Tuesday 29 November 2011

Up In Smokes

He was smoking.
Something I never knew he did.
I was shocked in seeing him smoke like a smoker who has smoked for a few years.
You can almost tell by the way he holds the cigarette stick.
I couldn't believe it so I went straight up to him and snatched the ciggie away.
Threw it to the ground but he got pist & asked some other girl for a cig. 
I was stunned.
Something I never knew all these while is now revealing itself one way or another. 
The best part was that he knew I hated smokers.
That was what I dreamt about this morning.
What a dream aye? 
Buttt, haha, it will always be just a dream because I know he will NEVER touch a cigarette.
Having these kind of dreams make me question the real meaning behind it tho. 
Like, is it trying to tell me something? 
Cause I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking of cigarettes AT ALL! Lol.
Oh wells, I'll just leave it as a dream. 
No point in thinking too much about it. 
Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.
So to those who worry about every single thing, try not to alright? :)

So my morning was a bit of a bummer, woke up to the alarm that I set but went back to sleep for a "few minutes" and ended up waking up at 7.10am :O
Was a bit late soo, haha, had to speed up.
And I'm back on the road driving again. 
I don't have much problems with driving itself but I do have problems with drivers and the roads.
Roads in Malaysia are horrible. 
Potholes here and there.
Yeah I know it's unavoidable to have potholes but come on, fix the damn thing man. 
It's freaking annoying having to avoid this and that when there are many cars. Pfft. 
I came across this website which is an organisation that is dedicated to fixing potholes.
It's a website where you can lodge a report on which area has potholes and stuff. 
If I'm not mistaken they also have a hotline where you can call and report straight.
Maybe Malaysia should have something like that you know. 
Every road shouldn't have potholes.
Have you ever driven on the road towards the King's palace? 
It's freaking nice. 
Properly tarred with nice OBVIOUS yellow lines and street lights.
Every road should be like that.
Some of the lines on the road can't even be seen. 
And this can really cause a lot of confusion. 
You can be travelling on the wrong side of the road and you wouldn't even know. 
If it's a road that you always take, then it's fine but how about those who are not familiar with the place? 
These are the little things that can be done to improve road experiences. 
Another thing I wanna bring up is the bumps. 
Some bumps are so freaking high and they're not painted! 
Drivers would have to brake like mad if they're not aware of the bump ahead. 
Heck, some even fly over bumps. 
DANGEROUS is the word here.
If it's hard to paint stripes on the bump, just paint the whole friggin thing in yellow!
It is advertised everywhere that drivers should drive safe yet the roads are like crap. 
Zzzz -________-
Nonetheless, the roads are not solely to be blamed for accidents and such. 
Drivers these days are also freaking idiotic. 
There is a reason why signals are made. DUH!
It's easy to use & it won't bite. 
If you wanna go left, switch on the signal that points to the left. Vice versa. 
Seriously, I have no idea why is it SO hard to just indicate where you want to go. 
If there ain't any cars then alright, it's understandable but if you want to cut, put your bloody signal will u ?
I get so annoyed every single time a person doesn't put the signal and just park it's ass in front of me. 
Just like this morning when I was on the way to uni. 
This car on my left wanted to cut because there wasn't any car in front of me. 
I noticed that she wanted to cut cause she was coming close but wtheck, I waited for her to go and she doesn't wanna go. 
And when I finally move, she wants to cut again -_-
Honked her in her face. 
Already tolerated her no-signal-intention to cut and that's all I'm gonna give. 
I don't care what car you drive, as long as you don't put your signal there's no way I'm gonna let you cut. 
Not even in your dreams. 
One last very important thing.
Drivers out there please make sure your backlights are working aight. 
Cause there was one incident where I had to brake quite hard just because the van's backlights weren't working. 
Therefore I didn't know he was slowing down or wtv shit. 
Wanna avoid accidents or some surprise butt attack on your car's butt, please do your part. 
Saves the hassle of exchanging numbers, paying for this and that. 
I'll blog more later. 
Lunch  now. 

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