Thursday 22 December 2011


A simple four letter word but complicated as hell.
It is indeed easy to say "I love you" but it takes a lot to prove that you do.
Words are only words until actions are there to back 'em up :)
And of course each and every day is an opportunity to show someone how much you really love them.
Valentines Day is not the only day to express your love you know. 
In fact, it should be done everyday because you won't know what will happen tomorrow.
Again this comes down to appreciating every single person who means something to you in your life :)
But this post isn't about appreciation, it's about love. 
I love my boyfriend, Andrew Chong very much.
There isn't a second in a day where I don't think about him. 
I'm always thinking about what he's up to and all.
Maybe I care too much, I don't know =/
Love makes people go crazy sometimes & maybe I am going crazy :O
Or perhaps I'm just crazy in love? 
Can be good, can be bad. Lol. 
I really love him to death, literally. 
I don't think he knows this but whenever he needs me there, I'm ready to just drop everything. 
I love having him around.
Makes me feel so safe.
Maybe that's why whenever he's not around, I feel vulnerable to stuff like bad memories =/
I'm not sure if he's aware of the things I do for him. 
I remember all the times where I made things for him.
I put all my effort in getting it done. 
Thought some are not perfect, I tried my best yo. 
I even invested a lot of time in planning his party from the guestlist to the itinerary :)
I had assignments due dates & mid terms a day after that party yet it did not slow me down :')
Instead, I gave the party a higher priority than anything else just cause I wanted it to be perfect for him.
Whenever he needs me, I'd just drop everything & go. 
I wonder if he knows that. 
I really wonder if he knows how much he means to me. 
If ever he isn't feeling well, I'd of course want to take care of him. 
And just some times ago like maybe an hour ago, he texted me telling me that he felt like puking. 
Trust me, I was so ready to drive over to see if he was okay right after I call him to check if everything's fine. 
That's how much he mean to me. 
I would personally sneak out of my house just to go to him if he really needs me. 
I would stay up just to talk to him if he can't sleep or if he needs someone to rant to. 
I am honestly sincerely always here for him. 
I hope he knows that. 
I am very well aware of the dangers of making yourself too available for a person. 
It has been one of the reasons why people take others for granted.
I hope it isn't gonna happen to me.
But all that matters is his happiness ain't it? 
Sometimes I think that what I do isn't really enough to full express what I feel for him. 
No words nor actions can be sufficient.
If only my heart can give out rays of light, I think he'd be blinded by then xD
So haha, not a good idea after all. 
I wanna spend everyday with him but obviously he has his own things to do as well so another bad idea. Sighs. Somebody gimme some ideas man. 

Since we're at it right now, I guess I should apologize for not being able to find ways to fully express my love for you babe. 
I don't show it sometimes but it's only because I'm overwhelmed by other emotions.
I'm sorry if I come off as a moody bitch sometimes but those are times where I really just need you to hug me & keep my mouth shut. 
When I talk to much or when I get angry, just pull me close & hug me tight.
Trust me, I'll vaporize in no time ;)
Your hugs & kisses makes a lot of difference. 
Even your voice itself can cheer me up :)
And your smile, oh how it lights up the entire mood.
It's hard not to smile when you're smiling really :)
I really hope you know that I love you to death.
That's the most important thing you need to know.
And please never forget that.

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