Wednesday 12 October 2011

Two Days In A Row!

Late, AGAIN! :(
I must be really tired lol.
I've been having weird dreams for the two days that I woke up late.
The first dream was of people tryna kidnap me and mind control me or something.
And guess what was even weirder?
The fact that Justin Timberlake was in my dream LOL.
Then today, dream about myself dealing with black magic and having a demon pet around me like the ones in The Golden Compass.
My pet was a relatively small and cute but I don't know what is it.
In my dream, it holds on to my finger :D
But like, it kinda didn't respond very well to water and suddenly it became like a lizard O.O
Weird right? I know.
Anyways, I've got to get going now.
Got assignments, plans and studies to rush.

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