Tuesday 1 November 2011

Shop & Pop!

Got down on a Friday with some waffles and some movies! 
I was such a good girl for attending the replacement class yesterday. 
Regretted it in the end cause I could have slept in! :(
Oh well. 
Subway for breakfast & went out for waffles with YuenLing :)
 My little granddaughter so engrossed in buttering the waffle xD
The rest of the day, I was tryna upload the video in the previous post. LOL.
Took so long to friggin upload it just to find out that it was removed the second it got out due to copyright stuff. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. 
Finally decided to upload it on YouTube and the weather wasn't very helpful.
Slowed down the line and I had to wait -_-
These days I'm actually getting pretty impatient =/
Maybe it's cause I've been patient for far too long!
Fuhhh, need to destress man. Pfft, stress everywhere.
After the rain went away , I drove over to fetch my boy to gym.
How nice of me right? I mean like, which other girl would actually drive their boy around.
Very rare lol.
You know what happened after he finished his gym time?
I was driving around the area looking for him while he was walking to my house -_-
Drama much ?
As usual, went to watch movie.
Watched In Time
Fuhh, I like this movie.
Amanda Seyfried is so cool on this movie!
She makes me wanna own a gun! xD
And damn, she's smoking hot with that hair! ;)
Friday ended, just like that.
HAHA, it's also amazing how I can almost forget about the exam next day.

Yes had exam the next day & I came back about like 11+ LOL.
The dream I had was super weird man.
Dream about my first job LOL.
I was successful xD
Heh, there was a candy machine in the office! :D
Not just any candy, Japanese candies xD
YuenLing was in my dream and she was my colleague.
We were facing the candy temptation together xD
And the next part, hahah even weirder so I ain't gonna say it.

The exam was do-able. Had to write damn alot tho.
Hand was gonna break man.
Stayed throughout the entire exam. Now that's a first LOL.
Skip, skip, skip to the fun part!
Heeeeheeee, went shopping! :D
At first I was kinda disappointed, cause they didn't seem like they have anything for me.
Then I started seeing some clothes that I liked :D
Only a few caught my eye tho.
Heeee, here's what I bought xD
Haha, yes I know it looks kinda bridesmaid-ish. 
But it's cool. Tried it on, liked it & made it mine ;)
The other stuff were all bought by Andrew :)
Party dress!! :D
And the black shorts! :D
The rest of the stuff you see in the picture are stuff my mum bought me from Japan :D
Heh, I don't think I will ever use that HelloKitty tissue. Too nice to be used LOL.
And last but not least, the all year round journal.
The most expensive notebook I've ever owned.
I still have not used it yet.
LOL. Maybe, just maybe somewhere this week, I'll open it xD
After shopping it was already 5+ and as usual, Andrew had to go home.
Dinnertime  was awesomeness! :D
Because there were. . .CRABS! xD
These dishes made my night ;)
 Honey smth smth chicken. Tasted really good!
 Burger taufu, normal la. Lol.
 Uhm pork? Lol.
Kam heong crab!! :D
Crabs crabs crabs. 
Takes me a very long time to eat.
Lol, I was last to finish heh.
Food's meant to be enjoyed, thus, i enjoy every moment of eating the crab.
Mmmmm, I'm hungry now xD
Bought some chips home & watched The Dilemma with my parents at home. Lol.
Good show, good show.
Comedy's my favourite genre now :)

Sunday, I woke up like friggin early!
Weekends, I usually wake up at 10am.
Woke half an hour earlier -_-
Probably because I dream about someone who was trying to kill me. LOL.
So I was at some shopping place and suddenly some guy  that was holding a gun held me as hostage! :O
But that didn't stop me from fighting back.
I even managed to snatch the gun away from him! LOLOL.
I pointed the gun towards him and said these exact words,
 "Put your hands up where I can see them"
WHOA, like a boss yo! xD
At first, the guy cooperated but when I took my eyes off him to tell someone to call 911, he freaking came at me! While struggling to keep the gun from him, I shouted,
 "Everybody down!" 
LOL, just to keep everyone safe from bullets flying around.
Struggle till the gun was pointed at me, then I woke up. LOL.
That was the end of the dream. Hopefully, I didn't die. Lol.
Cleaned up and got a text from Andrew.
Andrew came and pick me up to his place.
Ate lunch, did my homework there and I was looking forward to playing PS2 with him but then we didn't play in the end cause he said not in front of his parents -____________-
Pfft, was so looking forward to it.
So anyways, went out with him and his friends.
Went to Picadilly for dinner.
The food there was not bad but the red ruby I ordered didn't really taste like red ruby.
Oh wells.
Played Cluedo. No wait, I actually just watched.
No quality time or whatsoever, and we just went home.
Usually we'd make out before we go home, but haha, getting less and less.
Oh wells.

Then Monday dropped in.
Talk about Monday blues, I had class at 8am.
Tutorial class was fucking boring.
Again with the one question, whole class answers -______-
Sien man.
Pfft, Monday, me no likey you! Hmmph!
It's Tuesday now, and it's gonna be another longg day.
Tension in my shoulders tell me that I am probably pretty stressed out right now.
Meh, I need to destress yo!
Can't wait for my PS2 session xD
Ooooh, Mr Alex is now talking about personality disorder xD
Blog more later!

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