Thursday 8 December 2011

Uncalled For

Hi, I'm Vania & here are some things that everyone should know about me.
I stand up for what I believe and I fight for my rights.
I don't give no two shits about what strangers think of me.
And I don't care if you're older than me or anything, as long as you don't practice what you preach, don't expect me to listen. 
And if I don't like you, I'll be very open about it. 
So open that I'll make it obvious to you.
And if I'm nice to you in front of a group, I'm not being two faced, I'm simply putting it aside so we all can have fun instead of causing some kind of drama. 
But if and only if, you try to provoke me, I'll make sure you don't have a face in public anymore.
I give you my word.

What really brought me to blog right now is the attitudes of us human beings.
That being said, everyone is selfish in one way or another.
I for one is selfish when it comes to Andrew
And haha, that will NEVER change ;)
But others in the world, they're selfish in a sense that all they care about is themselves.
They don't give no two shits about anyone else. 
I really despise those kind of people.
The kind of people who will only find you when they need something.
I call them "Users" because they don't know how to differentiate human beings and things. 
And I'm not blowing my own horn or whatever but I have always been there 24/7 for everyone, just in case they needed someone to talk to. 
My poor phones never sleep. 
Just because I care too much. 
Too bad there ain't many selfless people in the world. 
Glad to be one of them really. 
I mean it when I say that I'm always here. 
Those three words bring about a very huge responsibility. 
So don't go around misusing them aight.
By saying that, you're telling someone that you will be there always no matter what happens. 
Being there for someone is an act of putting all your own worries aside just to listen & help out.
It doesn't mean that when you have problems, you just disappear. 
That's very irresponsible.
So think twice before saying that to someone else. 

While we're on this topic of selfishness, I recently just experienced some fucked up situation involving my parents. 
Like I said earlier, I don't care if you're older than me, as long as you make me lose respect for you, you're gone.
Some of you may find this very disrespectful and what not but I have been forced to do nothing but defend myself since young.
If you wanna go ahead and be judgemental, great! 
Cause I don't give a damn anyways. 
So back to the experience.
My babyboy, Andrew, wanted to surprise me by letting me know that I'll be going on the Cherating trip with him and his family.
BUT, the plan didn't work out 'cause my dear MUM, said NO.
I don't know if she's been blind or deaf all this while.
I've been saying I wanna go on a holiday.
And since we're not going anywhere this year, what the hell is so wrong about going holiday with my dear boyfriend and his family ?!
I know why she said no.
She probably wants me to help out with the house situation since the maid's going home after my exams.
But like HELLO? 
17 & 18th December's are both WEEKENDS!
Which means both parents will be around! 
What a fucking mean ass.
You want me to help you ?
Do you know how many times both my parents went overseas and just left us kids behind in the house & I have to take charge?
And I have to take care of everything?
OMG, selfish pricks.
I don't care man. 
I'm going to confront her tonight. 
Time for me to be selfish. 
And you know what ? Each time I go out & come back slightly late like about 12.15/12.30, they fucking make noise as if I've been out doing drugs.
Wthell man. 
Always asking me not to compare with others, then why the hell you wanna go compare?
And please lah, it's not like I go out and don't come back. 
If you don't wanna wait up then give me the fucking key man.
Seriously, I'm gonna be 20 next year, not 10! 

Really, so damn selfish it just gets on my nerves. 
And it's only three days. 
Sat, Sun and Monday.
And parents these days are so damn demanding & unreasonable.
They want us kids to do our best & bring back A's yet they place unnecessary stressors in our lives.
"Don't need to worry about money, just study"
That phrase is bullshit. 
Because every single time I have to either ikat perut or don't buy the things I need to buy. 
My Touch N Go no more cash in it. 
When I ask my parents, they ask me go top up myself. 
Fucking shit, I barely have enough to save & you want me to top up for msyelf?
And when I wanna claim for stuff I bought for the house, you fucking tell me it's for the house, you using it also wert. 
Don't fucking lecture me on saving & going out less cause the reason why I don't have much to save it's cause I have to freakin' pay for most of the stuff myself. 
Ugh, so sick of this man. 

Trust me, I will find a part time job when I have the time to go search for one.
So that i can get my own friggin' cash to spend.
After all, I have to friggin' take care of myself right? It already feels like I'm living alone anyways.
Not like you give a damn whether I have enough cash to go eat and whatnots.
Parents shouldn't belittle the amount of stress that we young adults go through. 
Working life is stressful I know but it doesn't make our stress any less. 
We are transitioning to another phase in life which requires adaptation. 
Now that is stressful as well okay. 
If you don't believe me, read up on Stress & Health in my Psychology book man. 

That's all I have to blog about now. 
Just needed to get it out again.
If only my head can light up like a freakin Ghost Rider when I'm pissed, I bet I'd have my way with everything.
Rights, I'd better get my ass back to studying.
Ciaoz yo!

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