Friday 9 December 2011

Turn Around & Face It!

Very well said.
Each time when a problem arises, be it family, friendship or relationship problems, don't run away from it. 
Some people would rather just forget about it and pretend like it never happened but lemme tell you this, someday, somehow, it will come back again. 
Unresolved issues don't solve itself and it will always be there if you don't do something about it.
It's just like being chased by a stray dog. 
If you just keep running, it will keep chasing you. 
Instead of using all the energy to run, why not turn around and chase the dog instead? 
Let's just say you found a place to hide.
Do u think the dog will just disappear? 
Sooner or later, the hideout's gonna be found yo. 
And if you keep running, eventually you'll run out of steam & you'll let the dog bite you or whatever not.
It's the same concept really. 
If you don't want the problem to consume you, face it.
After all, problems should be seen as opportunities to better yourself.
And optimism is the way to go :)
Have a happy day folks! 

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