Monday 28 November 2011


Wouldn't it be cool to live forever? :D
But then again, living forever could be hell =/
I'd wanna be a vampire if I lived forever xD
Okayy, okayyy, I'l get straight to the point. 
I finally watched Immortals with my boy today! 
The fighting scenes were pretty awesome but the story line kinda a bit off. 
And omg what caught my eye was the Epirus Bow.
Omg, how I wish my character in PS2 had that bow.
Gahhh, I'm still not over that awesome bow but heck, it was only used like less than 5 times in the movie. 
One word, LAME. 
Just give it to me man. 
I'll make full use of it! xD
Went over to Sakae Sushi after movie to get lunch.
And once again, THEY DIDN'T HAVE MOCHI! 
It's really starting to annoy me how they always don't have the one that I want.
Omg, is the world running out of peanut mochi ? :O :O
I better go search for other alternatives man.
This reminds me of the matcha pudding too xD
Heeheee, foooodd xD
My baby knows I like food so he kinda spoils me with them xD
I ought to cut down on dessert tho =/
Blood test this weekend.
Hopefully, my results are fine.
Gosh, I'm starting worry.
And I can't believe December's coming at me like a bullet train!
It seems like November just started!
Sighs, December, the month of final examination.
My first exam is next Wednesday :O
Stress man just by thinking about it.
Guess I'd better start now LOL.
See you later alligator! 

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