Saturday 31 December 2011

Momento ~

It's the last day of 2011! 
What are YOU doing today ? 
If you ain't doing anything, PLAN NOW! :D 
New Years calls for a time for celebration peeps! 
Take this tome to remembah! 
All the good times and bad time and see what you can learn from 'em :)
In other words, SUMMARIZE YOUR YEAR! :D

My year was as fun as a theme park! :D 
Yes there were dramas, arguments, disagreements but those aside, this year's really something :)
Started off well with the meeting of mah soulmate. 
Yeah you heard that right, SOULMATE ;)
There, there. Our very first pic together :)
Ngawww, brings back sweet memories xD
One from every month. Let's go! :D
There you have it. 
Our journey :D 
It has been indeed a year. 
It's been a year already baby! :D 
Hehehehehehe, reeanctment, yes? No? 
heheh dunnnooo! 
From the meeting of my soulmate to the parties we've been to together, I am loving it. 
Absolutely loveeee his company. 
We've many years to go babyboy ;)
It's been a great year :) 
As for studies, fuhh, I can't wait to resume next year. 
I wanna learn something I don't know about ! :)
Hoping for good results :D 
To conclude things up, 2011 is the beginning of many happy years ahead just because I met him <3
It just gets better & better ;)
Countdown later will be with my love and friends, can't wait to celebrate it :D
Without further a do, 

Thursday 22 December 2011


I just realised I've been posting a lot of life lesson like post on here. 
Damn it must be boring as hell aye LOL.
Don't worry I ain't gonna bombard you with any life lessons or reminders now. 
Cause Christmas is around the corner! :D
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! :D :D
Tho I'm not in the Christmas mood much, I have wishes ;)
And I have only ONE thing on my wishlist. 
A machine that prints money xD
By then I'll not have to worry about anything anymore.
Ngek ngek.
It's just ONE wish Santa. 
Just one :)
I promise I'll donate too! Hehe. 
Money money money, must be funny, in a rich man's world. 
Bleh, maybe I should buy myself a gift aye. 
I should treat myself a bottle of Absolut vodka :) 
Then everyday next year, I will have alcohol. Teehee.
T-t-t-t-t-tasty Tastyyy! 

Back to Christmas which is only 3 days away, what're you peeps gonna do ? :)
My yearly tradition is to go to church but quite honestly, this year I don't feel like it =/
I might want to just sleep in & treat it like another day. Lol. 
Plus I am not sure if I can finish up the gift making in time. 
Yes I'm making gifts this year :)
The one event that I really cannot wait for is New Year's Eve :)
Seafood dinner, karaoke session, clubbing & New Year's Eve of course. 
Heh, not forgetting the Chinese New Year shopping xD
Bleh, I should get started on my gifts now aye.
Imma dine now yo. 


A simple four letter word but complicated as hell.
It is indeed easy to say "I love you" but it takes a lot to prove that you do.
Words are only words until actions are there to back 'em up :)
And of course each and every day is an opportunity to show someone how much you really love them.
Valentines Day is not the only day to express your love you know. 
In fact, it should be done everyday because you won't know what will happen tomorrow.
Again this comes down to appreciating every single person who means something to you in your life :)
But this post isn't about appreciation, it's about love. 
I love my boyfriend, Andrew Chong very much.
There isn't a second in a day where I don't think about him. 
I'm always thinking about what he's up to and all.
Maybe I care too much, I don't know =/
Love makes people go crazy sometimes & maybe I am going crazy :O
Or perhaps I'm just crazy in love? 
Can be good, can be bad. Lol. 
I really love him to death, literally. 
I don't think he knows this but whenever he needs me there, I'm ready to just drop everything. 
I love having him around.
Makes me feel so safe.
Maybe that's why whenever he's not around, I feel vulnerable to stuff like bad memories =/
I'm not sure if he's aware of the things I do for him. 
I remember all the times where I made things for him.
I put all my effort in getting it done. 
Thought some are not perfect, I tried my best yo. 
I even invested a lot of time in planning his party from the guestlist to the itinerary :)
I had assignments due dates & mid terms a day after that party yet it did not slow me down :')
Instead, I gave the party a higher priority than anything else just cause I wanted it to be perfect for him.
Whenever he needs me, I'd just drop everything & go. 
I wonder if he knows that. 
I really wonder if he knows how much he means to me. 
If ever he isn't feeling well, I'd of course want to take care of him. 
And just some times ago like maybe an hour ago, he texted me telling me that he felt like puking. 
Trust me, I was so ready to drive over to see if he was okay right after I call him to check if everything's fine. 
That's how much he mean to me. 
I would personally sneak out of my house just to go to him if he really needs me. 
I would stay up just to talk to him if he can't sleep or if he needs someone to rant to. 
I am honestly sincerely always here for him. 
I hope he knows that. 
I am very well aware of the dangers of making yourself too available for a person. 
It has been one of the reasons why people take others for granted.
I hope it isn't gonna happen to me.
But all that matters is his happiness ain't it? 
Sometimes I think that what I do isn't really enough to full express what I feel for him. 
No words nor actions can be sufficient.
If only my heart can give out rays of light, I think he'd be blinded by then xD
So haha, not a good idea after all. 
I wanna spend everyday with him but obviously he has his own things to do as well so another bad idea. Sighs. Somebody gimme some ideas man. 

Since we're at it right now, I guess I should apologize for not being able to find ways to fully express my love for you babe. 
I don't show it sometimes but it's only because I'm overwhelmed by other emotions.
I'm sorry if I come off as a moody bitch sometimes but those are times where I really just need you to hug me & keep my mouth shut. 
When I talk to much or when I get angry, just pull me close & hug me tight.
Trust me, I'll vaporize in no time ;)
Your hugs & kisses makes a lot of difference. 
Even your voice itself can cheer me up :)
And your smile, oh how it lights up the entire mood.
It's hard not to smile when you're smiling really :)
I really hope you know that I love you to death.
That's the most important thing you need to know.
And please never forget that.

Tuesday 20 December 2011


 S.A.D. stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder.
It's a type of depression triggered by seasons of the year. 
Duh, Malaysia has no four seasons but heck this time round, it's been raining like mad everyday. 
And I hardly ever see the sun so that's the only explanation for my constant dullness.
I LOVE the sun & I can't wait to go tanning the next time. 
Standing next to my boy makes me look like some friggin dead person -_-
And yeah, did I mention that I lost so much weight that my clothes are getting loose ? 
I wear a size S and it is now getting loose.
Something's seriously wrong with me. 
It's not like I don't eat or anything.
And when it comes to appreciating food, I sure as hell love them. 
I will NEVER in my life throw up food I just ate on purpose. 
I LOVE my food & I hardly ever share so yeah xD
Even my mum came up to me and ask me if I am doing anything to myself. 
It's ridiculous man. Sighs. 
Imma go de-worm or smth. 
Or maybe it's just stress but heck, I have nothing to stress about anymore.
Exams are over, no more assignments. 
Ugh, oh well. 
I just hope it's nothing serious.
Maybe I'm stressing cause I'm tryna find me :O
Take this advise from me, NEVER lose yourself.
It is the scariest shit ever. 
Imagine this, you don't even know who you are. 
Imagine you don't have an identity & you're just going with the flow of what everyone else wants you to be. 
It might not hit you immediately but it will hit you when you're alone.
The point where you don't know what to do when you're alone. 
It seriously just sucks.
And it makes your life very dull & boring.
For some people losing themselves brings about self discovery. 
They find out things they never knew about themselves.
There are also some that are like me, who doesn't gain much out of it.
All I can think of is a better, stronger & unbreakable me. 
Cause i already everything there is to know about myself. Lol. 
Identities aside, I don't know if i should blame it on the weather.
These days I have been thinking a great deal about everything that happened in my life. 
All the good and bad. 
Thinking about them both, one after the other has the ability to make me seem like I have a bipolar disorder.
Which I clearly do not have! Lol. 
And sometimes when I think about the bad, it takes over everything else. 
Almost like an unstoppable storm that causes flash floods in my head. 
It is tough to fight all these off. 
And sometimes I do get tired so yeah. 
Many believe that happiness is a state of mind and perhaps it is. 
Focusing on the good, happy, joyous moments in life can make one a very content person.
After all that has been said, there's only one thing left to say. 
Do excuse me if I seem bipolar xD
Weather's not really helping either. Pfft. 
Gotta go now. 
Dinner & Snowflake after with Yen ;)

Fast As Lightning

I just did my Christmas shopping! :D 
And it was the fastest Christmas shopping ever. 
Less than 3 hours -_-
Meh I don't like that feeling. 
It feels like I'm just simply buying. 
Didn't walk much either cause the boy didn't wanna walk that much. 
I tell you, the next time I bring him shopping with me, Imma dump him in a wheelchair and let him have a blast on that since he don't wanna walk. Pfft!
You know how they always have that kid's area in Ikea?
I think they ought to have that kind of area for non-shoppers.
Probably like an area with PS3s, Wii and so on. 
Anyhuuu, I am still thankful that my baby drove me there & temaned me :)
Now I am plain lazy to go wrap the presents. 
The holiday mode is on full blast now aye. LOL.
Guess I'd better start now. 

Fly Like A G6

Time flies like crazy fast!
5 more days & It's Christmas! :O
Have YOU done your Christmas shopping?
I am in deepshiz.
Never in my life have I done such thing before.
I am usually prepared for Christmas!
Tsk tsk, it just means I have to go out more.
The boy might not be free for me so I might have to go alone.
Something which I really DISLIKE!
But oh well, the cold hard truth is that sometimes you just gotta do stuff on your own.
Okay so, the last post was about 3 days ago.
And for the past 3 days I was at Cherating chilling with Andrew & his family.
Fuhh, we caught hermit crab & ate some really awesome tasting food.
Yum Yum.
Pics will be up soon via Andrew's Facebook.
Still contemplating if I should re-post it up here.
We'll see when the times comes :)
Mood dependent much ? Lol.
Omg la, I am seriously itching to shop!
I've got a list of things to buy !
And the bad thing about this year is that I am quite broke.
I hate cash constraints man.
Seriously sucks.
Maybe that's why I ain't in the mood much for this year's Christmas.
I still kinda don't feel the Christmas spirit in me =/
Dullness sial.
Pfft, gotta get rid of that man.

Hence, the creation of Crazy Day :D
It will be a monthly affair where you find ONE day to just let loose and go crazy.
Obviously the stuff done will be harmless ones like ringing random doorbells and run away xD
I honestly think that everyone needs a day like this.
Since life itself is stressful and all, i mean we all deserve to unwind no? xD
Rather than turning to smoking and all the other unhealthy stuff.
So this is an alternative to releasing daily hassles :)
Crazy Day will be effective next year :)
And it's a monthly affair.
So in a year, there'll be 12 crazy days :D
Hehe, I'll be sure to post up all the stuff we do :)
It's also another great way to get together u know.
Cause life is so hectic that sometimes you just forget about others.
This would be the perfect time to even catch up and create some fun memories together :)
Crazy Day, a day to get together, just have fun & forget about the world.
Heh, I cannot wait for it to be effective ;)

Saturday 17 December 2011

Hot & Cold

We as human beings all want different things in life.
Some yearn for materialistic things & others yearn for intangible goods like comfort, acceptance or even love.
For a person like me, I yearn for intangible goods more than anything in the world.
And I am pretty sure I am not the only one who yearns for intangible goods ;)
I'm not sure if it's safe to say that most people wants to be accepted for the way they are but it is one of the many things people want. 
Isn't that what most people look for in a relationship?
Someone who can accept the good and the bad?
A relationship is all about compromise right?
Give & take. That's what everyone says. 
Companionship, another intangible good that is wanted by many.
Someone to be there whenever your world's tumbling down. 
Someone to share happy times & sad times as well. 
Lastly, someone to love.
Loving someone and being loved back is the best thing in the world. 
So be brave enough, take a chance and express your love or else be ready to watch that someone love someone else.
Love brings many good things. 
Love has everything in it. 
Companionship, acceptance, comfort, love, joy, and lots more. 
It also has the necessary obstacles for the relationship to grow so don't expect a relationship to be smooth all the time cause every relationship is bound to have a few disagreements on certain things. 
And when that happens, of course it'll include disappointment, sadness and all. 
Like I said earlier, love has everything in it. 
But what do you do when it's on and off?
Some relationships are like that.
One day it might seem like forever is just within your reach but the next day, it might not even exist anymore.
It's like hot & cold. 
Like an ON and OFF button :O
And with this you can instantly tell that the component that is missing here is stability.
It may be communication problem or just some simple misunderstanding.
It's not the end of the world don't worry. 
All is well if solved the proper way :)
The best resort is to pray. 
Pray for a calm mind before blurting out words that may hurt.
And when the mind is already calm, there's that rational thinking without the interference of overwhelming emotions.
Always remember this one thing, whether you're in a relationship or not, never take anything for granted & appreciate what you have no matter how little it might be. 
Some other people in the world are worse off. 
Little blessings like having water to drink & food to eat are meant to be appreciated.
And I'm serious about not taking things for granted. 
The people who've been there for you, thank them.
Doesn't matter if they've only been there for you once, they still did help you through.
And if you have someone putting you as their priority, don't ever think they'll always be there for you because the truth is, people get tired of waiting to be appreciated.
The illusion of one who will always be there should be wiped away because we don't know what might happen the next day. 
There were too many cases of people regretting not appreciating the little things done.
So take this moment to think. Think of those people who have been there at a certain period of time to help, to listen and to comfort.
Be thankful & never look down on the little things.
It's the little things in life that make up the bigger picture :)
Appreciate what you have to day & you'll find that you'll feel more satisfied :)
And in the end, you'll feel happier :)

Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Vania Day

A series of event happened yesterday. 
Not all were good =/
My special day started off with some exams -_-
What a great way to spend birthday aye. Pfft.
I didn't mind it really.
Just as long as I can go home in time to sleep and all that. 
All was going pretty well. 
112 paper got owned yo! xD
Then there was quarantine. 
Seriously, I felt like I was some kinda prisoner man. 
I even had to bring food in as we were not allowed to go out of the room.
So in the morning, my mum was sooo nice. 
She went and pack nasi lemak and put it in some kinda flask or smth to keep it warm :) 
Awwww :)
Now I kinda feel bad for arguing with her =/ 
Oh well, some things need to be said. 
So anyways, ate in the quarantine room while studying & before I knew it, it was time to go for exams.
Second wave of papers. 
First wave was slayed nicely, but for this second wave, my hands were gonna BREAK!
Had to write soooo damn much that when it came to the point where I was supposed to tie all the answer sheets together, I struggled a little LOL.
When I finally finished tying it, fuhh, dashed out to the bus stop cause I couldn't wait to go home & sleep!
BUT, the bus took like15 minutes to come -________-
AND it also too 15 minutes for that bus driver to move. 
And of all times, he chose to move at the time where it was raining.
So by the time I reached main block, I became Pitbull & Marc Anthony being rained on -_-
What I hate most is the fact that my sandals were wet -_-
It was bad. 
My mood flunked. 
From a 100 to -100.
Was cursing all the way home and blasted the music like I don't give a damn if u can hear it from outside.
What's worse is that I didn't have time to sleep at all. Zzzz.

My baby reached my place the same time I came home :)
And haha, ranted like crazy & he just hugged me and said "Hi"
With that smile on his face, how could I resist not smiling :)
Adorable cuteness hehe.
Bathed & got dressed for the night :)
My baby brought me to Shangri-La's Lemon Cafe for dinner ! Heehee.
BUFFET! Yum yum yum. 
We didn't take much pictures because we were caught in the jam for like an hour plus pluss.
Getting caught in the jam when you're hungry is NOT cool. 
Especially not on Vania's day yo. Pfft.
Both of us were restless in the car so instead of cursing and all, we played multiple times of scissors, paper stone & we played Uno after that xD
Ended up reaching there at like 8.
Couldn't resist food as we were hungry like infreakinsanity! 
Usually people would start with bun or salad right?
We jumped straight to the main course yo - LIKEABOSS! xD
Oh oh and before eating, he passed me my prezzie :D
OMG, until today I still cannot believe that he bought me a Guess watch! 
Once again baby, thank you sooo much for the Guess watch :D
I really LOVE it! <3
Imma keep you people guessing which model it is xD
And nope, it's not from my wishlist either. 
I'll prolly post it up tonight when I get it accustomed to the size of my wrist :) 
Hehe, they had so many food there :D :D
Makan like barbarian man xD
My favourite was the Mexican starter. 
Dunno what it's called & don't have a picture of it cause I was too busy tasting it xD
Oh the food there was delicious!
Now pictures! :D
Omg there is is! 
The one behind the glass of water! 
That's my favourite. 
Ok, lemme describe it. 
It's something like a bruschetta but the topping is salmon, I think. Lol. 
It was deliciously orgasmic! 
Ate a few rounds of food before taking picture :D
I think this was my 3rd or 4th round. LOL.
And right after that, I was super ready for dessert xD
Heehee, went crazy with it.
And the marshmellow there is unlike any other!
I have NEVER tasted soo many nice desserts man.
Fuhh, was spamming Chloe like crazy till she actually begged me stop! :O
But I kept going xD
The mango parfait was damn delicious too.
Omg, just thinking of it makes me miss last night already! xD
But haha, I had TOO much sweet things last night.
Gonna stay away from it for at least two weeks.
I have NEVER eaten until I'm scared of sweet sugary stuff before. Lol.
Thank you baby for spoiling me <3
Took a few pictures before heading home :)
Here they are :D
Hehe, last picture of the night :)
Oh doesn't he look so handsome ;)
Sucha sweetheart :)
This is the most memorable night ever.
Best birthday EVER!
I'm still gawking over my watch.
So if you see me looking at my watch like some kinda jakun, I'm just admiring it :)
And here's the picture of my prezzie as promised this afternoon :)
Oh yeah, that watch is sexy as hell ;)
I'll blog more tomorrow.
Nights yo!

Monday 12 December 2011

We Are The Champions!

Remember this picture? 
Oh yeah baybeh! This is the winning picture for the Lovely Couple Contest 2011 yo! :D
First off, a big thank you to my baby Andrew for mass promoting on Facebook
I remember him joining all kinds of pages just to promote :)
All your hard work paid off baby :)
I'd also like to thank Wen Yi for taking this awesome picture of us! :D
She is an awesome photographer! :D
Also, to those who voted for us, a huge THANK YOU
Thanks for supporting us! :D
The photoshoot that we won will be done only after CNY. 
And no worries, the photos will be up! :D
Sorry for not updating much. 
Have been hardcoring for the last two papers which I will be sitting for tmr. 
On the eve of my birthday, I am studying. 
It's just SAD
Doesn't even feel like it's my birthday tomorrow. 
And the subject I'm studying for right now is super boring. 
I can seriously fall asleep reading it man. 
Can't wait to get it over and done with! 
Then Imma go sleeep like a pig & wake up tmr like a soldier going for war to conquer the exam papers,
and OWN them, LIKEABOSS! xD
Maybe I should take a short nap now. Lol.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Would It Ever Be Enough?

Time is precious & every second counts.
Be it time studying or time spent with loved ones.
When someone gives you their time, it is one of the most precious gift ever because time cannot be bought.
There isn't a price for time and time doesn't wait for you. 
So whether or not you're doing something productive or not, your day will still pass. 
Some spend their time playing games, some spend their time surfing Facebook all day long.
And some spend time with their friends by getting wasted or clubbing every night. 
All I want to do is spend my time with him. 
A few hours is definitely insufficient. 
A whole day is satisfying.
Three days is awesomeness!
But will it ever be enough even if I spend the rest of my life with him?
I don't think so Lol. 
I'm selfish & greedy when it comes to him remember? xD
Today we spent a few hours together. 
I didn't count 'cause I lose track of time when I'm with him :)
All I know is that time flies when I'm with him & without him by my side, time seems to pass darn slow -_-
It's freakishly annoying man. Pfft. 
The time we spend together, I really do treasure it alot. 
I appreciate the fact that he drives over to see me. 
I appreciate the fact that he switched to the gym at SsTwo Mall just because it was closer to me & he could see me after. 
Caramel sweetness! xD
Ahh, I miss him so much. 
Yes, we've been together for 9 months already but it still feels like the first few weeks we fell in love :)
Talk about taking surreal to a whole new level xD
I want him to be the first person I see in the morning & the last person I see at night.
And also all the other gaps in between xD 
Basically, I just wanna have him to myself =P
Memememememe MINE! xP
Oh those passionate kisses exchanged that 'causes both of us to delay our going home time, mmmm.
Sweet memories, sweet sweet memories. 
You know how people say that the way a guy treats you when he's courting you & when he's already got you is entirely different? 
My baby's different. 
He treats me better ;)
Just for the record, forever can never be long enough for me ;)
Can't stop thinking about him.
And I can't wait to see him next! 
Heh, I should go to bed, see him in my dreams & then anticipate to see him tomorrow :D

Saturday 10 December 2011

The Significance Of New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve was AWESOME!! :D
Great story line ! And I liked how it all fell together :)
From the beginning to till the end of the movie, I had one particular scene in my mind ;)
Well this movie's about New Year's Eve & my New Year's Eve didn't have any significance other than the celebration of a new year until I met Andrew last New Year's Eve :)
It's awesome how one night can change your entire life. 
All it took was a simple Hello :)
He just walked into my life & BOOM! Everything changed :)
I am so happy that I met him :')
I can watch a billion romantic movies but nothing can beat what we had. 
I still keep them old FB messages & read them once in a while when I reflect on how far we've come.
And I keep them old text messages too :)
The fact that we've gone through so much and it's been almost a year makes me wanna cry.
And I think I will cry on New Year's Eve. 
Happy tears <3
From that moment on, things just kept growing between us & I have to say that I am VERY happy and VERY lucky to have met you baby. 
One night was all it took for our journey to begin. 
A night filled with fireworks :')
Wow, I'm actually starting to tear up now :')
Words really cannot describe all that I'm feeling now really. 
I have found my soul mate last year on New Year's Eve :')
We coincidentally bumped into each other. 
And from then on, I just couldn't get enough of him. 
The undeniable attraction was so powerful that it was like super magnets :)
I'd really like to thank God for this.
It's such a blessing :)
I really couldn't ask for more :')
And baby, if you're reading this, please know that I love you with all my heart & I love having you around in my life <3
This year's New Year's Eve will be different but in a good way because he's gonna be there celebrating it with me :)
Yeah, I'm emotional. Really moved by the memory of how it all began. 
It's just beautiful :') 
I'm really looking forward to spend the rest of my New Year's Eve with you baby. 
I love you soooo much. 
If only we had a little more time, I'd smother you with big fat kisses <3
I've got to go now, got exams tomorrow :)
Have a good night folks :)

Friday 9 December 2011

Turn Around & Face It!

Very well said.
Each time when a problem arises, be it family, friendship or relationship problems, don't run away from it. 
Some people would rather just forget about it and pretend like it never happened but lemme tell you this, someday, somehow, it will come back again. 
Unresolved issues don't solve itself and it will always be there if you don't do something about it.
It's just like being chased by a stray dog. 
If you just keep running, it will keep chasing you. 
Instead of using all the energy to run, why not turn around and chase the dog instead? 
Let's just say you found a place to hide.
Do u think the dog will just disappear? 
Sooner or later, the hideout's gonna be found yo. 
And if you keep running, eventually you'll run out of steam & you'll let the dog bite you or whatever not.
It's the same concept really. 
If you don't want the problem to consume you, face it.
After all, problems should be seen as opportunities to better yourself.
And optimism is the way to go :)
Have a happy day folks! 


For the first time in a very longgg time, I woke up before the alarm clock :D
At first when I woke up, I wanted to fall back to sleep so bad but I couldn't.
And only after taking a shower, I remember why I woke up. 
It was because of a dream. 
I dreamt that I was late for exam & I couldn't sit for it anymore :O
I have never been super late for an exam before. 
And I will NEVER be late for an exam! 
In the dream, I was late because I didn't leave the house early because my mum was busy sorting out some stuff. 
Delayed and delayed till it was quite late. 
And the worst thing was the jam :O
What a weird dream man. 
I wasn't even thinking about being late or anything.
Maybe I was just worried about exams Lol.
3 more to go. 
And 2 on my birthday. Sighsss.
Can't wait for it to be over. 
Considering that  I had that dream, I better get studying now before I go for nasi lemak xD


From helping out at home to the weather.
It was a longgg battle man. 
I've got the latest weapons but they've got tricky tricks up their sleeves. 
I'm sure you know how arguments with parents work. 
We kids almost NEVER win.
At least, I got my point across. 
Can't say I didn't try. 
And in the end, it resulted in "You wanna go, go la. Can't be bothered anymore"
Like who the heck says that man. Zzzzzzzzzz. 
Tryna give  me the guilt trip ?
Sorry, it doesn't work on me. 
I'll just make you regret what you say by going.
Oh wells. 

After such a long battle, all i needed was a getaway you know. 
Some place with love, peace and joy. 
And that was all found in my boy's arms.
He came over to see me after gym.
Hugged me & comforted me.
I don't know how he does it but the moment I step into the car, I felt like I'm weightless. 
Like there's nothing to worry about anymore because he's here. 
He lent me a shoulder while I was babbling on about what happened & he just sat there with his arms around me like a baby, and listened to what I said.
Planted a few kisses on my forehead which made me feel extremely loved & acknowledged.
It's the best feeling in the world <3
Thank you baby for being there for me. 
I really appreciate it <3
Hehe, I love you baby. Mwah!
You're the best thing that ever happened to me & you're the best ;) <3

Thursday 8 December 2011

Uncalled For

Hi, I'm Vania & here are some things that everyone should know about me.
I stand up for what I believe and I fight for my rights.
I don't give no two shits about what strangers think of me.
And I don't care if you're older than me or anything, as long as you don't practice what you preach, don't expect me to listen. 
And if I don't like you, I'll be very open about it. 
So open that I'll make it obvious to you.
And if I'm nice to you in front of a group, I'm not being two faced, I'm simply putting it aside so we all can have fun instead of causing some kind of drama. 
But if and only if, you try to provoke me, I'll make sure you don't have a face in public anymore.
I give you my word.

What really brought me to blog right now is the attitudes of us human beings.
That being said, everyone is selfish in one way or another.
I for one is selfish when it comes to Andrew
And haha, that will NEVER change ;)
But others in the world, they're selfish in a sense that all they care about is themselves.
They don't give no two shits about anyone else. 
I really despise those kind of people.
The kind of people who will only find you when they need something.
I call them "Users" because they don't know how to differentiate human beings and things. 
And I'm not blowing my own horn or whatever but I have always been there 24/7 for everyone, just in case they needed someone to talk to. 
My poor phones never sleep. 
Just because I care too much. 
Too bad there ain't many selfless people in the world. 
Glad to be one of them really. 
I mean it when I say that I'm always here. 
Those three words bring about a very huge responsibility. 
So don't go around misusing them aight.
By saying that, you're telling someone that you will be there always no matter what happens. 
Being there for someone is an act of putting all your own worries aside just to listen & help out.
It doesn't mean that when you have problems, you just disappear. 
That's very irresponsible.
So think twice before saying that to someone else. 

While we're on this topic of selfishness, I recently just experienced some fucked up situation involving my parents. 
Like I said earlier, I don't care if you're older than me, as long as you make me lose respect for you, you're gone.
Some of you may find this very disrespectful and what not but I have been forced to do nothing but defend myself since young.
If you wanna go ahead and be judgemental, great! 
Cause I don't give a damn anyways. 
So back to the experience.
My babyboy, Andrew, wanted to surprise me by letting me know that I'll be going on the Cherating trip with him and his family.
BUT, the plan didn't work out 'cause my dear MUM, said NO.
I don't know if she's been blind or deaf all this while.
I've been saying I wanna go on a holiday.
And since we're not going anywhere this year, what the hell is so wrong about going holiday with my dear boyfriend and his family ?!
I know why she said no.
She probably wants me to help out with the house situation since the maid's going home after my exams.
But like HELLO? 
17 & 18th December's are both WEEKENDS!
Which means both parents will be around! 
What a fucking mean ass.
You want me to help you ?
Do you know how many times both my parents went overseas and just left us kids behind in the house & I have to take charge?
And I have to take care of everything?
OMG, selfish pricks.
I don't care man. 
I'm going to confront her tonight. 
Time for me to be selfish. 
And you know what ? Each time I go out & come back slightly late like about 12.15/12.30, they fucking make noise as if I've been out doing drugs.
Wthell man. 
Always asking me not to compare with others, then why the hell you wanna go compare?
And please lah, it's not like I go out and don't come back. 
If you don't wanna wait up then give me the fucking key man.
Seriously, I'm gonna be 20 next year, not 10! 

Really, so damn selfish it just gets on my nerves. 
And it's only three days. 
Sat, Sun and Monday.
And parents these days are so damn demanding & unreasonable.
They want us kids to do our best & bring back A's yet they place unnecessary stressors in our lives.
"Don't need to worry about money, just study"
That phrase is bullshit. 
Because every single time I have to either ikat perut or don't buy the things I need to buy. 
My Touch N Go no more cash in it. 
When I ask my parents, they ask me go top up myself. 
Fucking shit, I barely have enough to save & you want me to top up for msyelf?
And when I wanna claim for stuff I bought for the house, you fucking tell me it's for the house, you using it also wert. 
Don't fucking lecture me on saving & going out less cause the reason why I don't have much to save it's cause I have to freakin' pay for most of the stuff myself. 
Ugh, so sick of this man. 

Trust me, I will find a part time job when I have the time to go search for one.
So that i can get my own friggin' cash to spend.
After all, I have to friggin' take care of myself right? It already feels like I'm living alone anyways.
Not like you give a damn whether I have enough cash to go eat and whatnots.
Parents shouldn't belittle the amount of stress that we young adults go through. 
Working life is stressful I know but it doesn't make our stress any less. 
We are transitioning to another phase in life which requires adaptation. 
Now that is stressful as well okay. 
If you don't believe me, read up on Stress & Health in my Psychology book man. 

That's all I have to blog about now. 
Just needed to get it out again.
If only my head can light up like a freakin Ghost Rider when I'm pissed, I bet I'd have my way with everything.
Rights, I'd better get my ass back to studying.
Ciaoz yo!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Souvenirs, Cravings & the Forgotten.

"You know the whole time I was looking for things to buy for your every chance. Hardly bought anything for myself" -Andrew
So sweet of him to think about me all the time when he was there *meltslikebutter* 
Thinking about butter leads me to thinking about waffles :O 
Damn these cravings never stop! 
From nasi lemak to chatime to laiyao sotong and the list goes on. 
Let's get back on track shall we? :)
So the boy came over today & he was LATE! 
Nevertheless, it was quality time so I enjoyed it :)
Tho it's better late than never, two hours felt kinda short =/
Yesh, I'm greedy when it comes to time with him.
And you know what, he's going off again for another three days! >=|
Guess I'll just have to make do with the time available. Pfft.
Andrew = My Drug.
Enough said.
Anyways, he came over after dinner to deliver the stuff he bought from Vietnam.
A straw hat :D
Magnet :D
And a jewerly boxx!!! :D :D 
The jewerly box is my favourite of them all! 
Hee heee, now I can put all the accessories that he bought me in this box xD
You're the sweetest <3
I'll use it right after I remodel my room which will be happening after my finals :)
My room needs some serious cleaning man.
And yesh! Thanks to Jusco's sale, my parents bought vacuum cleaner!
Can't wait to get started!
Oh gosh, I just thought of Tutti Frutti :O
And now I want it :O
Omg, I should control man. LOL.
Omg, did you know that Pizza Hut has a new kind of pizza ? :D
Photo taken from JessicaYong on Facebook :)
It's gonna be cheeesyy yo! 
Oooh, maybe I can get my baby to eat there too xD
Ngek ngek! 
Imma stop there or else this'll be a never ending post about my craving :O
It's crazy I know. 
Must be the syndromes. Lol.
Oh and I forgot about one very important thing in wish list. 
That's all for tonight folks. 
I gotta get studying now :)

Just Around The Corner

The boy's back from Vietnam! :D 
He came to see me yesterday & we had this super longgg talk about where our relationship is heading. 
Didn't really conclude anything as things were still kinda blurry =/
But everything cleared when he finally read the note that I wrote on Monday.
He was supposed to read it Monday night but pfft, he dint check his mailbox till yesterday.
I'm not gonna say we don't argue because we ain't no Barbie & Ken where everything's perfect.
We're better than that. We're imperfectly perfect ;)
Best of all, we're real <3
Two people who are perfect for each other <3
A real life fairytale indeed <3
All those Disney fairy tales are misleading, don't believe them completely. 
I'd bet you a million bucks that if there was a reality TV show on my baby & I, it'd be far more interesting ;)
Pretty sure it'll be a hit xD

Guess what I saw yesterday? 
I saw my baby lick his own arm like licking a wound! :O
Except there wasn't any wound LOL. 
I gave him a weird look & he said,
 "I know I can do these weird things in front of you & I won't be judged."
Awww, you got that right babyboy ;)
I still find it kinda funny LOL.

So anywaysss, I just sat for an exam.
Marketing finals.
Supposed to wake up at 4AM but I didn't wanna get out of bed till about 5 LOL.
And yes, I didn't manage to finish up all the topics I was supposed to study but thank God, nothing much came out from the last two chapters that I did not study. 
And now that I'm home, I really just wanna go sleep but I have to update mah blog. 
Leaving it alone too long can lead to blog-ditching. 

Since my birthday & Christmas is around the corner, I figured that I should create a wish list just for fun xD
You know, just for the sake of blogging. Lol. 
I used to have a lot on my wish list but surprisingly I don't have many this year. 
All thanks to Andrew who constantly spoils me xD
I've got enough heels, clothes, accessories, bags and whatnots.
Know how girls always can't get enough of all of those things? 
Well, I am happy with my set of things :)
Thanks again baby for bringing me shopping xD
So, I only have about like 5 things on my list.
Let's go! xD
The first thing I can think of is an island getaway.
Even if it's just with my baby, I'd love to go :)
It's been a longg year man. 
I just wanna go to some place and relax. 
Spa, massage, island hoppping, snorkelling, surfing maybe?
If I ever get to go some place end of this year, I will seriously just off my phone. 
Even if it's just a day, I'd love to just get away from the city :)
I know I just got a new phone but, heh, I kinda want iPhone4 s .
I like the apps and games available xD
And omg if I have this, I can whatsapp my baby! :D 
This ain't that important tho. 
I won't die without it. 
As long as my phone's still working and can text/call my baby, I'm fine. 
I guess this isn't really a wish then LOL. 
This is what I really want =P
A full set of make up brushes.
So that I can experiment with different styles xD
Omg this is making me think of the mani-pedi kit that Nat has! :O
Okok, i better go next !
The next two are the ones I specifically want from my parents xD

Nikon D3100
I want it because I like photography & I wanna take pics of my handsome boy ;)
The last one is a watch from Guess :)
I am kinda torn in between 3 models =/ 
I'll just rank them. Lol. 
I hope this is like the one below ; a see through one. 
I have a thing for white watches & belts too :D
And I'd happily choose polycarbonate than leather or any cloth material. 
Just in case I sweat and it smells. Lol. 
Okies, I'm done now.
Gonna nap a while before lunch.