Monday 17 October 2011

Kids These Days

Notice the difference when we were all kids and kids these days? 
The obvious difference is the gadgets they have. 
Nowadays you see kids as young as 6 years old playing with a iPad. 
You'll see a ten year old having a cell phone. 
And it's not even some cheapo phone. 
I remember those Nokia3310 phones.
Bulky, no colour and kinda heavy. 
That was my first phone and I believe that it's a lot of people's first phone. Lol. 
Nowadays you don't even see them anymore. 
Kids these days own advanced phones like iPhone and stuff. 
When we were all 10, I don't think we even knew about cell phones and shit. 
Back in the old times, there were just toys and TV. 
Now it's iPad apps, Wii and more.
Man, kids these days are so gonna miss out on the kites, and all the other fun activities!
One very good movie that depicts how kids are these days is Grown Ups. 
You can clearly see how dependent they are on technology. 

Another thing is the lack of manners.
Manners seem to be almost absent these days. 
Only a handful would actually have proper manners. 
I ain't gonna touch on parenting but Imma talk about media influences.
Talking about media, the kind of cartoon that's on TV is just rubbish. 
What happened to those good ol' cartoons like Popeye The Sailorman?
Now they have bullshit cartoon. 
And and, they have some super violent cartoon! 
Yes, i'm talking about Happy Three Friends.
I have no idea how can anyone watch that and laugh. 
I say bring Popeye and Johnny Bravo back ! 
Heh, i like those cartoons xD

Sooo as I was saying, kids these days, I have no idea what's wrong with them.
I'm not saying that all kids are like that, just saying that there are such kids around these days. 
Also, there are also kids who do not appreciate anything at all. 
Not even food apparently. 
Take my sister for example. 
I seriously have no idea what the fuck is her problem with food. 
She just likes to eat white rice. 
Yeah like that gives her enough protein to grow -_-
Forever not eating the dishes. 
Even if she does, she'd only eat the eggrolls and some other non filling stuff. 

Lemme tell you what happened just then.
I passed her a chicken since she said she was gonna eat it later when I asked her to eat it.
At first, I thought she was going to eat it. 
Just when i thought she was eating it, she spit it out. 
Chew for a little bit, then spit it out. 
Sick of her stupid little nonsense. 
Always doing the same old shit and always getting away with it. 
Not this time. She ain't getting away this time. 
I'm making her sit on her chair till she decides to eat the chicken. 
And if by 8.30 she doesn't, there will be NO TV for her for the whole week!
It would be a good opportunity for her to brush up on her poor results since she's lazy like a pig. 

Ugh, unappreciative little brat. 
Not everyone has food on their table to eat ok. 
Some don't even have food to eat. 
Don't understand why can't some people be thankful. 
Always don't listen. 
She always needs someone to scold her to tears, only then she'll listen. 
Sighs. It's not like I like to scold or anything, just that she's like that. 
And it's so annoying sometimes cause she doesn't know how to shut her mouth. 

Pfft, shouldn't waste time on her anymore now. 
It's gonna be 8.30 soon. 
Then I'll break the news to her. 
I'll even take away her radio. 
Hopefully by then, she'll learn her lesson. 

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