplankton is more of an animal whereas the phytoplankton is a plant. 
Phytoplanktons being a plant can produce their own food whereas zooplanktons feeds on phytoplankton & other particulate found in water.  
That's the two main differences between the two. 
Zooplanktons are classified by their size. 
So there's pico, nano, micro, meso and macro plankton. 
As for phytoplankton, there are manyyy kinda but the common ones are. . .
Illustrations of types of phytoplankton.
Okay, enough of planktons for the day. 
I was just merely interested in why they glow. 
So apparently it lights up because of some chemical reaction and it acts as a defense mechanism to evade their preys. 
So that's why they glow :)

I'd really like to see them glow. 
Perhaps Pulau Redang shall be of targer for my next holiday destination.
Justt to see them planktons light up =P

Aights, signing off now.
Tatas! :)

Friday 18 May 2012

Much Later.

Was supposed to update yesterday but I was caught up with some other stuff. 
Dinnered with the boy and his family since he'll be away until Sunday for that camp. 
I remember those days where even one day apart would have an impact on us. Lol. 
If I'm not mistaken, the longest time that we didn't see each other is 7 days. 
I can't imagine a month man :O
That would be hell. Seriously. 
He should on his way to the camp site now already.
That little boy of mine was so damn excited last night when he was packing his bag. 
Slept damn late last night because I had to help my boy out. 
Oh gosh, I feel like I haven't had enough sleep for a damn long time that it's sort of affecting my body now. 
But then again, it also can be caused by my 12 year old bed. 
Parents too lazy to change it -_-
Gotta bug them more. 

These days it's always late nights and early mornings. 
Yesterday I actually wanted to go home and sleep after dinner but then I had to help my boy out. 
In the end, went home at 12midnight. 
Talk about a lady driving alone at night. 
Not ideal. 
Came back home and got some attitude from mah dad. 
Went up and did some before bed rituals like brushing teeth and all that. 
And Poof! I was off to Dreamland. 

I had a pretty weird dream. 
It's about my boy & flirting. LOL.
Yeap, that's all I'm gonna say about it. 
Now, let's rewind a bit to the day before yesterday. 

My boy & I went out to Cineleisure to watch a movie. 
It's a not-bad movie. 
My boy said that it was anti-climatic. Something in which I agree with. 
But for this kind of movie, is it possible to even have a climax? 
Like that movie, The Next Three Days
It's boring as shit man, no kidding. 
Another movie I recently watched was 21 Jump Street. 
Dude, this movie is awesome! 
It has action & comedy in it as well!
I enjoyed this movie very much. 
It ain't screening here in Malaysia but you sure can download it ;)
Here, watch the trailer! 

Alrights, back to what I was going on about. 
You know how on Tuesdays items on Gelare's menu are at 50% off? 
The day that my boy and I went out was a Wednesday.
And I wouldn't have the thought of eating waffles if it wasn't for the 50% off. 
BUT my boy had to tempt me and he insisted on eating it. 
Gahhh, my plan to get abs just got trashed!
Then an hour later, when it was time for our movie, my boy insisted on having a LARGE popcorn. 
I disagreed with him because I was damn sure that he won't be able to finish it. 
True enough, he didn't finish it. TSk.
Should have listened to me man. 
Walked around a bit after movie and wanted to eat some Thai food as we were both craving for it. 
Unfortunately there wasn't any nice Thai food around so we chose Sushi instead. Lol. 

Damn I think Imma get bored of the usual food soon. 
I've been satisfying all my cravings and now I no longer have any more cravings.
Chloe is one satisfied tummy. Lol. 
I've stopped my habit of eating chips so regularly. Hehe. 
There is still one habit that I can't shake off tho. 
It's the habit of snacking while studying. 
Snacks aside, I didn't eat dessert after dinner that day. 
Whee, achievement! :)
Was in the mood for pets, so we walked up to the pet store :D
The cats were all so beautiful! 
The dogs were already kept so we went to the other section with snakes, spiders and hamsters. 
Saw this cute little hamster asleep. 
Awww. Asleep in the bowl of food =P
My boy saw it yawn LOLOL. 
Bet it must have been the cutest yawn in the world. Hehe. 
The I saw this hamster that seemed a little crazy :O
Spot the crazy one! xD
These squirrels also seem a little hyperactive to me. Lol. 
What do you think?
So that basically sums up Wednesday night. Lol. 
I totally loveee spending time with the boy. 
But maybe it's about time we go some place else. 
And the next time we eat dinner, it definitely has to be Thai cuisine since we missed out on it =P
Alrights, I better get going. Spent almost the whole morning on this post. 

Thursday 17 May 2012

Take 1000 !

50 takes, reasonable. 
But a thousand takes?
Kind of a bit of a failure, don't you think?
Just like how I said I will be taking more pictures this year but it seems like I'm failing terribly at it. LOL.
I don't know if it comes with age or the fact that I don't really have much motivation.
Yeahh, shit happens and you won't feel like doing anything except for lazing around and shiz.
Or maybe I am just lazy LOL.
Because one thing's for sure. I ain't lazing around.
I'm actually up and about doing some stuff like reading journals.
THE JOY. Zzzz.

Talk about resolutions, I think I lost my whole list of resolutions :O
I can only remember some xD
Cursing less is obviously the most failed one of all.
The rest, well, at least I tried.
CrazyDay which is supposed to be a monthly outing where people go crazy and do all the shiz they want only worked out for ONE month.
People these days are so busy with their own stuff that arranging for outings itself is a pain.
Even friends are busy :O So busy to the point where they don't even strike up a conversation or ask how are you.
I guess real friends can only be identified when you're at your lowest points.
They're the ones who'd be there for you.
However, some will only get involved when you're at your lowest point not because they genuinely care.
Some just wanna know for the sake of knowing and for the sake of having something to talk about.
Now that's what you call a FAILED friend.
To be honest, I don't even know if the word "friend" can be used =/

More than often nowadays, people are coming up with excuses.
Some are just purely ridiculous.
If you don't have time or if you forgot, just fucking say it man.
I appreciate honesty rather than some lame ass excuses.
Take up an excuse class if your excuses are lame and unbelievable -_-

Maybe part of me changed a bit but heck, I didn't change entirely.
Just because I stopped living the way you want me to doesn't mean that I've completely changed into a different person.
Maybe you just never really knew me.
Or maybe I'm just tired of making the effort, ALL THE TIME.
I remember the calls I use to make & the text messages & the fb inbox messages.
They were left unattended.
And now, I'm just tired of making the effort.
It takes two to communicate, not one.
So to hell with you.
I ain't making no move no more.

Blog more later.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

What A Sunny Day ;)

The sun was up and shinning so brightly today. 
Seemed like a good day to put the lizard out for a sun tan. LOL.
Left it out in the sun and it is still outside now.
Consequences for coming into my room yo!
If it's still alive tomorrow, well, I guess I'll have to sun it even longer =X
Yeahpss, poor little lizard that came into the wrong room. 
I tried chasing it out but it just wouldn't move, so the lizard has nothing to blame except for itself LOL. 
Okay, whatever, no one really cares about lizards. 
They're good for catching mosquitoes and roaches but that ain't enough for me to be merciful when it comes into my room. LOL. 
I will have a whole day tomorrow to figure out what to do with it if it's still alive. 
Owhh yeah, no classes on Thursdays! ;)
Gotta read journals and study tho. 
I would blog more about today but I'm kinda sleepy already lol. 
I'll blog it tomorrow or something la.
Ya'll have a good night :)

Poke You Trespassers!

I had a pretty good day today. 
Got my license renewed.
Got to drive again and so I went out to buy myself lunch before heading to uni. 
What I had in mind was .  .  .
BUT when I went there, they said they're not serving it for the time being.
In my head, I was like -_________- o0o
So I looked around and saw this other thing that looked smth like pocketful. 
It's called Pokkit if I'm not mistaken. 
Apparently it's new to their menu so I decided to try it.
I, Vania Quah, got the shock of my life when I saw how small it was compared to the picture. 
It was like a toddler's meal -_-
No wonder it was only RM6 ++
So fine, nevermind, at least it didn't taste that bad. 
All I did was buy something else to eat. 
And guess what?
Nasi Lemak Sotong somore! 
Friggishly delicious! 
And it's priced at RM4! 
Could have saved money man. 
Tsk. Saving money is now part of my plan. 
Got lots to do this year. 
For the boy and myself. LOL.
I'm a lady with a lot of plans yo ;)

Ohkay, so now a bit on driving. 
I was on my way out of the housing area and this stupid car drove at the wrong lane, the lane which I was heading to. 
Like wtf man. Just because the other lane gotta go through the guard, you wanna put my life at stake ?
Shit you man. Hope you kena some bloody saman or some shit. 
Idiots in the road. 
Then when ShinAnn was driving me & WaiSin back to main block, some weird old man driving a MyVi was driving freakishly slow -_-
Seriously, that dude must be some crazy fella. 
Cuz when we overtook him, damn he was staring like crap wei. 
Not the angry kinda stare. 
Actually, Im not even sure how to classify that stare =/
Weird shizz on the road. Pft. 

The rest of the day was civilized. 
Class went well. 
Dr. Goh was awesome! :D
Came home, ate and finally finished opening my stars :D 
Progress for project Starry Eyes :D
Just when I was about to sleep, I saw a baby lizard -_-
IN MY ROOM. -_____________-
If I still have a maid, I would usually call my maid to catch whatever that comes in my room. 
The main point of it is that NO SINGLE INSECT SHALL SURVIVE IN MY ROOM!
I will make sure that whatever that comes in my room won't make it out alive.
I hate insects okay and a whole bunch of other pests!
So this baby lizard was on the wall behind my bed frame. 
Since I have no maid now, gotta catch it on my own. 
Owhh yeah, caught that on my own yo! 
For the record, I didn't touch no shit. LOL. 
I placed it beside my alarm clock, so when it ringss, I wonder what will happen ;)
I'm still thinking of what else I should do to it since it came into my room. Heh xD
Alright, that's all for today!
Nights ya'll! 
Tata! :)

Tuesday 15 May 2012

In A Row !

Kudos to me! 
I've been updating every single day! :D
Woohoo, back to the usual. Partly =P

Remember how I doubted that anything would happen last night?
Baby showed up at my doorstep at 9.45pm & headed to a "secret" place. Tsk. 
I knew where we were going once we hit the road xD
Let's just say we were heading for a remake of what happened on the 14th of February 2011 ;)
Except that this time, it wasn't a whole huge cake. 
We had three slices of cake :)
Oreo cheese, raspberry cheese & some new dark chocolate cake. 
All from Secret Recipe =3
Fed each other at the back of the seat with some Kenny G as the background music. Heehee. 
Cheeessyyyyy xD
Just February the 14th =3
Spent some time & then headed home before 12 as the next morning we have an appointment together :)

That appointment was to go to JPJ and renew my license :D
Owhh yeahhh! 
Can't wait to drive to uni later. 
Haven't been driving and it feels really weird not driving LOL.
Special thanks to my baby who woke up early to come pick me :)
He would usually pig it out till about 10 latest maybe? 
But he woke up at 7.30 am today just to bring me to renew my license.
Awwwww =3
Thank you baby hehe. 
Love you <3

That's all for now.
Tatas! :)

Monday 14 May 2012

Just Another Day ?

Back to back classes, 3 hours each. 
On a Monday. 
Even draggier. LOL.
Just finished mah first class for today and gosh, I was trying so hard to stay awake. 
I had about8 hours of sleep. 
Guess that ain't enough for me =X
Wanted to wake early to pain my nails but ended up lazing around in bed for too long. LOL.
Maybe I should just give up on painting my nails until Nat has the time to do it xD
So anyways, since my license is already expired, Erina drove me to uni.
Wanted to get Ochado before going to uni BUT they haven't officially opened. 
PFT. How can you not open when you say you're opening today on Facebook? 
Zzzzz. Kena con. Parked the car & got down only to find that it wasn't ready for sales. 
Oh wells. 
So many things opening in Ss2.
Neway's also opening soon. HAHAH.
All so near my place.
Gonna be friggin' good for some destressing xD

Is the first day of class significant? 
Well in terms of choosing your electives, sitting in for the classes beforehand is helpful.
To know how the course is structured is also very important. 
Yeahp yeahp yeahp. It is useful :)
Besides the fact that first class and first day are important and useful, today happens to be a special day for me. 

It's the 15th month of being together with my boy.
Now I doubt there'll be anything goin' on today because we both have uni until 6 LOL.
Oh wells. 
Aights, gotta run now for my next class. 

Another End & A Fresh Start

Today's officially the last day of my break.
I start class tomorrow :(
2 weeks is so not enough to cross off all the the things on my to-do list. 
I still have lots to do & my holiday isn't really a holiday. 
Was out and about doing some photoshoot & videoshoot. LOL.
Not to forget, I also spent a lot of time with the boy which was awesome!
Felt like the old days except that this time we didn't really have new places to go. 
Lost the list of things to do together already since some of it was done individually. Oh wells. 
My list consists of :
-Sign up for subjects
-Project Starry Eyes
-Art & Craft Creations
-Clean my room
-Read a good book
-Hang out with the boy
-Catch up on my sleep
-Read ahead for social psych
-Put on weight

Out of those only a few were actually done. LOL. 
My room is still as messy.
I haven't got any time to read because I have early mornings and late nights.
In between, I spend my time with my boy. 
Project Starry Eyes gotta be put on hold since he hasn't opened all his stars. 
Art & craft creations , ahah , no time. 
As for sleep, hahah, I thought I was gonna pig it out but noooo, each morning I gotta wake up early D:
But it's okay lah I guess. 
At least, half the things are done. 
Since my schedule isn't that hectic, I think I should be able to divide my time. 

The only getaway that I had was the Malacca eating trip. 
Andrew, me, Chris, Beatrice, Erina, Hansel, YuenLing, YeeEn & Chika :)
Honestly 2D1N is damn bloody short. LOL. 
But fuh, the bungalow that we stayed in was awesomeness. 
Nice & Clean & Spacious! 
The only bad thing about the place was that the gate is not automatic. 
Ate like crazy & sweat like crazy.
I'm damn lazy to post up all the food pictures so Imma just post up the last dishes that we had. 
Nyonyaa food :)
Omgah, the laksa there was damn good as well. 
Usually I don't take laksa but fuhh, this one was irresistible! 
The crepe cake there was also nice. 
A lot of flavours :)
Basically, the trip was just full of eating. LOL.
I managed to put on at least 1kg :)
Another event that went down before this Malacca eating trip was Erina's birthday party.
I'm still waiting for the video so I'm not gonna blog about it just yet :)

All in all, I guess my holiday was pretty okay. 
Could have been better but I'm satisfied. 
Tomorrow's the first day of class & omgah, thank God it starts at 12noon. hehe. 
Alrights, signing off now. 
Ya'll have a good night aight? 

Sunday 13 May 2012


      Sooo, since this is the 100th post, it shall be a special post! 
This post is specially dedicated to my mum since it's mother's day :)
Although she might never read this, Imma still blog about it cuz that's what bloggers do ;)

I know there has been a few post before this about my parents being a pain.
About how they are hypocrites and stuff. 
Well, let's just say that in life, shit happens. And then you die. LOL.
Despite those complaints, I really do love my whole family. 
Yes, sometimes they can be annoying and all but ahaha, I can be annoying too yo. 
So all I'm sayin' is that Mom, although you will never read this. . .
I know can be a pain with my attitude sometimes and I'm sorry.
Thank you for providing all that you can for me. 
I know you work very hard at work and even at home after the maid left. 
Just want to say that I appreciate the things that you have done for my siblings & I. 
So to end this post, I'd just like to say . . . 

Saturday 12 May 2012

Last Night

We were on our way to RUSSELL PETER'S SHOW! 
We left at 6.30 just in case the jam was really bad.
Packed McD, water & all the other necessary items.
Hehe, bought the sweetheart cake for my baby =3
From Free Mori- the new bakery in ss2! 
Checkit out yo!
They have matcha pudding there too :D
So gonna go back there and try other stuff.
So, we left at 6.30 & reached there at about 7.30 LOL. 
Faster than we both thought. 
Hung around in the car eating our food & off to the show!
Really enjoyed the show :)

Friday 11 May 2012

Wake Up In The Morning Feeling . . .

Yeah it's one of those mornings where I wake up feeling all -_-
All I wanna do is go back to sleep and resume dreaming. 
Was dreaming about some disease thing where people eat other people. 
Don't ask why. The reason of the dream is also unknown to me. Lol.
And yes, I do have very random dreams.
I've also had some super cool dream where I dreamt that I was dreaming :O
Some cool inception shizzness right there yo. 
 I guess some of the things that I miss contributes to this.
I miss playing the piano.
It has some weird way of calming my soul no matter how tough the situation might be. 
My keyboard died on me about 3 months ago maybe?
Yeah, miss it badly but it has served me well. 
I had that piano since I was 6 :)
I miss waking up to the sound of the waves.
I've always loved the beach. 
The sand, the water, the breeze. 
Just about everything about the beach except for like jellyfish LOL.

And maybe, just maybe I miss that togetherness. 

What's Been Up.

When an opportunity arises, cease it :)
That's what I'm doing right now since I've been delaying a few post for a considerably long time. 
Just got back from hangin' out with the boy about an hour ago. 
Went out with him to watch the newly released, Dark Shadows :)

And it was awesomeee ! 
Johnny Depp FTW! =P
Funny how my babyboy was startled by the dude who shouted in the movie xD
Ngawww, so cuteeeee. Heehee. 
So, since I'm talking about my babyboy, I shall take this opportunity to blog about what I wanted to blog about.

As you know, I am on holiday and this week happens to be my last week of holidays. 
Nuuuuuuuuuuuu :(
2 weeks is a bit too short! Or maybe my vacation is the one to blame. LOL. 
I mean like, I only went to Malacca for 2Day1Night. 
No more short vacays. 
Actually, it shouldn't even be called a vacay. Sound more like a getaway.
Getaways are awesome! & I will be going on one soon with my babyboy. 
I figured, why not bring him somewhere after all that he's done for me. 
So ta-da! We will be going on a getaway! Wooohooo! :D
Nah-ah, not gonna say where. Even he doesn't know where =P
It would be fun hehe.

For the past week, my boy has been sweeter than sweets!
If I remember correctly, he dedicated a whole week to me.
We hung out. 
Went to Desa Park City like the old days.
But what we did there was new :)
The reason we went there was to take a few pictures of me.
Thenn, my babyboy started jumpin' & climbin' around like a monkeyy! xD

See what I mean ? =P
Maybe his caveman side came alive LOL.
And then, right after he jumped around like a monkey, he got a little sanity back into him & he started posing for the camera instead xD
It was an awesome day cuz I had my honey jasmine tea too :)
Headed over to OU for some karaoke. 
Sang for 6 hours :O
Hardcore much ? LOL. 

Gosh it's getting so lateeee =/
Don't think I can finish in time so I'll wrap it up after blogging about the stars :)
Okay so last year, Andrew & I decided that at the end of each day we would write down how the day was on the star paper & fold it into a star and accumulate for a year. 
I had plans for pinning it up onto a board but I didn't manage to finish writing. 
Some days I forgot to write =/
He gave his to me in a heart shaped candylicious jar which looks something like this.
Err, heh, can't really see the jar but haha, look at how many I've opened. 
When I start I seriously can't stop! :O
One of 'em stars say- Memories can't be captured nor written nor framed; they stay exclusively in the heart :)
Awwwwwwwwww <3 <3
Damn, now I feel like opening some of them. 
Heh, gotta refrain.

Alrights, I'll sign off for now. 
Actually got an early day tmr. LOL.
G'night ya'll ! 

Thursday 10 May 2012

Movie Freak Alert! :O

Movies, movies, movies.
That's what I've been up to partially =P
And since my babyboy lovess watching movies as much as I do, haha we've been catching lots of movies. 
We watch movies almost every week! :O
Behold, the most talked about and the most anticipated superhero movie.
Like OhMaiGoshhh, I lovee this movie so much!
It's so full of action and yet so funny!!
Surprised that I could sit through the entire movie without going to the bathroom LOL.
Always teased by him tsk!
I drink alot when I eat popcorn okay! 
Next up, Street Dance 2!
I didn't watch the first one & if I remember correctly, my babyboy also didn't watch the first one. LOL.
But the movie was sooo awesome!
The dance moves and all were darn cool. 
Wish I could dance like that with mah boy =3
That lead female actress can really dance man & it's so darn sexy!
Speaking of dancing, I haven't started my dance class. 
Sighs. The bad thing about planning to go with a few people is the time coordination.
Oh well. 
Then we have a movie with Rihanna in it; Battleship.
Well, I don't have much to say about it really. 
I just find some parts cool. Lol.
Cabin in the woods is damn good. 
A very interesting and weird concept. 
Should watch it :)
It's not the typical kind of horror movie or whatever. Lol. 
Last but not least, the latest movie my boy and I watched is . . .
I'll give Jason Statham the credit for being uber cool. 
But I prefer Bruce Willis actually LOL.
The boy likes Jason Statham :)
Haha I'm kinda running out of things to say cuz my eyes & brains are shutting down already. 
It's almost two and I'm still up and posting. Heee. 
I said I'd update didnt I ? ;)
So here it is :)
There'll be more coming up, so stay tuned!
Malacca trip, Erina's birthday and some updates about babyboy & I :)
Until then, goonight! :)