Wednesday 7 December 2011

Just Around The Corner

The boy's back from Vietnam! :D 
He came to see me yesterday & we had this super longgg talk about where our relationship is heading. 
Didn't really conclude anything as things were still kinda blurry =/
But everything cleared when he finally read the note that I wrote on Monday.
He was supposed to read it Monday night but pfft, he dint check his mailbox till yesterday.
I'm not gonna say we don't argue because we ain't no Barbie & Ken where everything's perfect.
We're better than that. We're imperfectly perfect ;)
Best of all, we're real <3
Two people who are perfect for each other <3
A real life fairytale indeed <3
All those Disney fairy tales are misleading, don't believe them completely. 
I'd bet you a million bucks that if there was a reality TV show on my baby & I, it'd be far more interesting ;)
Pretty sure it'll be a hit xD

Guess what I saw yesterday? 
I saw my baby lick his own arm like licking a wound! :O
Except there wasn't any wound LOL. 
I gave him a weird look & he said,
 "I know I can do these weird things in front of you & I won't be judged."
Awww, you got that right babyboy ;)
I still find it kinda funny LOL.

So anywaysss, I just sat for an exam.
Marketing finals.
Supposed to wake up at 4AM but I didn't wanna get out of bed till about 5 LOL.
And yes, I didn't manage to finish up all the topics I was supposed to study but thank God, nothing much came out from the last two chapters that I did not study. 
And now that I'm home, I really just wanna go sleep but I have to update mah blog. 
Leaving it alone too long can lead to blog-ditching. 

Since my birthday & Christmas is around the corner, I figured that I should create a wish list just for fun xD
You know, just for the sake of blogging. Lol. 
I used to have a lot on my wish list but surprisingly I don't have many this year. 
All thanks to Andrew who constantly spoils me xD
I've got enough heels, clothes, accessories, bags and whatnots.
Know how girls always can't get enough of all of those things? 
Well, I am happy with my set of things :)
Thanks again baby for bringing me shopping xD
So, I only have about like 5 things on my list.
Let's go! xD
The first thing I can think of is an island getaway.
Even if it's just with my baby, I'd love to go :)
It's been a longg year man. 
I just wanna go to some place and relax. 
Spa, massage, island hoppping, snorkelling, surfing maybe?
If I ever get to go some place end of this year, I will seriously just off my phone. 
Even if it's just a day, I'd love to just get away from the city :)
I know I just got a new phone but, heh, I kinda want iPhone4 s .
I like the apps and games available xD
And omg if I have this, I can whatsapp my baby! :D 
This ain't that important tho. 
I won't die without it. 
As long as my phone's still working and can text/call my baby, I'm fine. 
I guess this isn't really a wish then LOL. 
This is what I really want =P
A full set of make up brushes.
So that I can experiment with different styles xD
Omg this is making me think of the mani-pedi kit that Nat has! :O
Okok, i better go next !
The next two are the ones I specifically want from my parents xD

Nikon D3100
I want it because I like photography & I wanna take pics of my handsome boy ;)
The last one is a watch from Guess :)
I am kinda torn in between 3 models =/ 
I'll just rank them. Lol. 
I hope this is like the one below ; a see through one. 
I have a thing for white watches & belts too :D
And I'd happily choose polycarbonate than leather or any cloth material. 
Just in case I sweat and it smells. Lol. 
Okies, I'm done now.
Gonna nap a while before lunch.

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