Sunday 9 October 2011

Magical, Lyrical & Beautiful

What happened yesterday night deserves a post on it's own. 
It's about my fucking hot boyfriend, Andrew ;)
See that boy in the picture below? 
Hell yeah, he's mine ;) 
MARKED Mine by none other than me ;)
Need a closer look ?
Oh yeah, say hello to that lipstick mark on his cheek xD
Would ya look at that super long eyelashes he has. 
Beautiful I tell you, extremely beautiful. 
Every time I look in his eyes, I swear I get lost in them. 
His features so perfectly put together that it literally keeps me fixated to him & only him.
Gosh, thinking about him right now is so orgasmic
It's like, I jizzed LOL. 

So anyways, back to what I wanted to blog about. 
Last night, after work, my sweetheart brought me to Desa Park City :)
I wonder how he knows that I secretly wanted to go there xD
Telepathic much ? ;)
So anyways, the ride there was pretty silent =/
We exchanged a few words, had a few laughs here and there.
Nothing overly friendly.
I don't know, maybe we were kinda warming up or something? lol.
But after he parked, he looked at me asking me if I was happy he brought me there. 
Like DUH ! That was the place where he asked me to be his :)
Oh the memories, they're still as fresh as always :)
Soo, I got down the car walking towards the pathway but he wasn't moving cause I didn't hold his hand.
Such a cutie pie right ? ;)
Instead of walking over to grab his hand, I threw an imaginary rope around him and attempted to pull him. 
BUT, he didn't move. LOL. 
So embarrassing okay. To fail some completely cheesy, old school romantic move. lol. 

Fast forwarding to what I found magical was the fact that we were both really talking everything out.
I really liked that. 
He opened up more than before and I am happy to have heard all the things he was feeling.
Be it good or bad, I really am happy to know that he trust me with these things. 
It's a euphantical feeling. 
Btw, euphantical is a word created by both of us. 
It's actually euphoric + fantastical xD
Trust us to come up with the most creative things and we'll give you a list of it xD
So yeah, that was what I found magical :)
Not that we haven't talked about feelings and all before, just that this one's more calm and probably at a higher level then before. 
And after all he's been there listening to my constant rants, whines and what not, this is the least I could do for him :)

I really love him. 
So much that his happiness is really all that matters to me. 
How I wish I could hug him right now. 
And I'd smother him with kisses all over his face ;)
I so wish that he comes up with a fragrance just for me so that my nostrils don't miss him so much. 
Sometimes after an outing with him, I'd sniff my shirt xD 
Shhhhh! Don't spread the word aight xD
Now, I shall end this post with a song that conveys how I feel about meeting him ;)
Have a good night peeps! 

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