Tuesday 18 October 2011


Some motherfuckers are really so damn lifeless that shit comes out of their mouth.
Whatever happened to "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"?
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that these mofos don't have any brains. Ooops. xD
It's been a while since I had to deal with all that I'm dealing with now.
And hey, something familiar happened two hours ago.
Haters revealed themselves once again.
First it was on Tumblr and now here in my Chatbox. LOL.
Do I look like I give a shit about it? Nah ah!
It's mind over matter yo. I don't mind & you don't matter.

Gotta give them a little credit for actually taking the effort to post in my chatbox tho whoever that is, is such a pussyfaced motherfucker.
Since they made an effort, i gotta at least reply right? xD
Here's what that LOA person said.
In the words of my friend, he/she is a jealous attention seeking sob. LOL.
I'd usually just go with the term lifeless LOL.
Haha it's nice to know I'm somewhat a hot topic in your world.
Like, fuck, did I really make that much impact on your life that you have to stalk my blog and all? LOL.
Haha go ahead, make those remarks and see if it affects me at all.

First, you don't even know me or my story.
You probably just know my name and how I look but other than that do keep in mind you know nothing else.
So it's best you keep your mouth shut if you don't know shit.
Second, if you think you're cool and all by saying that, maybe you should use your brain to think for a little bit.
It's because of people like you, the suicide rates are increasing. And I'm talking about those who care about what everyone thinks of them.
I ain't like that so tough luck. I only care about what my friends think about me.
I'm damn sure you ain't in my circle so fuck what you think of me.
Third, you ain't got no swag yo.
I mean like, you just gave away information about yourself!
If you're a dude, man are you gay ? What you did was so bitchy! ManBitch! I thought only girls do that. OOOPS! And what happened to your balls man ? Did it fly away or something? Pussy.
Bet you're a sad and lonely person jacking off to some gay porno at home.
And if you happen to be a female, it doesn't surprise me that you would say that really :)
Of course you'd want Andrew to yourself .
I smell jealousy and I like it. In fact, thank you for making me feel even more proud that I have Andrew :)
He belongs to me and you will never ever have him :)
Aww does that make you sad? Cause I'm not sorry. You can go cry to your momma or smth. Idgaf.

Why I entertain such motherfuckers? Well cause it's fun ain't it? To see a little drama with some completely idiotic person who makes fun of him/herself. LOL. It shows what kind of person they are. Lowlifes.
Really looking forward to what the "guest" is gonna reply.
Lifeless fuck looking for attention cause no girls would wanna look at him/ no guy is as sweet as Andrew.
Bottomline is, you can say whatever you want, it's gonna be pointless tho,
 cause I Don't Give A Fuck :)

P/S : Excuse my language. Lol. been cursing alot these days LOLOL.

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