Tuesday 4 October 2011


Busy, busy, busy, and BUSY!!
There'll be training this whole week T.T
Which means that on Friday, I won't be able to have a nice dinner with my boy :(
Talking about dinner, my dinner is now super early.
As early as 4pm -_-

And to make things EVEN BETTER.
My  mid terms is coming up, assignment due dates, experiments, responsibilities at home and time with my soulmate!
So many things to do yet so little time.
I'm not sure if I will even have time to relax and just hang out with him anymore now :(
To his ears they may be complains but really, I just mofo miss him.
If only we were living together.
We used to hang out EVERY WEEKDAY!
I remember those days when he was still doing his A-Levels course.
Every break time, I'd be seeing him :)
Either he waited for my class to finish or I waited for him.

It was so sweet of him to pick me up every morning to uni and send me back :)
Ugh, the more I think about it, the more Andrewsick I become.
Yes Andrewsick. I created it like seconds ago. Got the concept from homesick.
Find it lame? Well whatever LOL.

Seriously I am not used to not seeing him every weekday.
Now we only have like few hours a day and only sometimes, we see each other on the weekends.
And pfft, I'm sorry but I don't share!
I am selfish and greedy. 
He is all mine and if I wanna spend time with him, I only want to spend time with him, ALONE! 

Then I also miss the times we take pictures :)
We'd try to remember to take pictures since we kinda planned to take at least one per outing.
Here's the only one we took in college :)
The sudden urge to drive to see him lol.
Gotta run peeps.
Omg, just when I'm about to leave, my favourite song from Maroon 5 starts playing.
Pfft, guess I'm fated to stay for a little while more to think of him.
Going through the photos me and him took makes me miss him even more.
How his smell fills my nostrils, how his touch sends me to heaven, how his smile blinds me, how his hugs make me feel safe :)

Heee, time to go now.

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