Tuesday 11 October 2011


Run bitch run! 
I literally had this at the back of my head when I woke up late today. Or did I ? xD
First time in a very long time, I woke up late. LOL. 
AND I wasn't really rushing myself =/
I guess I was still asleep lol. 
I usually wake up around this time now. lol. 
Still feel kinda sleepy tho. 
Got so many assignments and plans. 
Fuh, can't wait for it to be over!

I guess I should take this time to say that I will be neglecting this blog and also my Tumblr
Facebook, haha, kinda impossible to stay away from. 
It's gonna be a busy week. 
Just hope that I don't fall sick. 

So a little update of what happened yesterday. 
My boy and I decided to get Skype! :D
Toyed around with it when he was at work and when I was in class xD
OMG did I tell u how cute he looked in his office outfit? xD
Somehow he looks like a small boy here xD
Shooo cute xD Hehehee. 
Syped till my laptop ran out of batt so i had no choice but to listen to some boring shit entering my ear. 
Left class early yesterday cause I couldn't really take it anymore. 
Don't understand what kinda graph she was showing -_-
Went home, did some research then ate dinner.
Then, hahahaa, my boy came to pick me up and we went for cake! :D
Bad news came after that.
The bad news was that he might not be able to spend this weekend with me since he'll be going to Ipoh with his dad.
SUPER Potong -____________________-
I had it planned out so well already and now. . . 
Aihs, oh wells. 
Not like I can do anything about it. 
All I can do is just pray that we'll move in together soon xD
Bleh, gotta get going right now to start on my assignment which is due this Friday. 
Wish me luck! :D

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