Saturday 1 October 2011

Something Different

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be completely opposite of what you are ?
If you're a studious person who hardly goes out to party, imagine partying all night long like there's no tomorrow ;)
It would be fun wouldn't it? Something different :)

Minutes ago, before I thought of blogging this, I was imagining an opposite of myself.
I'd be a total badass with a ciggie in my hand, puffing away when everything seems to be wrong.
Of course I'd NEVER do that because I am totally against smoking.
Which makes it quite fun to imagine what it'd be like.
A world with no rules, a world of black clothes, thick eye liners and an attitude of a jackass.
Haha, those are just things that would happen in my mind. It definitely will not happen in real life.
Well, maybe thick eye liner's possible but then again, I am so lazy to wake up extra early to put it on.
It's just too troublesome you know, having to be careful not to smudge this and that.
As much as I'd like to look good, I'm just going to study anyways.

I've also thought about being the goody two shoes kind of person which is kind of impossible for me to be too since I am not really a people pleaser.
Unless it's to those that matter. Wait, am I a people pleaser? Does it count if I only care about what certain people think?
Hmm let's just put it as semi people pleaser. LOL.
Ok so yeah, thought of myself being more studious than I am.
A person with more discipline, hardworking, one who sleeps as early as 10pm and so.
Which would also be impossible for me to do since I procrastinate like ALOT and I usually won't sleep that early. Lol.

Some days, I just wanna be bad you know. Not so bad till I rob a bank or smth.
My bad days would make me dress a little more towards the rocker side and I'd probably curse more than usual. Yeah I know it's not good. Lol.
But it's hard to tell right now cause eversince I started driving, I curse quite alot especially when there are stupid drivers on the road. So friggin' annoying I tell you. Pfft.
So yeah, back to where we were, some days I just feel bad for all the things I could have done but didn't.
Then I'd probably be the people pleaser kind of person on that particular day. Lol.

I'm sure from this you can see that those two imaginations are one sided. As in they're like towards an extreme. It's either good or bad, black or white.
The good news is, you don't have to tilt towards one side! :D
Seek a balance in good and bad cause I'm sure no one would want to be too nice till people actually step over your head and i'm sure no one would want to be so bad that they have a criminal record!
Know when to be nice and when not to be nice ;)

My gosh, what I just wrote, does it sound like a personal reflection to you ? :O
I guess the personal reflections this sem is really beginning to sink in LOL.
Anyways, I'm done blogging my thoughts out right now.
I'm sorry if it doesn't make perfect sense.
Still tryna get used to sharing my thoughts out after such a long time :)
Oh and don't hesitate to comment :)

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