Friday 2 December 2011


Soo, it's been an hour already & he should be there. 
But I didn't get no text no nothing to indicate that he's already arrived safely.
Well, hope all is well :)
That boy gave me the wrong info! 
Which made me wake up at 5am in the morning to call him to hear his voice for the last time this week.
Only then did I find out that his flight as at 9 -_-
Could have slept more! 
Gahh, fell right back asleep after that phonecall tho. Lol. 
Woke up another round at about 8.30ish? 
Called him right before he went into the boarding area. 
And haha, I couldn't go back to sleep anymore cause I heard someone knocking on someone else's door really loudly.
Went to peep and found out that the lady staying opposite me was knocking on her neighbor's door.
Why? Because the neighbor was sorta blocking her from going out or smth.
Went back to my bed but I couldn't go back to sleep anymore so I got up.
Chloe wants food anyway, so good timing LOL. 
Before I left my room, I decided to take a peek again. 
And OMG guess what ?
That damn person parked his car right outside my house! 
I'm like whaddafark. 
This ain't your house, you don't just randomly park in front of a person's house!
Plus, I needed to drive in and let the maid wash the car.
So I told myself that if that car was still there when I finish cleaning up, I'd knock on his door.
Throughout the entire time I was cleaning up, I was imagining different scenarios of which might happen when I confront that guy. 
I even thought to myself that if I was't a nice person, I'd probably damage his car LOL.
But all of it went down the drain because when I came out, the car was gone LOL. 
Either he heard me or his conscience came back. 
Or maybe he just went out LOLOLOL. 
Either way, I really hate it when strangers move the rubbish bin to park outside my house. 
Seriously, it is not your house, not your ground. 
So if you wanna park, pay up.
Or get your car's ass somewhere else. 
There's plenty of parking around. 
Just need to open your eyes yo.
And if you find that parking's a problem, don't drive. WALK.
Pfft. Neways, I should go study now. 

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