Sunday 6 November 2011

The Clock's Always Ticking!

24Hours in a day is NOT enough!
There's just too much to do in a day right now. 
Argh, don't even have time to blog everyday now. 
Pfft, I know I liked being busy but this is just hectic that it is kinda stressful =/
Need a day off man. Lol. 
I'll never take a day off now tho. In a day, I can get alot of things done.
So anyways, last week was chaotic! 
Monday & Tuesday had to stay back. 
And OMG HELP's main block car park was flooded like crap man. 
Photo taken by Edward Pook btw.
Thank God, my car wasn't affected! 
But my leggings were wet and I was cursing the whole time I was walking to my car. 
Sien man everytime rain cats and dogs.
Forever running under the rain. 
One of these days, Imma get sick man. 
Then things got worse when it was time to drive home. 
Stuck in jam for like dunno how long. Pfft. 
So anyway, I only went to uni for two days this week. 
Wasn't really feeling well on the third day. 
The next day was a Thursday spent with Erina & the PS2 xD
Heh, we had food and drinks beside us so that we didn't have to go far xD
Was sooo happy to finally be able to play Champions of Norrath :D 
So far so good :) 
Take a look at my awesome sexy character xD
With the armour.
 Without the armour xD
And a sneak peek at her butt xD
Fuhh, ain't she hawt! 
Now let's take a look at Erina's aweome sexy ass character.
With and without armour too xD
HAHA, it's just smth me and Erina like to do xD 
Glued to the game man LOL. 
After playing a while, the boyfriend came over. 
He brought his own game to play lol.
I swear my house looked like some gaming centre or something. 
Erina & I were on the TV, Andrew was on his laptop and my brother was on the com playing some game LOL. 
Botht he girlfriend & the boyfriend stayed for dinner. 
Later on, Andrew & I went out for dessert :) 
He dropped me off at Erina's to continue with our PS2 date xD
Played till about 2 in the morning.
I can really see that age is catching up with us LOL. 
We used to be able to last till about like 4 or 5. Haha. 
The longest time we lasted was till 6am. 
And even then, we started in the morning around 10am? LOL. 
Talk about hardcore or rather addiction xD
Chit chat for a bit then we slept. 
The next day started at 11am. 
Slept like a pig! 
Oh I forgot to mention that I brought Boey out! :D 
It was his first time away from home :D 
Hehe, he was sitting there watching Erina & I play xD 
Boey never fails to put me to sleep really. 
So nice to hug to bed when Andrew's not around LOL. 
Normally, I would have my bolster there for me but now, ahha, no more bolster. 
It's just Boey :)

Fast forwarding to Friday night, went for movie with Andrew
Watched Tower Heist. 
Tower Heist is an awesome movie yo! :D 
Haha, and guess what, my boy was watching it with his mouth open again xD 
So cute la he =3
You know, sometimes watching a movie isn't about how nice the movie is. 
Sometimes it's about who's watching it with you. 
You can be watching a super awesome movie but if you have an enemy sitting beside you, heck, you ain't gonna enjoy the show very much.
I always enjoy my movies because he's beside me, holding me and keeping me close :)

The highlight for Saturday was the choir performance we attended in Klang.
It was awesome! 
There was this one song that was kinda epic. Lol. 
Oh and haha, we almost gate crashed into someone's wedding LOL. 
There weren't many signs leading us to the venue so yeah. 
Almost wanted to leave. 
The show ended with a short sketch :)
On the way home, drove thru at McD to get a drink then stayed in the car for a little while for a little make out session & headed home. 

Finally, we're at a Sunday! 
Last day of the week :)
The supposedly rest day. 
I guess I was kinda relaxed today until I remembered that I had an assignment to send. lol. 
I was out almost the whole day. Lol. 
With Andrew of course. 
Who else would I be out with if it was not Andrew. Pfft. 
That sweetie little pie of mine, brought me shopping today :)
Hehe, got a new bag! :D 
And omg, a heel and flats from Summit! :D 
To those out there who are fans of Summit, they have this Trade-In thing going on. 
You bring in your old pair and get 30% discount on the second pair you purchase. 
Of course you'd have to purchase one at the original price first before you get to enjoy the 30% Lol. 
Not sure how long it'll be so go now! :D
My baby's so sweet. Bring me shopping & all that. 
I feel sooo spoilt by him and his love LOL. 
Anyways, I'm dead tired right now.
Been waiting for him to finish his whatever dota game. 
Hate that game.
Just because ! 
Will blog more tmr. 
Nighty nights peeps! 

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