Monday 14 May 2012

Another End & A Fresh Start

Today's officially the last day of my break.
I start class tomorrow :(
2 weeks is so not enough to cross off all the the things on my to-do list. 
I still have lots to do & my holiday isn't really a holiday. 
Was out and about doing some photoshoot & videoshoot. LOL.
Not to forget, I also spent a lot of time with the boy which was awesome!
Felt like the old days except that this time we didn't really have new places to go. 
Lost the list of things to do together already since some of it was done individually. Oh wells. 
My list consists of :
-Sign up for subjects
-Project Starry Eyes
-Art & Craft Creations
-Clean my room
-Read a good book
-Hang out with the boy
-Catch up on my sleep
-Read ahead for social psych
-Put on weight

Out of those only a few were actually done. LOL. 
My room is still as messy.
I haven't got any time to read because I have early mornings and late nights.
In between, I spend my time with my boy. 
Project Starry Eyes gotta be put on hold since he hasn't opened all his stars. 
Art & craft creations , ahah , no time. 
As for sleep, hahah, I thought I was gonna pig it out but noooo, each morning I gotta wake up early D:
But it's okay lah I guess. 
At least, half the things are done. 
Since my schedule isn't that hectic, I think I should be able to divide my time. 

The only getaway that I had was the Malacca eating trip. 
Andrew, me, Chris, Beatrice, Erina, Hansel, YuenLing, YeeEn & Chika :)
Honestly 2D1N is damn bloody short. LOL. 
But fuh, the bungalow that we stayed in was awesomeness. 
Nice & Clean & Spacious! 
The only bad thing about the place was that the gate is not automatic. 
Ate like crazy & sweat like crazy.
I'm damn lazy to post up all the food pictures so Imma just post up the last dishes that we had. 
Nyonyaa food :)
Omgah, the laksa there was damn good as well. 
Usually I don't take laksa but fuhh, this one was irresistible! 
The crepe cake there was also nice. 
A lot of flavours :)
Basically, the trip was just full of eating. LOL.
I managed to put on at least 1kg :)
Another event that went down before this Malacca eating trip was Erina's birthday party.
I'm still waiting for the video so I'm not gonna blog about it just yet :)

All in all, I guess my holiday was pretty okay. 
Could have been better but I'm satisfied. 
Tomorrow's the first day of class & omgah, thank God it starts at 12noon. hehe. 
Alrights, signing off now. 
Ya'll have a good night aight? 

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