Wednesday 16 May 2012

Poke You Trespassers!

I had a pretty good day today. 
Got my license renewed.
Got to drive again and so I went out to buy myself lunch before heading to uni. 
What I had in mind was .  .  .
BUT when I went there, they said they're not serving it for the time being.
In my head, I was like -_________- o0o
So I looked around and saw this other thing that looked smth like pocketful. 
It's called Pokkit if I'm not mistaken. 
Apparently it's new to their menu so I decided to try it.
I, Vania Quah, got the shock of my life when I saw how small it was compared to the picture. 
It was like a toddler's meal -_-
No wonder it was only RM6 ++
So fine, nevermind, at least it didn't taste that bad. 
All I did was buy something else to eat. 
And guess what?
Nasi Lemak Sotong somore! 
Friggishly delicious! 
And it's priced at RM4! 
Could have saved money man. 
Tsk. Saving money is now part of my plan. 
Got lots to do this year. 
For the boy and myself. LOL.
I'm a lady with a lot of plans yo ;)

Ohkay, so now a bit on driving. 
I was on my way out of the housing area and this stupid car drove at the wrong lane, the lane which I was heading to. 
Like wtf man. Just because the other lane gotta go through the guard, you wanna put my life at stake ?
Shit you man. Hope you kena some bloody saman or some shit. 
Idiots in the road. 
Then when ShinAnn was driving me & WaiSin back to main block, some weird old man driving a MyVi was driving freakishly slow -_-
Seriously, that dude must be some crazy fella. 
Cuz when we overtook him, damn he was staring like crap wei. 
Not the angry kinda stare. 
Actually, Im not even sure how to classify that stare =/
Weird shizz on the road. Pft. 

The rest of the day was civilized. 
Class went well. 
Dr. Goh was awesome! :D
Came home, ate and finally finished opening my stars :D 
Progress for project Starry Eyes :D
Just when I was about to sleep, I saw a baby lizard -_-
IN MY ROOM. -_____________-
If I still have a maid, I would usually call my maid to catch whatever that comes in my room. 
The main point of it is that NO SINGLE INSECT SHALL SURVIVE IN MY ROOM!
I will make sure that whatever that comes in my room won't make it out alive.
I hate insects okay and a whole bunch of other pests!
So this baby lizard was on the wall behind my bed frame. 
Since I have no maid now, gotta catch it on my own. 
Owhh yeah, caught that on my own yo! 
For the record, I didn't touch no shit. LOL. 
I placed it beside my alarm clock, so when it ringss, I wonder what will happen ;)
I'm still thinking of what else I should do to it since it came into my room. Heh xD
Alright, that's all for today!
Nights ya'll! 
Tata! :)

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