Saturday 26 November 2011

Prepping Like I'm Poppin'

Pop it like it's hot & DROP YOUR PANTIES!!! 
It's been a week or two since I properly blogged. Lol. 
Whoopsie daisy xD

Okay so, last week was full of frantic activites. 
It was like a series of frantic events throughout the week man.
All for the one big event that happened last Friday :)
Because it was a surprise, I couldn't say a thing about it here and trust me, it kills
If I allowed myself to blog about it once bit, the whole thing would come out LOL.

Planning an event can be fun but it can be stressful too. 
In may case, fuhh, I was super stressed out! 
I had assignments due, mid terms and Andrew's party stuff to handle!
Yes I organised a surprise party for Andrew :D
And keeping it low at bay is super hard!
I had to constantly bluff him about my whereabouts LOL. 
I'd say that I was doing assignment in Vinnie's house or group discussion after class LOL.
Then other times, I'd say I was in pasar malam or shopping with  my mum LOL. 
It didn't get any easier cause he'd ask me MORE questions! 
Luckily I had Megan & Vinnie to help me think of a few excuses xD
Days where I stay back in uni to learn the dance were considered late nights. 
All the time stuck in the jam with Vinnie, all the heart pumping moments LOL.
Omg, I remember on one morning, I thought I saw Andrew's car! :O
Seriously gave me a heart attack. 
The car beside me was another Peugeot308 Turbo in white!
I froze! 
I didn't dare to take a peep in case it was him so I just moved forward a little and took at peep at the car's number plate & THANK GOD it wasn't him!  Phew!

The stressful part was not the party alone. 
It was having everything at once!
Not to mention Andrew caused some modifications to the plan which in turn made me change plans a few times LOL. 
Like on Monday when he surprised me in Uni & took me out for dinner. 
I missed my dance lesson that night LOL. 
And I was so scared he'd see my phone cause all the arrangements were there LOL. 
The next modification was Friday, he told me he wasn't going to work ! 
My Friday was full with the party plans. 
All the dance practice, picking people up, make up and food arrangement! 
Once again, I bluffed him that I had replacement class xD
And OMG I almost got caught red handed on Friday! 
I was halfway carrying all my stuff down to put in the car before he comes. 
But just as I was coming down the stairs, I SAW HIS CAR! 
In no time, I sprinted to my maids room and dropped the stuff there xD
When he came in, he wanted to go to my room! 
And I wasn't sure if I had taken everything down already so I stopped him! 
But, ah who am I to? 
In the end, he went into my room but fuhh, thank God he did not open my planner xD
That wasn't all tho. 
We went back down to the dining table and I was hoping so hard that he would NOT go and open the fridge cuz his cake was in there. 
I even offered to get water for him so that he would not go to the back but he came to the back anyways. Lol.
When it was time for me to go for my "replacement class", I made him leave the house first so that I could take the stuff from my maid's room and put it in my car LOL. 
Headed over to Nat's place and picked her up and all. 
Then it was showtime ;)

This post is just some sort of like a behind the scene kinda thing, so yeah. 
What really went on will be revealed in the next post ;)
So while we're here, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped me out :)
First off, I'd like to thank YuenLing.
She really helped me out in terms of the venue of the party :)
Thanks for devoting some of your time in helping me search for venues & following me there to checkout the place :)
Next up, Vin :)
This guy can dance man! 
More flexible than me! 
Thanks so much for taking time in choreographing the dance for us! :D
I know you have a very busy schedule yet you make time for us dancers.
Really appreciate it :)
And also for being the fashion advisor ! 
Thank you Andrew Tang for coming with some games, helping out with the plan & agreeing to be the emcee although you had another party goin' on somewhere else :D
Thank you Jonathan Yap for temaning me to go buy stuff :D
& it's time for a new profile pic please! xD
Last but not least, I'd like to thank the two super hot dancers.
Megan & Vinnie :)
Thank you both for agreeing to dance! 
Again, thank you for helping out with excuses xD

All in all, thank you all for your time invested in this :)
It means alot to me & I'm sure Andrew appreciates all our efforts too :)
The party wouldn't be possible without you people :)
Next post! xD

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