Tuesday 8 November 2011

Take That Look Off Your Face

 Nai nai nai, do I look tired? :O
Or do I look like I aged? :O :O 
Omg omg. 
I don't wanna look old! 
I don't mind looking younger than I am but pfft, I don't want to look too kiddy. LOL. 
Fussy much ? LOL. 
I am surprised that my tiredness can be seen through my face! :O 
Omg, mask dysfunction! 
Need a new one. 
It's hard to get good ones these days. Sighs. 
I know what I need but it ain't gonna happen for me lol. 
Right now, I just wanna eat man LOL. 
My current craving, a new entry, is the KFC's Pocketful :D 
Heh, can't wait to get it xD

I miss eating sweets. 
Fuhh last Friday, a few gobstoppers xD 
My favourite sweet xD 
Heeeeheeee, they used to have them in Cold Storage I think. 
Then now it's not there anymore :( 
I saw some at the grocer at Giza. Haha so tempting to go there and get them xD
Somehow I have this craving for sweets all the time =/
It ain't good as I have to control my sugar intake. Sighs. 
Wish I didn't have any diabetic history -_-
So yeah I was curious about why I want candies so much. 
Found out that it elevates mood  *oooohhh*
A possible explanation would be that eating sugar increases the absorption rate of an amino acid called  tryptophan. 
That amino acid, tryptophan, is actually used by our body to make serotonin.
So an increase in absorption rate of that amino acid results in more serotonin.
So that explains why mood is elevated when sweets are taken. 
Haha, whoa so scientific. PFFT. 
I'm not even gonna get started on explaining serotonin now. 
Kinda gtg now. 
Maybe, just maybe I'll blog about it in the near future xD
Ciao the mao! 

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