Tuesday 4 October 2011

That "Fit" Feeling

Fuhh, workout yesterday was super hardcore
Remember how I said I was starting my training to be a trainer at Celebrity Fitness
Yes, I started yesterday with Vinnie
Started off with studying about bones and muscles and damn it was kinda tough at first. 
Cause the name is just soooo complicated
Imagine yourself remembering this muscle called sternocleidomastoid -_-
And trust me, this isn't the only complicated name LOL. 

Went for 3 classes; body combat, cycling and some other class. Forgot the name LOL.
I loved body combat :D 
Body combat consists of alot of boxing actions and stuff. 
So it's kinda good if you're angry and if you wanna get it out. 
I may be a little bit upset at that time which explains why I enjoyed it xD
My arms were literally SHAKING! 
Such a vigorous workout for a first day man. 
What I hated most was the cycling. 
My ass, my poor ass :(

Anyways, after everything was over, I still had to wait for Andrew to finish his workout session. 
I ALMOST fell asleep there. Was super tired man. 
I only saw him after I finish my cycling class and haha, i guess i kinda didn't wanna talk to him cause we haven't been talking for the whole day ? xD
Thank God for that super control over my mouth LOL. 
Trust me, if I hadn't controlled myself, I would have bear hugged him LOL. 
But I needed to rest anyway. To get pumped up for the body combat.

Sooo when he finished his workout, we left the building, got into the car, parked beside the park.
:) We finally talked :D :D 
You know, I wasn't supposed to text him anything and as usual, I FAILED. HORRIBLY! 
I can't stay away. I don't even know the meaning of that when it comes to him. 
It can be good but it can be bad too . lol.
Gosh when he pulled me in for a hug, my my, how it feels like home :)
Enchanted by Taylor Swift was playing in the background as we kiss and make up. 
Heeeeheeee :)

He wished me goodnight and I slept like a pig xD 
Not sure if I dreamt. Wait, I did! 
Dreamt about playing with his iPhone LOL. 
Somehow his phone was on my dressing table. So maybe he was beside me in my dream xD 
I kinda miss that =/
I want his hug right now :( 
Imma get some from him tonight xD

Woke up this morning feeling tired as fuck. 
Like seriously, my muscles are aching too. 
But it's GOOD
It makes me feel that I am on my way to staying fit :D 
Man I am so gonna sleep like a pig tonight again LOL. 
Can't wait to see my boy tonight too ;)
Guess how he wished me this morning? xD 
"Good morning Mrs. Chong xD" 
Awwww, isn't he sucha cutie pie? ;)

Shall blog more later! 
Damn sleepy in class now =X

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