Thursday 17 May 2012

Take 1000 !

50 takes, reasonable. 
But a thousand takes?
Kind of a bit of a failure, don't you think?
Just like how I said I will be taking more pictures this year but it seems like I'm failing terribly at it. LOL.
I don't know if it comes with age or the fact that I don't really have much motivation.
Yeahh, shit happens and you won't feel like doing anything except for lazing around and shiz.
Or maybe I am just lazy LOL.
Because one thing's for sure. I ain't lazing around.
I'm actually up and about doing some stuff like reading journals.
THE JOY. Zzzz.

Talk about resolutions, I think I lost my whole list of resolutions :O
I can only remember some xD
Cursing less is obviously the most failed one of all.
The rest, well, at least I tried.
CrazyDay which is supposed to be a monthly outing where people go crazy and do all the shiz they want only worked out for ONE month.
People these days are so busy with their own stuff that arranging for outings itself is a pain.
Even friends are busy :O So busy to the point where they don't even strike up a conversation or ask how are you.
I guess real friends can only be identified when you're at your lowest points.
They're the ones who'd be there for you.
However, some will only get involved when you're at your lowest point not because they genuinely care.
Some just wanna know for the sake of knowing and for the sake of having something to talk about.
Now that's what you call a FAILED friend.
To be honest, I don't even know if the word "friend" can be used =/

More than often nowadays, people are coming up with excuses.
Some are just purely ridiculous.
If you don't have time or if you forgot, just fucking say it man.
I appreciate honesty rather than some lame ass excuses.
Take up an excuse class if your excuses are lame and unbelievable -_-

Maybe part of me changed a bit but heck, I didn't change entirely.
Just because I stopped living the way you want me to doesn't mean that I've completely changed into a different person.
Maybe you just never really knew me.
Or maybe I'm just tired of making the effort, ALL THE TIME.
I remember the calls I use to make & the text messages & the fb inbox messages.
They were left unattended.
And now, I'm just tired of making the effort.
It takes two to communicate, not one.
So to hell with you.
I ain't making no move no more.

Blog more later.

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