Thursday 27 October 2011

The Number Is 3

Why the number, 3? 
Because  I haven't been blogging for he past three days this week and last week! LOL. 
What a coincidence aye? And no, I did not plan it! 
I shall start with last week :)

Last whole week, the dedicated week to none other than moi was spent well with the boy.
Literally 24/7 , if you know what I mean :) 
He fetched me to and fro college, went to one class with me since last week was exam week. 
So he spent 3 whole days with me. Again, the number 3 ;)
Maybe I should buy lottery xD 
Came over on a Wednesday and left on Friday night.
Wednesday was pretty much movie + alcohol.
Oh and Wondermilk cupcakes of course :)
Think I've mentioned it before but oh wells. 
Watched Bridesmaids. 
Another chick flick. Well it's pretty okay. 
Somehow it's just an OK movie la. Lol. 
We didn't get to finish the movie cause it was quite late already. 
It was about 1am? It was that late because we had to fetch my siblings from tuition. 
He was sucha sweetheart for fetching my siblings :) Really appreciate it babe <3
Awww, feels like family already ;) 
So yeah, was kinda high, didn't finish movie and no nothing happened! 
We both fell asleep after that :)
Nothing feels better than falling asleep in his arms and waking up in the same place <3 
The next day, slept in, lazed around till we had to fetch his brother.
Headed over to TC Mall for Lion King in 3D.
The only difference is that this one is in 3D. Lol.
The stupid lady at the ticketing counter said it was different pfft!
It was cool :) My favourite song's Hakuna Matata xD
This video's for those who have never seen the movie. Lol. 
Felt like a kid again, watching that movie. 
Finished movie, had dinner and head home :) 
If I wasn't mistaken, we finished off the movie that night. 
Wanted to watch Hangover Part 2 online but the Internet was suddenly horrible :( 
Went to bed, and had a great morning once again :)
I spent the whole morning neglecting my boy cause I had to finish my assignment :( 
Should have done it earlier. 
He was watching a movie so it wasn't that bad. lol. 
Finished assignment, handed it up and went to the mall. 
Bought tickets for another movie xD
Guess what we watched that night? 
Yeah you got that right, Paranormal Activity 3 yo! 
AT NIGHT! *jeng jeng jeng*
To add to the suspense, it was raining! :O:O
The thunder & lightning was soo scary. 
It felt like the end of the world was coming =/
Speaking about that, I had a weird dream today about the end of the world but I'll save it for later on. 
The plan for the night was meatballs@Ikea but we ended up at Sakae Sushi xD
Had my mochi and it was awesome! :D :D 
We still had time so we went over to Ikea for the Daim cake xD 
 Somehow our first picture's always him looking at his phone -_-
Forever playing the game on his phone. pfft. 
Mybaby's sexy face ;)
Don't you  think we look alike in this photo ? xD
Food Process, the game he was playing. Lol. 
So far, I haven't beaten his score. 
Wait till I cut my nails & I'll catch up to it xD
So yeah, that's basically what happened last week. 
Malls, movies, booze and company <3
Enjoyed the week :)

Saturday's plans were unsuccessful. 
Left me kinda .... 
Went to have dinner with him sand the night ended with another movie. 
This time it was a movie that we both watched before. 
I personally prefer the older version :)
Next day came and went out for jogging & dim sum with the boy and the girls ! :D
Seriously couldn't wake up and YuenLing had to knock on my door LOL. 
Pig much ? xD
Decided to sleep in but then had to wake up in the end since Andrew wanted to go jog. 
He actually wanted to surprise me so yeah. Lol. 
Jogged for a while and went for dim sum! :D :D 
Fuhh, love dim sum. If only I can eat it every week! xD
Sunday was the last day of my so called freedom day. 
Parents came back from their long vacay :) 
It wasn't so bad after all, I learnt to cook and be more responsible in terms of  making sure the house had enough food and all. 
Heh, had dinner at The Ship :D 
Minute steak with black pepper sauce. 
Mmmmm, yum yum xD 
Eating steak reminded me of the steak I made for Andrew. Heee :)
The next time round, I will be cooking for my family & I'm definitely gonna marinate it in another sauce cause I don't really like the vinegar-ish taste. Lol. 

This week, nothing much went on. 
Went for Han's birthday party at Ploy :)
Not gonna mention what Andrew & I bought him LOL. 
The food there was awesome! 
Baby squid xD Yum Yum, sotong craving finally satisfied! :D 
The rest of the night were filled with picture taking sessions and doing nonsensical stuff xD
The so called playboy shot LOL.
Sneaking me some kisses now and then <3
Been best friends since high school <3 
Our silly yet cute little ideas of poses ;)
Checkout our "bossy" faces.
Out of all of us, Erina's the friendliest boss around & YuenLing's the fiercest xD
Was trying to carry YuenLing xD 
She also tried to carry me LOL.
HAHA then Yen came into the picture and she was our victim since Yuen & I both were wearing skirt. 
Ngek ngek. 
Grabbed her hand and leg and swung her xD 
The night ended well, everybody was happy :)
The last moments of the night were spent with my boy in Starbucks :)
Caramel Chocolate Cake & A Dark Mocha Frap :)
Wad totally not ready for the camera. Hence, the weird facial expression. Lol.
He was sleepy & tired, it's been a full day for him. Lol.
I like the way he fool around with the camera :)
The intensity of the kiss can almost be seen with the naked eye via his facial expression ;)

Now the dream :) 
I dreamt that the world was ending like right in front of my eye. 
I was at the gym waiting for my baby I think. 
Then everyone was basically tryna get food for survival cause everyone was fleeing. 
Everything was chaotic, no more cashiers and stuff cause everyone only cared about their own welfare. 
In my dream, not even the government was doing anything about helping the people. 
It was every man for himself. 
The government already left, and in my dream, they left in this big tank, almost like the one in 2012. 
My boy had a phone and we were all gonna split up to get food.
I didn't wanna be away from him so i tried convincing him but didn't work in the end. 
Then true enough, he couldn't find me after that. Thank God my friend saw him and led me to him. 
HAHA he was at the vege area taking vege LOLOL. 
Vege fan. 
Have no idea what happened after that cause I woke up LOL. 
Weird huh ? 

Fuhhh, such a long post, I shall stop now. 
Ciao! :)

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