Tuesday 15 November 2011

Meet Papa Bear!

Laaa la lalalalaaalalal. Lalalalalala smurf the whole day long xD 
Yeah yeah, I know that totally doesn't relate but pfft whatever. 
So since I am Mama bear, my baby's now a Papa bear! 
But it's kinda sad cause I can't sleep with Ruby :( 
Ruby's fur drops every dunnohowlong. 
Oh wells. 
Boey's more than enough to hug to bed :) 
I know right now you're wondering why I didn't update on what happened the past week or so. 
Well let's just say, I only have limited time on the computer to do my stuff right now. 
I promise to update on every single thing next week k ? :) 
I need some sleep now. 
Laters! :)

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