Friday 14 October 2011


Something very common among all of us is a to-do list. 
Be it a daily thing or a futuristic thing. 
I actually like making these list cause it helps in keeping track of things you're supposed to do :)
If you're still in high school, you'd probably have a futuristic one like what you're gonna do after PMR or SPM. 
It can be a mental list too really but personally I like writing them down so that I can cross them out xD
But that's just me. Lol. 
When you come to college, a to do list daily would be good as there will be due dates and all. 
Presentations, assignments and more. 
A planner would come in handy but it almost NEVER works for me LOL. 
Somehow I find it quite troublesome carrying my planner around. 
It's so bulky! And I like travelling light wherever I go. 
When it comes to uni, and if your lifestyle is one that is active socially, you might want to seriously consider making a to do list everyday so that you don't miss out anything. 
Cause the human memory can only serve you so much. 
Just a safety precaution :)

I know this is like totally random but yeah just felt like blogging about this.
The importance of a to do list :) 
Haha, I haven't tried post-it notes before. 
If I were to try it right now, I think my whole room would be full of it xD
And omg, when i was searching for a picture for this post, I found this! 
It's a car covered in post-its! LOL. 
It looks like a toy car to me. lol.
Hmmm this is giving me an idea of what to do for the upcoming April Fool's day xD 
Hehehe *evil smile* 
So yea, back to to do list. 
Currently, I have a lot to do on my list. 
Like seriously, ALOT. 
Need to do alot of preparation for mid terms next week. 
Then there's assignments and shit. 
Ugh, it's a never ending list! 
Busy, busy , busy. 
I kinda like it but I also kinda don't like it LOL. 
If that makes any sense. 
Heh, I guess I'm pretty much done with this post. 

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