Thursday 27 October 2011

When Two Souls Come Together As A Unit

*press play for the full effect of this post*
Have you ever felt like you're fated to meet a person just because you get along very well with them?
Have you ever felt that you've known the person from their past life?
Think about it, the first person that comes to your mind when you read the first two questions is probably your best friend or your boy/girlfriend. 
If your best friend comes to your mind and he/she is the opposite sex, there is a possibility that he/she might be the one for you :)
They understand you, put up with your continuous rantings and more. 
Best friends have a fair amount of chance to fall in love and be lifelong mates. 
Now now, I'm just saying that in some cases it's like that. Not all.
If your girl/boyfriend comes to mind, good for you, you've finally found the one :)

The thing about love is it's unexpected & it can happen anytime. 
But the question is, are you ready for it? 
Are you ready to face every single obstacle together?
Are you willing to lower down your ego for the relationship?
Getting in a relationship is easy, maintaining it is pretty tough. 
Gotta juggle time for family, studies, and boy/girlfriend.
And haha, time doesn't slow down for you. 
Days seem to pass even faster as u age. 
So if you're ready, why not? 
After all, everyone wants to be loved. 
Everyone has that yearning to have someone there as their pillar of strength.
Everyone deserves a special someone by their side. 
Someone who can handle rants, pms and what nots. 
Sometimes your soulmate is one whom you've already met, just that the timing isn't quite right.
The Notebook kinda portays that.
It's a fantastic, sweettilluhavediabetes movie :)
I can watch it a hundred times and still be touched by it. 
The power of love so might that it gives hope and makes people believe in what's already lost. 

Loving a person simply means you care about them more than yourself. 
If you love someone just because of their possession, money or looks, that's the wrong kind of love.
Is that even called love? Not sure but back on track. 
Love is when you want to spend all your time with that someone. 
Love is when you're able to overlook flaws/mistakes of the other person.
Love is when you argue like an old married couple but still kiss and make up like a hormonal teenager.
Love is something beautiful. 
Don't miss out on it just because you had  bad experiences before. 
Love is for everyone :) 

At one point of time, I guess I did give up on it.
I thought all the nice guys only existed in movies LOL. 
But then someone just walked in and made me think differently. 
Those who know my story would already know of this part. 
When I first met this handsome looking guy, my mind flashed a warning. 
It said, "Yeah, that's just another good-looking guy"
I never knew he'd make such a huge impact in my life. 
Heck, I didn't even think he'd mean so much to me. 
And guess what, it all started with a simple hello :)
And it goes from there. 
I was just looking at the 1000+ messages in my facebook inbox. 
I'll share a bit on that with captions xD

Finally, my wait is over. 
I have found The One. 
The One for me. 
It still seems pretty fast that we got together after a month and a half of knowing each other. 
Hey, when you have that gut feeling telling you that he/she is The One, your gut feeling must be right.
I knew he was The One on the second week I think. Lol. 
It's just that strong, intense feeling and connection that we have. 
Haha, even my BFFs say so. They can feel it whenever we're around them ;)
Talk about intensity radiating off us. Lol. 
It really feels like I've known him for years. 
We do argue at times but at the end of the day, we still love each other, even more than before. 
Love, something so illogical towards the brain yet it make sense to our hearts. 
If you love someone, let them know :)
You'd never know what tomorrow brings. Life is very unpredictable.
Forgive quickly, and enjoy life <3

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