Wednesday 2 November 2011


These days, things as simple as gratitude is missing.
Gratitude for food, shelter and whatnots.
I often find myself questioning these behaviours & perhaps I've come up with a theory or two on my own.
Personally, I think it has to do with the mind.
The preoccupied mind.
A preoccupied mind which consist of the could have's, should have's and would have's.
Usually the preoccupied mind will only be present during mid life crisis which clearly most young people nowadays aren't.
Teenagers are usually occupied with finding their identity and sense of purpose but now, I guess it is slightly different since life actually gets more complicated as you grow older.

So yeah, being preoccupied with those things in mind, I guess one has the tendency to lose focus on the positives that are happening before their very eye.
It's almost like driving and texting.
Texting is what the driver is preoccupied with and when you're texting you lose focus.
Then when you lose focus, that's when accidents happen.
The same concept goes with being preoccupied ; you'll miss out on the present.

Yesterday's gone, today's here, tomorrow is yet to come.
We should never dwell on what happened the day before.
Everyday is a new day.
I know I said tomorrow is yet to come but sometimes you'll never be too sure.
Today might be your last day and you won't even know it.
We've got cases of young people dying of heart attack. People as young as 20 + .
So are you sure you want to be preoccupied with what should/could/would happen if another path was taken?
You might miss out on what's right in front of you.
Just sayin'.

There's also a reason why our development pattern is in an ascendant manner.
Don't live your life backwards. Neither should you live your life stagnant.
Challenges are placed in front of you for you to overcome.
Pushing them away won't make them go away.
After all, how far can you run? Can't be running your entire life now, can you ?
I've personally learnt from facing challenges.
Yes, there may be times where you just won't feel like doing anything but hey, rest for a while & get back up cause the cold hard truth is, no one is ever gonna really be able to help you.
We all have the control over our own lives, minds and thoughts.
It depends on how well you handle it.
I didn't handle it very well when I was faced with challenges or rough patterns but I made it.
Getting back up on my own two feet right now :)

The world might be a cruel place to live in but don't let it make you a cold hearted person.
Instead, bring warmth to the world.
You'd be amazed at how satisfied you'll feel later on.
Least when you die, you'd know that you contributed something to your world :)

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