Wednesday 14 December 2011

The Vania Day

A series of event happened yesterday. 
Not all were good =/
My special day started off with some exams -_-
What a great way to spend birthday aye. Pfft.
I didn't mind it really.
Just as long as I can go home in time to sleep and all that. 
All was going pretty well. 
112 paper got owned yo! xD
Then there was quarantine. 
Seriously, I felt like I was some kinda prisoner man. 
I even had to bring food in as we were not allowed to go out of the room.
So in the morning, my mum was sooo nice. 
She went and pack nasi lemak and put it in some kinda flask or smth to keep it warm :) 
Awwww :)
Now I kinda feel bad for arguing with her =/ 
Oh well, some things need to be said. 
So anyways, ate in the quarantine room while studying & before I knew it, it was time to go for exams.
Second wave of papers. 
First wave was slayed nicely, but for this second wave, my hands were gonna BREAK!
Had to write soooo damn much that when it came to the point where I was supposed to tie all the answer sheets together, I struggled a little LOL.
When I finally finished tying it, fuhh, dashed out to the bus stop cause I couldn't wait to go home & sleep!
BUT, the bus took like15 minutes to come -________-
AND it also too 15 minutes for that bus driver to move. 
And of all times, he chose to move at the time where it was raining.
So by the time I reached main block, I became Pitbull & Marc Anthony being rained on -_-
What I hate most is the fact that my sandals were wet -_-
It was bad. 
My mood flunked. 
From a 100 to -100.
Was cursing all the way home and blasted the music like I don't give a damn if u can hear it from outside.
What's worse is that I didn't have time to sleep at all. Zzzz.

My baby reached my place the same time I came home :)
And haha, ranted like crazy & he just hugged me and said "Hi"
With that smile on his face, how could I resist not smiling :)
Adorable cuteness hehe.
Bathed & got dressed for the night :)
My baby brought me to Shangri-La's Lemon Cafe for dinner ! Heehee.
BUFFET! Yum yum yum. 
We didn't take much pictures because we were caught in the jam for like an hour plus pluss.
Getting caught in the jam when you're hungry is NOT cool. 
Especially not on Vania's day yo. Pfft.
Both of us were restless in the car so instead of cursing and all, we played multiple times of scissors, paper stone & we played Uno after that xD
Ended up reaching there at like 8.
Couldn't resist food as we were hungry like infreakinsanity! 
Usually people would start with bun or salad right?
We jumped straight to the main course yo - LIKEABOSS! xD
Oh oh and before eating, he passed me my prezzie :D
OMG, until today I still cannot believe that he bought me a Guess watch! 
Once again baby, thank you sooo much for the Guess watch :D
I really LOVE it! <3
Imma keep you people guessing which model it is xD
And nope, it's not from my wishlist either. 
I'll prolly post it up tonight when I get it accustomed to the size of my wrist :) 
Hehe, they had so many food there :D :D
Makan like barbarian man xD
My favourite was the Mexican starter. 
Dunno what it's called & don't have a picture of it cause I was too busy tasting it xD
Oh the food there was delicious!
Now pictures! :D
Omg there is is! 
The one behind the glass of water! 
That's my favourite. 
Ok, lemme describe it. 
It's something like a bruschetta but the topping is salmon, I think. Lol. 
It was deliciously orgasmic! 
Ate a few rounds of food before taking picture :D
I think this was my 3rd or 4th round. LOL.
And right after that, I was super ready for dessert xD
Heehee, went crazy with it.
And the marshmellow there is unlike any other!
I have NEVER tasted soo many nice desserts man.
Fuhh, was spamming Chloe like crazy till she actually begged me stop! :O
But I kept going xD
The mango parfait was damn delicious too.
Omg, just thinking of it makes me miss last night already! xD
But haha, I had TOO much sweet things last night.
Gonna stay away from it for at least two weeks.
I have NEVER eaten until I'm scared of sweet sugary stuff before. Lol.
Thank you baby for spoiling me <3
Took a few pictures before heading home :)
Here they are :D
Hehe, last picture of the night :)
Oh doesn't he look so handsome ;)
Sucha sweetheart :)
This is the most memorable night ever.
Best birthday EVER!
I'm still gawking over my watch.
So if you see me looking at my watch like some kinda jakun, I'm just admiring it :)
And here's the picture of my prezzie as promised this afternoon :)
Oh yeah, that watch is sexy as hell ;)
I'll blog more tomorrow.
Nights yo!

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